Aspose::Cells::Pivot::PivotFilter class

PivotFilter class

Represents a PivotFilter in PivotFilter Collection.

class PivotFilter


GetAutoFilter()Gets the autofilter of the pivot filter.
GetEvaluationOrder()Gets the Evaluation Order of the pivot filter.
GetFieldIndex()Gets the field index of the pivot filter.
GetFilterType()Gets the autofilter type of the pivot filter.
GetMeasureFldIndex()Gets the measure field index of the pivot filter.
GetMemberPropertyFieldIndex()Gets the member property field index of the pivot filter.
GetName()Gets the name of the pivot filter.
GetValue1()Gets the string value1 of the label pivot filter.
GetValue2()Gets the string value2 of the label pivot filter.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const PivotFilter& src)operator=
PivotFilter(PivotFilter_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
PivotFilter(const PivotFilter& src)Copy constructor.
SetEvaluationOrder(int32_t value)Gets the Evaluation Order of the pivot filter.
SetMeasureFldIndex(int32_t value)Gets the measure field index of the pivot filter.
SetMemberPropertyFieldIndex(int32_t value)Gets the member property field index of the pivot filter.
SetName(const U16String& value)Gets the name of the pivot filter.
SetName(const char16_t* value)Gets the name of the pivot filter.
SetValue1(const U16String& value)Gets the string value1 of the label pivot filter.
SetValue1(const char16_t* value)Gets the string value1 of the label pivot filter.
SetValue2(const U16String& value)Gets the string value2 of the label pivot filter.
SetValue2(const char16_t* value)Gets the string value2 of the label pivot filter.


_implThe implementation object.


Workbook book;
Worksheet sheet = book.GetWorksheets().Get(0);
Cells cells = sheet.GetCells();
cells.Get(0, 0).PutValue(u"fruit");
cells.Get(1, 0).PutValue(u"grape");
cells.Get(2, 0).PutValue(u"blueberry");
cells.Get(3, 0).PutValue(u"kiwi");
cells.Get(4, 0).PutValue(u"cherry");
cells.Get(5, 0).PutValue(u"grape");
cells.Get(6, 0).PutValue(u"blueberry");
cells.Get(7, 0).PutValue(u"kiwi");
cells.Get(8, 0).PutValue(u"cherry");

cells.Get(0, 1).PutValue(u"year");
cells.Get(1, 1).PutValue(2020);
cells.Get(2, 1).PutValue(2020);
cells.Get(3, 1).PutValue(2020);
cells.Get(4, 1).PutValue(2020);
cells.Get(5, 1).PutValue(2021);
cells.Get(6, 1).PutValue(2021);
cells.Get(7, 1).PutValue(2021);
cells.Get(8, 1).PutValue(2021);

cells.Get(0, 2).PutValue(u"amount");
cells.Get(1, 2).PutValue(50);
cells.Get(2, 2).PutValue(60);
cells.Get(3, 2).PutValue(70);
cells.Get(4, 2).PutValue(80);
cells.Get(5, 2).PutValue(90);
cells.Get(6, 2).PutValue(100);
cells.Get(7, 2).PutValue(110);
cells.Get(8, 2).PutValue(120);

PivotTableCollection pivots = sheet.GetPivotTables();

int pivotIndex = pivots.Add(u"=Sheet1!A1:C9", u"A12", u"TestPivotTable");
PivotTable pivot = pivots.Get(pivotIndex);
pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::Row, u"fruit");
pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::Column, u"year");
pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::Data, u"amount");


//Add PivotFilter
int index = pivot.GetPivotFilters().Add(0, PivotFilterType::Count);
PivotFilter filter = pivot.GetPivotFilters().Get(index);
filter.GetAutoFilter().FilterTop10(0, false, false, 2);




See Also