Aspose::Cells::Cells::GetDependentsInCalculation method

Cells::GetDependentsInCalculation method

Gets all cells whose calculated result depends on specific cell.

Enumerator<Cell> Aspose::Cells::Cells::GetDependentsInCalculation(int32_t row, int32_t column, bool recursive)
rowint32_tRow index of the specific cell
columnint32_tColumn index of the specific cell.
recursiveboolWhether returns those dependents which do not reference to the specific cell directly but reference to other leafs of that cell.


Enumerator to enumerate all dependents(Cell objects)


To use this method, please make sure the workbook has been set with true value for FormulaSettings.EnableCalculationChain and has been fully calculated with this setting. If there is no formula reference to this cell, null will be returned. For more details and example, please see Cell.GetDependentsInCalculation(bool)

See Also