Aspose::Cells::Tables::ListObject::PutCellValue method

ListObject::PutCellValue(int32_t, int32_t, const Aspose::Cells::Object&) method

Put the value to the cell.

void Aspose::Cells::Tables::ListObject::PutCellValue(int32_t rowOffset, int32_t columnOffset, const Aspose::Cells::Object &value)
rowOffsetint32_tThe row offset in the table.
columnOffsetint32_tThe column offset in the table.
valueconst Aspose::Cells::Object&The cell value.

See Also

ListObject::PutCellValue(int32_t, int32_t, const Aspose::Cells::Object&, bool) method

Put the value to the cell.

void Aspose::Cells::Tables::ListObject::PutCellValue(int32_t rowOffset, int32_t columnOffset, const Aspose::Cells::Object &value, bool isTotalsRowLabel)
rowOffsetint32_tThe row offset in the table.
columnOffsetint32_tThe column offset in the table.
valueconst Aspose::Cells::Object&The cell value.
isTotalsRowLabelboolIndicates whether it is a label for total row,only works for total row. If False and this row is total row, a new row will be inserted.

See Also