Aspose::Cells::Cells::InsertRange method

Cells::InsertRange(const CellArea&, int32_t, ShiftType, bool) method

Inserts a range of cells and shift cells according to the shift option.

void Aspose::Cells::Cells::InsertRange(const CellArea &area, int32_t shiftNumber, ShiftType shiftType, bool updateReference)
areaconst CellArea&Shift area.
shiftNumberint32_tNumber of rows or columns to be inserted.
shiftTypeShiftTypeShift cells option.
updateReferenceboolIndicates whether update references in other worksheets.

See Also

Cells::InsertRange(const CellArea&, ShiftType) method

Inserts a range of cells and shift cells according to the shift option.

void Aspose::Cells::Cells::InsertRange(const CellArea &area, ShiftType shiftType)
areaconst CellArea&Shift area.
shiftTypeShiftTypeShift cells option.

See Also

Cells::InsertRange(const CellArea&, int32_t, ShiftType) method

Inserts a range of cells and shift cells according to the shift option.

void Aspose::Cells::Cells::InsertRange(const CellArea &area, int32_t shiftNumber, ShiftType shiftType)
areaconst CellArea&Shift area.
shiftNumberint32_tNumber of rows or columns to be inserted.
shiftTypeShiftTypeShift cells option.

See Also