Aspose::Cells::Cells::Subtotal method

Cells::Subtotal(const CellArea&, int32_t, ConsolidationFunction, const Vector <int32_t>&) method

Creates subtotals for the range.

void Aspose::Cells::Cells::Subtotal(const CellArea &ca, int32_t groupBy, ConsolidationFunction function, const Vector<int32_t> &totalList)
caconst CellArea&The range
groupByint32_tThe field to group by, as a zero-based integer offset
functionConsolidationFunctionThe subtotal function.
totalListconst Vector <int32_t>&An array of zero-based field offsets, indicating the fields to which the subtotals are added.

See Also

Cells::Subtotal(const CellArea&, int32_t, ConsolidationFunction, const Vector <int32_t>&, bool, bool, bool) method

Creates subtotals for the range.

void Aspose::Cells::Cells::Subtotal(const CellArea &ca, int32_t groupBy, ConsolidationFunction function, const Vector<int32_t> &totalList, bool replace, bool pageBreaks, bool summaryBelowData)
caconst CellArea&The range
groupByint32_tThe field to group by, as a zero-based integer offset
functionConsolidationFunctionThe subtotal function.
totalListconst Vector <int32_t>&An array of zero-based field offsets, indicating the fields to which the subtotals are added.
replaceboolIndicates whether replace the current subtotals
pageBreaksboolIndicates whether add page break between groups
summaryBelowDataboolIndicates whether add summary below data.

See Also