Aspose::Cells::Cell::GetPrecedents method

Cell::GetPrecedents method

Gets all references appearing in this cell’s formula.

ReferredAreaCollection Aspose::Cells::Cell::GetPrecedents()


Collection of all references appearing in this cell’s formula.


  • Returns null if this is not a formula cell.
  • All references appearing in this cell’s formula will be returned no matter they are referenced or not while calculating. For example, although cell A2 in formula “=IF(TRUE,A1,A2)” is not used while calculating, it is still taken as the formula’s precedents.
  • To get those references which influence the calculation only, please use GetPrecedentsInCalculation().


Workbook workbook;
Cells cells = workbook.GetWorksheets().Get(0).GetCells();
ReferredAreaCollection areas = cells.Get(u"A1").GetPrecedents();
for (int i = 0; i < areas.GetCount(); i++)
    ReferredArea area = areas.Get(i);
    U16String stringBuilder = "";
    if (area.IsExternalLink())
        stringBuilder += u"[";
        stringBuilder += area.GetExternalFileName();
        stringBuilder += u"]";
    stringBuilder += area.GetSheetName();
    stringBuilder += u"!";
    stringBuilder += CellsHelper::CellIndexToName(area.GetStartRow(), area.GetStartColumn());
    if (area.IsArea())
        stringBuilder += u":";
        stringBuilder += CellsHelper::CellIndexToName(area.GetEndRow(), area.GetEndColumn());

    std::cout << stringBuilder.ToUtf8() << std::endl;

See Also