LoadDataFilterOptions Enum

LoadDataFilterOptions Enum

Represents the options to filter data when loading workbook from template.

type LoadDataFilterOptions int32


AllLoad all
CellBlankLoad cells whose value is blank
CellStringLoad cells whose value is string
CellNumericLoad cells whose value is numeric(including datetime)
CellErrorLoad cells whose value is error
CellBoolLoad cells whose value is bool
CellValueLoad cells value(all value types) only
FormulaLoad cell formulas.
CellDataLoad cells data including values, formulas and formatting
ChartLoad charts
DrawingDrawing objects(including Chart, Picture, OleObject and all other drawing objects)
MergedAreaLoad merged cells
ConditionalFormattingLoad conditional formatting
DataValidationLoad data validations
PivotTableLoad pivot tables
TableLoad tables
HyperlinksLoad hyperlinks
SheetSettingsLoad settings for worksheet
SheetDataLoad all data of worksheet, such as cells data, settings, objects, …etc.
BookSettingsLoad settings for workbook
SettingsLoad settings for workbook and worksheet
XmlMapLoad XmlMap
StructureLoad structure of the workbook
Document_PropertiesLoad document properties
DefinedNamesLoad defined Name objects
VBALoad VBA projects
StyleLoad styles for cell formatting
PictureLoad pictures
OleObjectLoad OleObjects
RevisionLoad revision logs