Aspose::Cells::ExternalLinkCollection::Clear method

ExternalLinkCollection::Clear() method

Removes all external links.

void Aspose::Cells::ExternalLinkCollection::Clear()


When removing external links, all formulas that reference to them will be removed too because the references become invalid.

See Also

ExternalLinkCollection::Clear(bool) method

Removes all external links.

void Aspose::Cells::ExternalLinkCollection::Clear(bool updateReferencesAsLocal)
updateReferencesAsLocalboolWhether update all references of external links in formulas to references of current workbook itself.


If references are required to be updated, those references of external links in formulas will be changed to current workbook when it is possible. For example, one cell’s original formula is “=‘externalsource.xlam’!customfunction()”, after removing external links, the formula will become “=customfunction()”; When the original formula is “=’[externalsource.xlam]Sheet1’!$A$1”, according to whether there is one sheet with name “Sheet1” in current workbook: if true, the formula will become “=Sheet1!$A$1”; if false, the formula will become “=#REF!$A$1”.

If references are not required to be updated, all formulas with references to external links will be removed too because those references become invalid.

See Also