NotPrimitive | |
Rectangle | |
RoundedRectangle | |
Oval | |
Diamond | |
IsoscelesTriangle | |
RightTriangle | |
Parallelogram | |
Trapezoid | |
Hexagon | |
Octagon | |
Cross | |
Star5 | |
RightArrow | |
HomePlate | |
Cube | |
Balloon | |
Seal | |
Arc | |
Line | |
Plaque | |
Can | |
Donut | |
TextSimple | |
TextOctagon | |
TextHexagon | |
TextCurve | |
TextWave | |
TextRing | |
TextOnCurve | |
msosptTextOnRing | |
StraightConnector | |
BentConnector2 | |
ElbowConnector | |
BentConnector4 | |
BentConnector5 | |
CurvedConnector2 | |
CurvedConnector | |
CurvedConnector4 | |
CurvedConnector5 | |
LineCalloutNoBorder2 | |
LineCalloutNoBorder3 | |
LineCalloutNoBorder4 | |
LineCalloutWithAccentBar2 | |
LineCalloutWithAccentBar3 | |
LineCalloutWithAccentBar4 | |
LineCalloutWithBorder2 | |
LineCalloutWithBorder3 | |
LineCalloutWithBorder4 | |
LineCalloutWithBorderAndAccentBar2 | |
LineCalloutWithBorderAndAccentBar3 | |
LineCalloutWithBorderAndAccentBar4 | |
DownRibbon | |
UpRibbon | |
Chevron | |
RegularPentagon | |
NoSymbol | |
Star8 | |
Star16 | |
Star32 | |
RectangularCallout | |
RoundedRectangularCallout | |
OvalCallout | |
Wave | |
FoldedCorner | |
LeftArrow | |
DownArrow | |
UpArrow | |
LeftRightArrow | |
UpDownArrow | |
Explosion1 | |
Explosion2 | |
LightningBolt | |
Heart | |
PictureFrame | |
QuadArrow | |
LeftArrowCallout | |
RightArrowCallout | |
UpArrowCallout | |
DownArrowCallout | |
LeftRightArrowCallout | |
UpDownArrowCallout | |
QuadArrowCallout | |
Bevel | |
LeftBracket | |
RightBracket | |
LeftBrace | |
RightBrace | |
LeftUpArrow | |
BentUpArrow | |
BentArrow | |
Star24 | |
StripedRightArrow | |
NotchedRightArrow | |
BlockArc | |
SmileyFace | |
VerticalScroll | |
HorizontalScroll | |
CircularArrow | |
NotchedCircularArrow | A value that SHOULD NOT be used. |
UTurnArrow | |
CurvedRightArrow | |
CurvedLeftArrow | |
CurvedUpArrow | |
CurvedDownArrow | |
CloudCallout | |
CurvedDownRibbon | |
CurvedUpRibbon | |
FlowChartProcess | |
FlowChartDecision | |
FlowChartData | |
FlowChartPredefinedProcess | |
FlowChartInternalStorage | |
FlowChartDocument | |
FlowChartMultidocument | |
FlowChartTerminator | |
FlowChartPreparation | |
FlowChartManualInput | |
FlowChartManualOperation | |
FlowChartConnector | |
FlowChartCard | |
FlowChartPunchedTape | |
FlowChartSummingJunction | |
FlowChartOr | |
FlowChartCollate | |
FlowChartSort | |
FlowChartExtract | |
FlowChartMerge | |
FlowChartOfflineStorage | |
FlowChartStoredData | |
FlowChartSequentialAccessStorage | |
FlowChartMagneticDisk | |
FlowChartDirectAccessStorage | |
FlowChartDisplay | |
FlowChartDelay | |
TextPlainText | A plain text shape. |
TextStop | An octagonal text shape. |
TextTriangle | A triangular text shape pointing upwards. |
TextTriangleInverted | A triangular text shape pointing downwards. |
TextChevron | A chevron text shape pointing upwards. |
TextChevronInverted | A chevron text shape pointing downwards. |
TextRingInside | A circular text shape, as if reading an inscription on the inside of a ring. |
TextRingOutside | A circular text shape, as if reading an inscription on the outside of a ring. |
TextArchUpCurve | An upward arching curved text shape. |
TextArchDownCurve | A downward arching curved text shape. |
TextCircleCurve | A circular text shape. |
TextButtonCurve | A text shape that resembles a button. |
TextArchUpPour | An upward arching text shape. |
TextArchDownPour | A downward arching text shape. |
TextCirclePour | A circular text shape. |
TextButtonPour | A text shape that resembles a button. |
TextCurveUp | An upward curving text shape. |
TextCurveDown | A downward curving text shape. |
TextCascadeUp | A cascading text shape pointed upwards. |
TextCascadeDown | A cascading text shape pointed downwards. |
TextWave1 | A wavy text shape. |
TextWave2 | A wavy text shape. |
TextDoubleWave1 | A wavy text shape. |
TextDoubleWave2 | A wavy text shape. |
TextInflate | A text shape that expands vertically in the middle. |
TextDeflate | A text shape that shrinks vertically in the middle. |
TextInflateBottom | A text shape that expands downward in the middle. |
TextDeflateBottom | A text shape that shrinks upwards in the middle. |
TextInflateTop | A text shape that expands upward in the middle. |
TextDeflateTop | A text shape that shrinks downward in the middle. |
TextDeflateInflate | A text shape where lower lines expand upward. Upper lines shrink to compensate. |
TextDeflateInflateDeflate | A text shape where lines in the center expand vertically. Upper and lower lines shrink to compensate. |
TextFadeRight | A text shape that shrinks vertically on the right side. |
TextFadeLeft | A text shape that shrinks vertically on the left side. |
TextFadeUp | A text shape that shrinks horizontally on top. |
TextFadeDown | A text shape that shrinks horizontally on bottom. |
TextSlantUp | An upward slanted text shape. |
TextSlantDown | A downward slanted text shape. |
TextCanUp | A text shape that is curved upwards as if being read on the side of a can. |
TextCanDown | A text shape that is curved downwards as if being read on the side of a can. |
FlowChartAlternateProcess | |
FlowChartOffpageConnector | |
LineCalloutNoBorder1 | |
LineCalloutWithAccentBar1 | |
LineCalloutWithBorder1 | |
LineCalloutWithBorderAndAccentBar1 | |
LeftRightUpArrow | |
Sun | |
Moon | |
DoubleBracket | A shape enclosed in brackets. |
DoubleBrace | A shape enclosed in braces. |
Star4 | |
DoubleWave | |
BlankActionButton | |
HomeActionButton | |
HelpActionButton | |
InformationActionButton | |
ForwardNextActionButton | |
BackPreviousActionButton | |
EndActionButton | |
BeginningActionButton | |
ReturnActionButton | |
DocumentActionButton | |
SoundActionButton | |
MovieActionButton | |
HostControl | This value SHOULD NOT be used. |
TextBox | |
Heptagon | |
Decagon | |
Dodecagon | |
Star6 | |
Star7 | |
Star10 | |
Star12 | |
RoundSingleCornerRectangle | |
RoundSameSideCornerRectangle | |
RoundDiagonalCornerRectangle | |
SnipRoundSingleCornerRectangle | |
SnipSingleCornerRectangle | |
SnipSameSideCornerRectangle | |
SnipDiagonalCornerRectangle | |
Teardrop | |
Pie | |
HalfFrame | |
L_Shape | |
DiagonalStripe | |
Chord | |
Cloud | |
MathPlus | |
MathMinus | |
MathMultiply | |
MathDivide | |
MathEqual | |
MathNotEqual | |
LineInv | |
NonIsoscelesTrapezoid | |
PieWedge | |
LeftCircularArrow | |
LeftRightCircularArrow | |
SwooshArrow | |
LeftRightRibbon | |
TextNoShape | |
Gear6 | |
Gear9 | |
Funnel | |
CornerTabs | |
SquareTabs | |
PlaqueTabs | |
ChartX | |
ChartStar | |
ChartPlus | |
Frame | |
Model3D | |
RoundCallout | There is no such type in Excel |
TextArchLeftPour | There is no such type in Excel |
TextArchRightPour | There is no such type in Excel |
TextArchLeftCurve | There is no such type in Excel |
TextArchRightCurve | There is no such type in Excel |
Unknown | |