Walls Class

Walls class

Encapsulates the object that represents the walls of a 3-D chart.

type Walls struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewWallsConstructs from a parent object.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetCenterXGets the x coordinate of the left-bottom corner of Wall center in units of 1/4000 of chart’s width after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetCenterYGets the y coordinate of the left-bottom corner of Wall center in units of 1/4000 of chart’s height after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetWidthGets the width of left to right in units of 1/4000 of chart’s width after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetDepthGets the depth front to back in units of 1/4000 of chart’s width after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetHeightGets the height of top to bottom in units of 1/4000 of chart’s height after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetCenterXPxGets the x coordinate of the left-bottom corner of Wall center in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetCenterYPxGets the y coordinate of the left-bottom corner of Wall center in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetWidthPxGets the width of left to right in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetDepthPxGets the depth front to back in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetHeightPxGets the height of top to bottom in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetCubePointCountGets the number of cube points after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetCubePointXPxGets x-coordinate of the apex point of walls cube after calls Chart.Calculate() method.The number of apex points of walls cube is eight
GetCubePointYPxGets y-coordinate of the apex point of walls cube after calls Chart.Calculate() method.The number of apex points of walls cube is eight.
GetBorderGets or sets the border .
SetBorderGets or sets the border .