Aspose::Cells::FormatCondition::GetFormula2 method

FormatCondition::GetFormula2(bool, bool) method

Gets the value or expression associated with this format condition.

U16String Aspose::Cells::FormatCondition::GetFormula2(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal)
isR1C1boolWhether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.
isLocalboolWhether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.


The value or expression associated with this format condition.

See Also

FormatCondition::GetFormula2(bool, bool, int32_t, int32_t) method

Gets the value or expression of the conditional formatting of the cell.

U16String Aspose::Cells::FormatCondition::GetFormula2(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal, int32_t row, int32_t column)
isR1C1boolWhether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.
isLocalboolWhether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.
rowint32_tThe row index.
columnint32_tThe column index.


The value or expression associated with the conditional formatting of the cell.


The given cell must be contained by this conditional formatting, otherwise null will be returned.

See Also

FormatCondition::GetFormula2() method

Gets and sets the value or expression associated with conditional formatting.

U16String Aspose::Cells::FormatCondition::GetFormula2()


Please add all areas before setting formula. For setting formula for this condition, if the input value starts with ‘=’, then it will be taken as formula. Otherwise it will be taken as plain value(text, number, bool). For text value that starts with ‘=’, user may input it as formula in format: “="=…"”.

See Also

FormatCondition::GetFormula2(int32_t, int32_t) method

Gets the formula of the conditional formatting of the cell.

U16String Aspose::Cells::FormatCondition::GetFormula2(int32_t row, int32_t column)
rowint32_tThe row index.
columnint32_tThe column index.


The formula.

See Also