TimePeriodType Enum

TimePeriodType Enum

Used in a FormatConditionType.TimePeriod conditional formatting rule.These are dynamic time periods, which change based onthe date the conditional formatting is refreshed / applied.

type TimePeriodType int32


TodayToday’s date.
YesterdayYesterday’s date.
TomorrowTomorrow’s date.
Last7DaysA date in the last seven days.
ThisMonthA date occurring in this calendar month.
LastMonthA date occurring in the last calendar month.
NextMonthA date occurring in the next calendar month.
ThisWeekA date occurring this week.
LastWeekA date occurring last week.
NextWeekA date occurring next week.
ThisYearA date occurring this year.Only for .ods.
LastYearA date occurring last year.Only for .ods.
NextYearA date occurring next year.Only for .ods.