Aspose::Cells::Validation class

Validation class

Represents data validation.settings.

class Validation


AddArea(const CellArea& cellArea)Applies the validation to the area.
AddArea(const CellArea& cellArea, bool checkIntersection, bool checkEdge)Applies the validation to the area.
AddAreas(const Vector <CellArea>& areas, bool checkIntersection, bool checkEdge)Applies the validation to given areas.
Copy(const Validation& source, const CopyOptions& copyOption)Copy validation.
GetAlertStyle()Represents the validation alert style.
GetAreas()Gets all CellArea which contain the data validation settings.
GetErrorMessage()Represents the data validation error message.
GetErrorTitle()Represents the title of the data-validation error dialog box.
GetFormula1(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal)Gets the value or expression associated with this validation.
GetFormula1(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal, int32_t row, int32_t column)Gets the value or expression associated with this validation for specific cell.
GetFormula1()Represents the value or expression associated with the data validation.
GetFormula2(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal)Gets the value or expression associated with this validation.
GetFormula2(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal, int32_t row, int32_t column)Gets the value or expression associated with this validation for specific cell.
GetFormula2()Represents the value or expression associated with the data validation.
GetIgnoreBlank()Indicates whether blank values are permitted by the range data validation.
GetInCellDropDown()Indicates whether data validation displays a drop-down list that contains acceptable values.
GetInputMessage()Represents the data validation input message.
GetInputTitle()Represents the title of the data-validation input dialog box.
GetOperator()Represents the operator for the data validation.
GetShowError()Indicates whether the data validation error message will be displayed whenever the user enters invalid data.
GetShowInput()Indicates whether the data validation input message will be displayed whenever the user selects a cell in the data validation range.
GetType()Represents the data validation type.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const Validation& src)operator=
RemoveACell(int32_t row, int32_t column)Remove the validation settings in the cell.
RemoveArea(const CellArea& cellArea)Remove the validation settings in the range.
RemoveAreas(const Vector <CellArea>& areas)Removes this validation from given areas.
SetAlertStyle(ValidationAlertType value)Represents the validation alert style.
SetErrorMessage(const U16String& value)Represents the data validation error message.
SetErrorMessage(const char16_t* value)Represents the data validation error message.
SetErrorTitle(const U16String& value)Represents the title of the data-validation error dialog box.
SetErrorTitle(const char16_t* value)Represents the title of the data-validation error dialog box.
SetFormula1(const U16String& formula, bool isR1C1, bool isLocal)Sets the value or expression associated with this validation.
SetFormula1(const char16_t* formula, bool isR1C1, bool isLocal)Sets the value or expression associated with this validation.
SetFormula1(const U16String& value)Represents the value or expression associated with the data validation.
SetFormula1(const char16_t* value)Represents the value or expression associated with the data validation.
SetFormula2(const U16String& formula, bool isR1C1, bool isLocal)Sets the value or expression associated with this validation.
SetFormula2(const char16_t* formula, bool isR1C1, bool isLocal)Sets the value or expression associated with this validation.
SetFormula2(const U16String& value)Represents the value or expression associated with the data validation.
SetFormula2(const char16_t* value)Represents the value or expression associated with the data validation.
SetIgnoreBlank(bool value)Indicates whether blank values are permitted by the range data validation.
SetInCellDropDown(bool value)Indicates whether data validation displays a drop-down list that contains acceptable values.
SetInputMessage(const U16String& value)Represents the data validation input message.
SetInputMessage(const char16_t* value)Represents the data validation input message.
SetInputTitle(const U16String& value)Represents the title of the data-validation input dialog box.
SetInputTitle(const char16_t* value)Represents the title of the data-validation input dialog box.
SetOperator(OperatorType value)Represents the operator for the data validation.
SetShowError(bool value)Indicates whether the data validation error message will be displayed whenever the user enters invalid data.
SetShowInput(bool value)Indicates whether the data validation input message will be displayed whenever the user selects a cell in the data validation range.
SetType(ValidationType value)Represents the data validation type.
Validation(Validation_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
Validation(const Validation& src)Copy constructor.


_implThe implementation object.


Workbook workbook;
ValidationCollection validations = workbook.GetWorksheets().Get(0).GetValidations();
CellArea area = CellArea::CreateCellArea(0, 0, 1, 1);
Validation validation = validations.Get(validations.Add(area));


See Also