Aspose::Cells::SettableGlobalizationSettings::GetStandardBuiltInName method

SettableGlobalizationSettings::GetStandardBuiltInName(const U16String&) method

Gets the standard text of built-in Name according to given locale dependent text.

U16String Aspose::Cells::SettableGlobalizationSettings::GetStandardBuiltInName(const U16String &localName)
localNameconst U16String&Locale dependent text of built-in Name. The locale was specified by the Workbook for which this settings is used.


Standard(en-US locale) text.

See Also

SettableGlobalizationSettings::GetStandardBuiltInName(const char16_t*) method

Gets the standard text of built-in Name according to given locale dependent text.

U16String Aspose::Cells::SettableGlobalizationSettings::GetStandardBuiltInName(const char16_t *localName)
localNameconst char16_t*Locale dependent text of built-in Name. The locale was specified by the Workbook for which this settings is used.


Standard(en-US locale) text.

See Also