Aspose::Cells::Ods::OdsPageBackground class

OdsPageBackground class

Represents the page background of ods.

class OdsPageBackground


GetColor()Gets and sets the color of background.
GetGraphicData()Gets and sets the graphic data.
GetGraphicPositionType()Gets and set the background graphic position.
GetGraphicType()Gets and sets the page background graphic type.
GetLinkedGraphic()Gets and sets the linked graphic path.
GetType()Gets and sets the page background type.
IsLink()Indicates whether it’s a linked graphic.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
OdsPageBackground()Default constructor.
OdsPageBackground(OdsPageBackground_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
OdsPageBackground(const OdsPageBackground& src)Copy constructor.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const OdsPageBackground& src)operator=
SetColor(const Aspose::Cells::Color& value)Gets and sets the color of background.
SetGraphicData(const Vector <uint8_t>& value)Gets and sets the graphic data.
SetGraphicPositionType(OdsPageBackgroundGraphicPositionType value)Gets and set the background graphic position.
SetGraphicType(OdsPageBackgroundGraphicType value)Gets and sets the page background graphic type.
SetLinkedGraphic(const U16String& value)Gets and sets the linked graphic path.
SetLinkedGraphic(const char16_t* value)Gets and sets the linked graphic path.
SetType(OdsPageBackgroundType value)Gets and sets the page background type.


_implThe implementation object.

See Also