]Provides core apis and features to manipulate spreadsheet files and data directly without utilizing Microsoft Excel.
Class | Description |
AboveAverage | Describe the AboveAverage conditional formatting rule. |
AbstractCalculationEngine | Represents user’s custom calculation engine to extend the default calculation engine of Aspose.Cells. |
AbstractCalculationMonitor | Monitor for user to track the progress of formula calculation. |
AbstractFormulaChangeMonitor | Monitor for user to track the change of formulas during certain operations. |
AbstractGlobalizationSettings | Represents the globalization settings. |
AbstractInterruptMonitor | Monitor for interruption requests in all time-consuming operations. |
AbstractTextLoadOptions | Common options for loading text values |
AccentEquationNode | This class specifies an accent equation, consisting of a base component and a combining diacritic. |
AccessCacheOptions | Cache options for data access. |
ActiveXControl | Represents the ActiveX control. |
ActiveXControlBase | Represents the ActiveX control. |
ActiveXPersistenceType | Represents the persistence method to persist an ActiveX control. |
AdjustFontSizeForRowType | Represents which kind of rows should be ajusted. |
AdvancedFilter | Represents the settings of advanced filter. |
ArcShape | Represents the arc shape. |
Area | Encapsulates the object that represents an area format. |
ArrayEquationNode | Specifies the Equation-Array function, an object consisting of one or more equations. |
AutoFillType | Represents the auto fill type. |
AutoFilter | Represents autofiltering for the specified worksheet. |
AutoFitMergedCellsType | Represents the type of auto fitting merged cells. |
AutoFitWrappedTextType | Represents the type of auto fitting wrapped text. |
AutoFitterOptions | Represents all auto fitter options. |
AutoNumberedBulletValue | Represents automatic numbered bullet. |
AutoShapeType | Represents all built-in auto shape type. |
AutomaticFill | represents automatic fill. |
Axis | Encapsulates the object that represents an axis of chart. |
AxisBins | Represents axis bins |
AxisType | Represents the axis type. |
BackgroundMode | Represents the display mode of the background. |
BackgroundType | Enumerates cell background pattern types. |
Bar3DShapeType | Represents the shape used with the 3-D bar or column chart. |
BarEquationNode | This class specifies the bar equation, consisting of a base argument and an overbar or underbar. |
BaseShapeGuide | Represents the shape guide. |
Bevel | Represents a bevel of a shape |
BevelPresetType | Represents a preset for a type of bevel which can be applied to a shape in 3D. |
BevelType | Represents a preset for a type of bevel which can be applied to a shape in 3D. |
Border | Encapsulates the object that represents the cell border. |
BorderBoxEquationNode | This class specifies the Border Box function, consisting of a border drawn around an equation. |
BorderCollection | Encapsulates a collection of Border objects. |
BorderType | Enumerates the border line and diagonal line types. |
BoxEquationNode | This class specifies the box function, which is used to group components of an equation. |
BubbleSizeRepresents | Represents what the bubble size represents on a bubble chart. |
BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection | A collection of built-in document properties. |
BuiltinStyleType | Represents all built-in style types. |
Bullet | Represents the bullet points should be applied to a paragraph. |
BulletType | Represents the type of the bullet. |
BulletValue | Represents the value of the bullet. |
Button | Represents the Forms control: Button |
CalcModeType | Represents the mode type of calculating formulas. |
CalculationCell | Represents the calculation relevant data about one cell which is being calculated. |
CalculationData | Represents the required data when calculating one function, such as function name, parameters, …etc. |
CalculationOptions | Represents options for calculation. |
CalculationPrecisionStrategy | Enumerates strategies for handling calculation precision. |
CategoryType | Represents the category axis type. |
Cell | Encapsulates the object that represents a single Workbook cell. |
CellArea | Represent an area of cells. |
CellBorderType | Enumerates a cell’s border type. |
CellRichValue | Represents rich value of the cell. |
CellValue | Represents the cell value and corresponding type. |
CellValueFormatStrategy | Specifies how to apply style for the value of the cell. |
CellValueType | Specifies a cell value type. |
CellWatch | Represents Cell Watch Item in the ‘watch window’. |
CellWatchCollection | Represents the collection of cells on this worksheet being watched in the ‘watch window’. |
Cells | Encapsulates a collection of cell relevant objects, such as Cell, Row, …etc. |
CellsColor | Represents all types of color. |
CellsDataTableFactory | Utility to build ICellsDataTable from custom objects for user’s convenience. |
CellsDrawing | Represents the auto shape and drawing object. |
CellsException | The exception that is thrown when Aspose.Cells specified error occurs. |
CellsFactory | Utility for instantiating classes of Cells model. |
CellsHelper | Provides helper functions. |
CellsUnitType | Specifies the unit of measurement. |
CharacterBulletValue | Represents the character bullet. |
Chart | Encapsulates the object that represents a single Excel chart. |
ChartArea | Encapsulates the object that represents the chart area in the worksheet. |
ChartCalculateOptions | Represents the options for calculating chart. |
ChartCollection | Encapsulates a collection of Chart objects. |
ChartDataTable | Represents a chart data table. |
ChartFrame | Encapsulates the object that represents the frame object in a chart. |
ChartGlobalizationSettings | Represents the globalization settings for chart. |
ChartLineFormattingType | Represents line format type of chart line. |
ChartMarkerType | Represents the marker style in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart. |
ChartPoint | Represents a single point in a series in a chart. |
ChartPointCollection | Represents a collection that contains all the points in one series. |
ChartShape | Represents the shape of the chart. |
ChartSplitType | Represents the way the two sections of either a pie of pie chart or a bar of pie chart are split. |
ChartTextDirectionType | Represents the text direction type of the chart. |
ChartTextFrame | Encapsulates the object that represents the frame object which contains text. |
ChartType | Enumerates all chart types used in Excel. |
CheckBox | Represents a check box object in a worksheet. |
CheckBoxActiveXControl | Represents a CheckBox ActiveX control. |
CheckBoxCollection | Represents a collection of CheckBox objects in a worksheet. |
CheckValueType | Represents the check value type of the check box. |
CollectionBase | Provides the abstract base class for a strongly typed collection. |
Color | Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color. |
ColorDepth | Enumerates Bit Depth Type for tiff image. |
ColorFilter | Represents filtering the range by color. |
ColorHelper | Provides helper functions about color. |
ColorScale | Describe the ColorScale conditional formatting rule. |
ColorType | Represents all color type |
Column | Represents a single column in a worksheet. |
ColumnCollection | Collection of the Column objects that represent the individual column(setting)s in a worksheet. |
ComboBox | Represents the control form ComboBox. |
ComboBoxActiveXControl | Represents a ComboBox ActiveX control. |
CommandButtonActiveXControl | Represents a command button. |
Comment | Encapsulates the object that represents a cell comment. |
CommentCollection | Encapsulates a collection of Comment objects. |
CommentShape | Represents the shape of the comment. |
CommentTitleType | Represents comment title type while rendering when comment is set to display at end of sheet. |
ConditionalFormattingCollection | Encapsulates a collection of FormatCondition objects. |
ConditionalFormattingIcon | Represents the custom icon of conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingIconCollection | Represents a collection of ConditionalFormattingIcon objects. |
ConditionalFormattingResult | Represents the result of conditional formatting which applies to a cell. |
ConditionalFormattingValue | Describes the values of the interpolation points in a gradient scale, dataBar or iconSet. |
ConditionalFormattingValueCollection | Describes a collection of CFValueObject. |
ConnectionDataSourceType | Specifies external database source type |
ConnectionParameter | Specifies properties about any parameters used with external data connections Parameters are valid for ODBC and web queries. |
ConnectionParameterCollection | Specifies the ConnectionParameter collection |
ConnectionParameterType | Specifies the parameter type of external connection |
ConsolidationFunction | Represents consolidation function. |
ContentTypeProperty | Represents identifier information. |
ContentTypePropertyCollection | A collection of ContentTypeProperty objects that represent additional information. |
ControlBorderType | Represents the border type of the ActiveX control. |
ControlCaptionAlignmentType | Represents the position of the Caption relative to the control. |
ControlListStyle | Represents the visual appearance of the list in a ListBox or ComboBox. |
ControlMatchEntryType | Represents how a ListBox or ComboBox searches its list as the user types. |
ControlMousePointerType | Represents the type of icon displayed as the mouse pointer for the control. |
ControlPictureAlignmentType | Represents the alignment of the picture inside the Form or Image. |
ControlPicturePositionType | Represents the location of the control’s picture relative to its caption. |
ControlPictureSizeMode | Represents how to display the picture. |
ControlScrollBarType | Represents the type of scroll bar. |
ControlScrollOrientation | Represents type of scroll orientation |
ControlSpecialEffectType | Represents the type of special effect. |
ControlType | Represents all type of ActiveX control. |
ConversionUtility | Represents utility to convert files to other formats. |
CopyFormatType | Represents type of copying format when inserting rows. |
CopyOptions | Represents the copy options. |
CountryCode | Represents Excel country identifiers. |
CredentialsMethodType | Specifies Credentials method used for server access. |
CrossType | Represents the axis cross type. |
CustomDocumentPropertyCollection | A collection of custom document properties. |
CustomFilter | Represents the custom filter. |
CustomFilterCollection | Represents the custom filters. |
CustomFunctionDefinition | Definition of custom function for calculating with user’s custom engine. |
CustomGeometry | Represents a custom geometric shape. |
CustomImplementationFactory | Factory to create some instances which may be re-implemented by user for special purpose. |
CustomPiovtFieldGroupItem | Represents an item of custom grouped field. |
CustomProperty | Represents identifier information. |
CustomPropertyCollection | A collection of CustomProperty objects that represent additional information. |
CustomXmlPart | Represents a Custom XML Data Storage Part (custom XML data within a package). |
CustomXmlPartCollection | Represents a Custom XML Data Storage Part (custom XML data within a package). |
CustomXmlShape | Represents Custom xml shape ,such as Ink. |
DBConnection | Specifies all properties associated with an ODBC or OLE DB external data connection. |
DataBar | Describe the DataBar conditional formatting rule. |
DataBarAxisPosition | Specifies the axis position for a range of cells with conditional formatting as data bars. |
DataBarBorder | Represents the border of the data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule. |
DataBarBorderType | Specifies the border type of a data bar. |
DataBarFillType | Specifies how a data bar is filled with color. |
DataBarNegativeColorType | Specifies whether to use the same border and fill color as positive data bars. |
DataLabelShapeType | Specifies the preset shape geometry that is to be used for a chart. |
DataLabels | Encapsulates a collection of all the DataLabel objects for the specified Series. |
DataLabelsSeparatorType | Represents the separator type of DataLabels. |
DataMashup | Represents mashup data. |
DataModel | Represents the data model. |
DataModelConnection | Specifies a data model connection |
DataModelRelationship | Represents a single relationship in the spreadsheet data model. |
DataModelRelationshipCollection | Represents the relationships. |
DataModelTable | Represents properties of a single table in spreadsheet data model. |
DataModelTableCollection | Represents the list of the data model table. |
DataSorter | Summary description for DataSorter. |
DataSorterKey | Represents the key of the data sorter. |
DataSorterKeyCollection | Represents the key list of data sorter. |
DateTime | Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day. |
DateTimeGroupItem | Represents the datetime’s group setting. |
DateTimeGroupingType | Specifies how to group dateTime values. |
DefaultEditLanguage | Represents the default edit language. |
DefaultStyleSettings | Settings for the default values of workbook’s style properties. |
DeleteBlankOptions | Represents the setting of deleting blank cells/rows/columns. |
DeleteOptions | Represents the setting of deleting rows/columns. |
DelimiterEquationNode | This class specifies the delimiter equation, consisting of opening and closing delimiters (such as parentheses, braces, brackets, and vertical bars), and a component contained inside. |
DialogBox | Represents the dialog box. |
DifSaveOptions | Represents the options of saving dif file. |
DigitalSignature | Signature in file. |
DigitalSignatureCollection | Provides a collection of digital signatures attached to a document. |
DirectoryType | Represents the directory type of the file name. |
DisplayDrawingObjects | Represents whether and how to show objects in the workbook. |
DisplayUnitLabel | Represents the display unit label. |
DisplayUnitType | Represents the type of display unit of chart’s axis. |
DocumentProperty | Represents a custom or built-in document property. |
DocumentPropertyCollection | Base class for BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection and CustomDocumentPropertyCollection collections. |
DocxSaveOptions | Represents options of saving .docx file. |
DrawObject | DrawObject will be initialized and returned when rendering. |
DrawObjectEnum | Indicate Cell or Image of DrawObject. |
DrawObjectEventHandler | Interface to get DrawObject and Bound when rendering. |
DropBars | Represents the up/down bars in a chart. |
DropButtonStyle | Represents the symbol displayed on the drop button. |
DxfCollection | Represents the master differential formatting records. |
DynamicFilter | Represents the dynamic filter. |
DynamicFilterType | Dynamic filter type. |
EbookLoadOptions | Represents options when importing an ebook file. |
EbookSaveOptions | Represents the options for saving ebook file. |
EmfRenderSetting | Setting for rendering Emf metafile. |
Encoding | Represents a character encoding. |
EncryptionType | Encryption Type. |
EquationCharacterPositionType | Specifies the position of a particular subobject within its parent |
EquationCombiningCharacterType | Type of combining characters. |
EquationComponentNode | This class specifies the components of an equation or mathematical expression. |
EquationDelimiterShapeType | This specifies the shape of delimiters in the delimiter object. |
EquationFractionType | This specifies the display style of the fraction bar. |
EquationHorizontalJustificationType | This specifies the default horizontal justification of equations in the document. |
EquationLimitLocationType | Specifies the limit location on an operator. |
EquationMathematicalOperatorType | Mathematical Operators Type |
EquationNode | Abstract class for deriving other equation nodes. |
EquationNodeParagraph | This class specifies a mathematical paragraph containing one or more MathEquationNode(OMath) elements. |
EquationNodeType | Equation node type. |
EquationVerticalJustificationType | This specifies the default vertical justification of equations in the document. |
ErrorBar | Represents error bar of data series. |
ErrorBarDisplayType | Represents error bar display type. |
ErrorBarType | Represents error bar amount type. |
ErrorCellValueType | Represents a cell value which contains an error. |
ErrorCheckOption | Error check setting applied on certain ranges. |
ErrorCheckOptionCollection | Represents all error check option. |
ErrorCheckType | Represents all error check type. |
ExceptionType | Represents custom exception type code. |
ExportObjectEvent | The event triggered when exporting an object, such as Picture. |
ExportRangeToJsonOptions | Indicates the options that exporting range to json. |
ExportTableOptions | Represents all export table options. |
ExternalConnection | Specifies an external data connection |
ExternalConnectionClassType | Represents the type of connection |
ExternalConnectionCollection | Specifies the ExternalConnection collection |
ExternalLink | Represents an external link in a workbook. |
ExternalLinkCollection | Represents external links collection in a workbook. |
ExternalLinkType | Represents the type of external link. |
FileFontSource | Represents the single TrueType font file stored in the file system. |
FileFormatInfo | Contains data returned by FileFormatUtil file format detection methods. |
FileFormatType | Represents the file format types. |
FileFormatUtil | Provides utility methods for converting file format enums to strings or file extensions and back. |
Fill | Represents the fill format of the shape. |
FillFormat | Encapsulates the object that represents fill formatting for a shape. |
FillPattern | Enumerates shape fill pattern types. |
FillPictureType | Represents the picture fill type. |
FillType | Fill format type. |
FilterCategory | Represents the category of the filter. |
FilterColumn | Represents a filter for a single column. |
FilterColumnCollection | A collection of Filter objects that represents all the filters in an autofiltered range. |
FilterOperatorType | Custom Filter operator type. |
FilterType | The filter type. |
FindOptions | Represents find options. |
Floor | Encapsulates the object that represents the floor of a 3-D chart. |
FolderFontSource | Represents the folder that contains TrueType font files. |
Font | Encapsulates the font object used in a spreadsheet. |
FontConfigs | Specifies font settings |
FontSchemeType | Represents the scheme type of the font. |
FontSetting | Represents a range of characters within the cell text. |
FontSettingCollection | Represents the list of FontSetting. |
FontSourceBase | This is an abstract base class for the classes that allow the user to specify various font sources |
FontSourceType | Specifies the type of a font source. |
FontUnderlineType | Enumerates the font underline types. |
Format3D | This class specifies the 3D shape properties for a chart element or shape. |
FormatCondition | Represents conditional formatting condition. |
FormatConditionCollection | Represents conditional formatting. |
FormatConditionType | Conditional format rule type. |
FormatConditionValueType | Condition value type. |
FormatSetType | Fill format set type. |
FormattingType | Represents the type of formatting applied to an Area object or a Line object. |
FormulaParseOptions | Represents options when parsing formula. |
FormulaSettings | Settings of formulas and calculation. |
FractionEquationNode | This class specifies the fraction equation, consisting of a numerator and denominator separated by a fraction bar. |
FunctionEquationNode | This class specifies the Function-Apply equation, which consists of a function name and an argument acted upon. |
Geometry | Represents a geometric shape. |
GlobalizationSettings | Represents the globalization settings. |
GlowEffect | This class specifies a glow effect, in which a color blurred outline is added outside the edges of the object. |
GradientColorType | Represents the gradient color type for the specified fill. |
GradientDirectionType | Represents all direction type of gradient. |
GradientFill | Represents the gradient fill. |
GradientFillType | Represents all Gradient fill type. |
GradientPresetType | Represents gradient preset color type. |
GradientStop | Represents the gradient stop. |
GradientStopCollection | Represents the gradient stop collection. |
GradientStyleType | Represents gradient shading style. |
GridlineType | Enumerates grid line Type. |
GroupBox | Encapsulates the object that represents a groupbox in a spreadsheet. |
GroupCharacterEquationNode | This class specifies the Group-Character function, consisting of a character drawn above or below text, often with the purpose of visually grouping items. |
GroupFill | Represents this fill format should inherit the fill properties of the group. |
GroupShape | Represents the group shape which contains the individual shapes. |
HeaderFooterCommand | Represents the command of header/footer |
HeaderFooterCommandType | Represents the command type of header and footer. |
HighlightChangesOptions | Represents options of highlighting revsions or changes of shared Excel files. |
HorizontalPageBreak | Encapsulates the object that represents a horizontal page break. |
HorizontalPageBreakCollection | Encapsulates a collection of HorizontalPageBreak objects. |
HtmlCrossType | Represents five types of html cross string. |
HtmlExportDataOptions | Represents the options for exporting html data. |
HtmlFormatHandlingType | Specifies how to handle formatting from the HTML source |
HtmlHiddenColDisplayType | Represents two types of showing the hidden columns in html. |
HtmlHiddenRowDisplayType | Represents two types of showing the hidden rows in html. |
HtmlLinkTargetType | Represents the type of target attribute in HTML tag. |
HtmlLoadOptions | Represents options when importing a html file. |
HtmlOfficeMathOutputType | Represents how export OfficeMath to HTML. |
HtmlSaveOptions | Represents the options for saving html file. |
HtmlTableLoadOption | Represents the option when import table from html. |
HtmlTableLoadOptionCollection | Represents the table options when importing html. |
Hyperlink | Encapsulates the object that represents a hyperlink. |
HyperlinkCollection | Encapsulates a collection of Hyperlink objects. |
IconFilter | Represents icon filter. |
IconSet | Describe the IconSet conditional formatting rule. |
IconSetType | Icon set type for conditional formatting. |
ImageActiveXControl | Represents the image control. |
ImageBinarizationMethod | Specifies the method used to binarize image. |
ImageFormat | Specifies the file format of the image. |
ImageOrPrintOptions | Allows to specify options when rendering worksheet to images, printing worksheet or rendering chart to image. |
ImageSaveOptions | Represents image save options. |
ImageType | Specifies the type (format) of an image. |
ImportTableOptions | Represents the options of importing data into cells. |
IndividualFontConfigs | Font configs for each Workbook object. |
InputMethodEditorMode | Represents the default run-time mode of the Input Method Editor. |
InsertOptions | Represents the options of inserting. |
InterruptMonitor | Represents all operator about the interrupt. |
JsonExportHyperlinkType | Represents type of exporting hyperlinks to json. |
JsonLayoutOptions | Represents the options of json layout type. |
JsonLoadOptions | Represents the options of loading json files |
JsonSaveOptions | Represents the options of saving the workbook as a json file. |
JsonUtility | Represents the utility class of processing json. |
Label | Encapsulates the object that represents a label in a spreadsheet. |
LabelActiveXControl | Represents the label ActiveX control. |
LabelPositionType | Represents data label position type. |
Legend | Encapsulates the object that represents the chart legend. |
LegendEntry | Represents a legend entry in a chart legend. |
LegendEntryCollection | Represents a collection of all the LegendEntry objects in the specified chart legend. |
LegendPositionType | Enumerates the legend position types. |
License | Provides methods to license the component. |
LightRigDirectionType | Represents the light rig direction type. |
LightRigType | Represents a preset light right that can be applied to a shape |
LimLowUppEquationNode | This class specifies the limit function. |
Line | Encapsulates the object that represents the line format. |
LineCapType | Represents the caps of a line |
LineFormat | Represents all setting of the line. |
LineJoinType | Represents the join styles of a line. |
LineShape | Represents the line shape. |
LineSpaceSizeType | Represents the unit type of line space size. |
LineType | Enumerates the type of Picture border or Chart line. |
ListBox | Represents a list box object. |
ListBoxActiveXControl | Represents a ListBox ActiveX control. |
ListColumn | Represents a column in a Table. |
ListColumnCollection | Represents A collection of all the ListColumn objects in the specified ListObject object. |
ListObject | Represents a list object on a worksheet. |
ListObjectCollection | Represents a collection of ListObject objects in the worksheet. |
LoadDataFilterOptions | Represents the options to filter data when loading workbook from template. |
LoadFilter | Represents the filter that provides options for loading data when loading workbook from template. |
LoadFormat | Represents the load file format. |
LoadNumbersTableType | Indicates type of loading tables when some tables are in a sheet. |
LoadOptions | Represents the options of loading the file. |
LookAtType | Represents look at type. |
LookInType | Represents look in type. |
MapChartLabelLayout | Represents the layout of map chart’s labels. |
MapChartProjectionType | Represents projection type of the map chart. |
MapChartRegionType | Represents the region type of the map chart. |
MarkdownSaveOptions | Represents the save options for markdown. |
Marker | Represents the marker in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart. |
MathematicalEquationNode | This class specifies an equation or mathematical expression. |
MatrixEquationNode | This class specifies the Matrix equation, consisting of one or more elements laid out in one or more rows and one or more columns. |
MemoryFontSource | Represents the single TrueType font file stored in memory. |
MemorySetting | Memory usage options. |
MergeEmptyTdType | Represents the merge type for empty TD element when exporting file to html. |
MergedCellsShrinkType | Represents the strategy to shrink merged cells for operations such as deleting blank rows/column. |
MetadataOptions | Represents the options of loading metadata of the file. |
MetadataType | Represents the type of metadata. |
Metered | Provides methods to set metered key. |
MirrorType | Represents mirror type of texture fill |
MsoArrowheadLength | Enumerates the line end width of the shape border line. |
MsoArrowheadStyle | Enumerates the line end type of the shape border line. |
MsoArrowheadWidth | Enumerates the line end width of the shape border line. |
MsoDrawingType | Represents office drawing objects type. |
MsoFillFormat | Represents fill formatting for a shape. |
MsoFillFormatHelper | Represents fill formatting for a shape. |
MsoFormatPicture | Represents the picture format. |
MsoLineDashStyle | Represents style of dash drawing lines. |
MsoLineFormat | Represents line and arrowhead formatting. |
MsoLineFormatHelper | Represents line and arrowhead formatting. |
MsoLineStyle | Represents style of drawing lines. |
MsoPresetTextEffect | Represents preset text effect type of WordArt. |
MsoPresetTextEffectShape | Represents preset text effect shape type of WordArt. |
MsoTextFrame | Represents the text frame in a Shape object. |
MultipleFilterCollection | Represents the multiple filter collection. |
Name | Represents a defined name for a range of cells. |
NameCollection | Represents a collection of all the Name objects in the spreadsheet. |
NameScopeType | Represents the scope type of defined names. |
NaryEquationNode | This class specifies an n-ary operator equation consisting of an n-ary operator, a base (or operand), and optional upper and lower bounds. |
NegativeBarFormat | Represents the color settings of the data bars for negative values that are defined by a data bar conditional formatting rule. |
NoneBulletValue | Represents no bullet. |
NoneFill | Represents no fill. |
NumberCategoryType | Represents category type of cell’s number formatting. |
NumbersLoadOptions | Represents the options of loading Apple Numbers files. |
OLEDBCommandType | Specifies the OLE DB command type. |
OdsCellField | Represents the cell field of ods. |
OdsCellFieldCollection | Represents the fields of ODS. |
OdsCellFieldType | Represents the cell field type of ods. |
OdsGeneratorType | Represents the type of ODS generator. |
OdsLoadOptions | Represents the options of loading ods file. |
OdsPageBackground | Represents the page background of ods. |
OdsPageBackgroundGraphicPositionType | Represents the position. |
OdsPageBackgroundGraphicType | Represents the type of formatting page background with image. |
OdsPageBackgroundType | Represents the page background type of ods. |
OdsSaveOptions | Represents the options of saving ods file. |
OleObject | Represents an OleObject in a worksheet. |
OleObjectCollection | Represents embedded OLE objects. |
OoxmlCompliance | Allows to specify which OOXML specification will be used when saving in the Xlsx format. |
OoxmlCompressionType | The Ooxml compression type |
OoxmlSaveOptions | Represents the options of saving office open xml file. |
OpenDocumentFormatVersionType | Open Document Format version type. |
OperatorType | Represents the operator type of conditional format and data validation. |
Outline | Represents an outline on a worksheet. |
Oval | Represents the oval shape. |
PageEndSavingArgs | Info for a page ends saving process. |
PageLayoutAlignmentType | Enumerates page layout alignment types. |
PageOrientationType | Represents print orientation constants. |
PageSavingArgs | Info for a page saving process. |
PageSetup | Encapsulates the object that represents the page setup description. |
PageStartSavingArgs | Info for a page starts saving process. |
PaginatedSaveOptions | Represents the options for pagination. |
PaneCollection | Represents all Pane objects shown in the specified window. |
PaneStateType | Represents state of the sheet’s pane. |
PaperSizeType | Represents paper size constants. |
ParameterType | Represents all parameters’ type or return value type of function. |
PasteOperationType | Represents operation type when pasting range. |
PasteOptions | Represents the paste special options. |
PasteType | Represents the paste special type. |
PatternFill | Encapsulates the object that represents pattern fill format |
PclSaveOptions | Represents the options for saving Pcl file. |
PdfBookmarkEntry | PdfBookmarkEntry is an entry in pdf bookmark. |
PdfCompliance | Allowing user to set PDF conversion’s Compatibility |
PdfCompressionCore | Specifies a type of compression applied to all content in the PDF file except images. |
PdfCustomPropertiesExport | Specifies the way CustomDocumentPropertyCollection are exported to PDF file. |
PdfFontEncoding | Represents pdf embedded font encoding. |
PdfOptimizationType | Specifies a type of optimization. |
PdfSaveOptions | Represents the options for saving pdf file. |
PdfSecurityOptions | Options for encrypting and access permissions for a PDF document. |
PicFormatOption | Represents picture format option |
Picture | Encapsulates the object that represents a single picture in a spreadsheet. |
PictureBulletValue | Represents the value of the image bullet. |
PictureCollection | Encapsulates a collection of Picture objects. |
PivotArea | Presents the selected area of the PivotTable. |
PivotAreaCollection | Represents a list of pivot area. |
PivotAreaFilter | Represents the filter of PivotArea for PivotTable. |
PivotAreaFilterCollection | Represents the list of filters for PivotArea |
PivotAreaType | Indicates the type of rule being used to describe an area or aspect of the PivotTable. |
PivotConditionFormatRuleType | Represents PivotTable condition formatting rule type. |
PivotConditionFormatScopeType | Represents PivotTable condition formatting scope type. |
PivotConditionalFormat | Represents a PivotTable Format Condition in PivotFormatCondition Collection. |
PivotConditionalFormatCollection | Represents all conditional formats of pivot table. |
PivotDateTimeRangeGroupSettings | Represents the field grouped by date time range. |
PivotDiscreteGroupSettings | Rrepsents the discrete group of pivot field |
PivotField | Represents a field in a PivotTable report. |
PivotFieldCollection | Represents a collection of all the PivotField objects in the PivotTable’s specific PivotFields type. |
PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat | Represents data display format in the PivotTable data field. |
PivotFieldGroupSettings | Represents the group setting of pivot field. |
PivotFieldGroupType | Represents the group type of pivot field. |
PivotFieldSortSetting | Represents the setting of sorting pivot fields. |
PivotFieldSubtotalType | Summary description for PivotFieldSubtotalType. |
PivotFieldType | Represents PivotTable field type. |
PivotFilter | Represents a PivotFilter in PivotFilter Collection. |
PivotFilterCollection | Represents a collection of all the PivotFilter objects |
PivotFilterType | Represents PivotTable Filter type. |
PivotFormatCondition | Represents a PivotTable Format Condition in PivotFormatCondition Collection. |
PivotFormatConditionCollection | Represents PivotTable Format Conditions. |
PivotGlobalizationSettings | Represents the globalization settings for pivot tables. |
PivotGroupByType | Represents group by type. |
PivotItem | Represents a item in a PivotField report. |
PivotItemCollection | Represents all the PivotItem objects in the PivotField. |
PivotItemPosition | Represents base item Next/Previous/All position in the base field . |
PivotItemPositionType | Represents the position type of the pivot base item in the base field when the ShowDataAs calculation is in use. |
PivotLineType | Specifies the type of the PivotLine. |
PivotMissingItemLimitType | Represents number of items to retain per field. |
PivotNumbericRangeGroupSettings | Represents the numberic range group of the pivot field. |
PivotOptions | Represents a complex type that specifies the pivot controls that appear on the chart |
PivotPageFields | Represents the pivot page field items if the pivot table data source is consolidation ranges. |
PivotRefreshState | The state for refreshing pivot tables. |
PivotShowValuesSetting | Represents the settings about showing values as when the ShowDataAs calculation is in use. |
PivotTable | Summary description for PivotTable. |
PivotTableAutoFormatType | Represents PivotTable auto format type. |
PivotTableCalculateOption | Rerepsents the options of calcuating the pivot table. |
PivotTableCollection | Represents the collection of all the PivotTable objects on the specified worksheet. |
PivotTableFormat | Represents the format defined in the PivotTable. |
PivotTableFormatCollection | Represents the collection of formats applied to PivotTable. |
PivotTableRefreshOption | Represents the options of refreshing data source of the pivot table. |
PivotTableSelectionType | Specifies what can be selected in a PivotTable during a structured selection. |
PivotTableSourceType | Represents data source type of the pivot table. |
PivotTableStyleType | Represents the pivot table style type. |
PlacementType | Represents the way the drawing object is attached to the cells below it. |
PlotArea | Encapsulates the object that represents the plot area in a chart. |
PlotDataByType | Represents the type of data plot by row or column. |
PlotEmptyCellsType | Represents all plot empty cells type of a chart. |
PowerQueryFormula | Represents the definition of power query formula. |
PowerQueryFormulaCollection | Represents all power query formulas in the mashup data. |
PowerQueryFormulaFunction | Represents the function of power query. |
PowerQueryFormulaItem | Represents the item of the power query formula. |
PowerQueryFormulaItemCollection | Represents all item of the power query formula. |
PowerQueryFormulaParameter | Represents the parameter of power query formula. |
PowerQueryFormulaParameterCollection | Represents the parameters of power query formula. |
PowerQueryFormulaType | Represents the type of power query formula. |
PptxSaveOptions | Represents the pptx save options. |
PresetCameraType | Represent different algorithmic methods for setting all camera properties, including position. |
PresetMaterialType | Describes surface appearance of a shape. |
PresetShadowType | Represents preset shadow type. |
PresetThemeGradientType | Represents the preset theme gradient type. |
PresetWordArtStyle | Represents the preset WordArt styles. |
PrintCommentsType | Represents the way comments are printed with the sheet. |
PrintErrorsType | Represents print errors constants. |
PrintOrderType | Represent print order constants. |
PrintSizeType | Represents the printed chart size. |
PrintingPageType | Indicates which pages will not be printed. |
PropertyType | Specifies data type of a document property. |
ProtectedRange | A specified range to be allowed to edit when the sheet protection is ON. |
ProtectedRangeCollection | Encapsulates a collection of ProtectedRange objects. |
Protection | Represents the various types of protection options available for a worksheet. |
ProtectionType | Represents workbook/worksheet protection type. |
QuartileCalculationType | Represents quartile calculation methods. |
QueryTable | Represents QueryTable information. |
QueryTableCollection | A collection of QueryTableCollection objects that represent QueryTable collection information. |
RadicalEquationNode | This class specifies the radical equation, consisting of an optional degree deg(EquationNodeType.Degree) and a base. |
RadioButton | Represents a radio button. |
RadioButtonActiveXControl | Represents a RadioButton ActiveX control. |
Range | Encapsulates the object that represents a range of cells within a spreadsheet. |
RangeCollection | Encapsulates a collection of Range objects. |
ReConnectionMethodType | Specifies what the spreadsheet application should do when a connection fails. |
RectangleAlignmentType | Represents how to position two rectangles relative to each other. |
RectangleShape | Represents the rectangle shape. |
ReferredArea | Represents a referred area by the formula. |
ReferredAreaCollection | Represents all referred cells and areas. |
ReflectionEffect | This class specifies a reflection effect. |
ReflectionEffectType | Represents the effect type of reflection. |
RenameStrategy | Strategy option for duplicate names of columns. |
RenderingFont | Font for rendering. |
RenderingWatermark | Watermark for rendering. |
ReplaceOptions | Represent the replace options. |
ReserveMissingPivotItemType | Represents how to keep the missing pivot items. |
ResourceLoadingType | Represents how to loading the linked resource. |
Revision | Represents the revision. |
RevisionActionType | Represents the type of revision action. |
RevisionAutoFormat | represents a revision record of information about a formatting change. |
RevisionCellChange | Represents the revision that changing cells. |
RevisionCellComment | Represents a revision record of a cell comment change. |
RevisionCellMove | Represents a revision record on a cell(s) that moved. |
RevisionCollection | Represents all revision logs. |
RevisionCustomView | Represents a revision record of adding or removing a custom view to the workbook |
RevisionDefinedName | Represents a revision record of a defined name change. |
RevisionFormat | Represents a revision record of information about a formatting change. |
RevisionHeader | Represents a list of specific changes that have taken place for this workbook. |
RevisionInsertDelete | Represents a revision record of a row/column insert/delete action. |
RevisionInsertSheet | Represents a revision record of a sheet that was inserted. |
RevisionLog | Represents the revision log. |
RevisionLogCollection | Represents all revision logs. |
RevisionMergeConflict | Represents a revision record which indicates that there was a merge conflict. |
RevisionQueryTable | Represents a revision of a query table field change. |
RevisionRenameSheet | Represents a revision of renaming sheet. |
RevisionType | Represents the revision type. |
Row | Represents a single row in a worksheet. |
RowCollection | Collects the Row objects that represent the individual rows in a worksheet. |
SaveFormat | Represents the format in which the workbook is saved. |
SaveOptions | Represents all save options |
Scenario | Represents an individual scenario. |
ScenarioCollection | Represents the list of scenarios. |
ScenarioInputCell | Represents input cell for the scenario. |
ScenarioInputCellCollection | Represents the list of the scenario’s input cells. |
ScrollBar | Represents a scroll bar object. |
ScrollBarActiveXControl | Represents the ScrollBar control. |
SelectionType | The selection type of list box. |
Series | Encapsulates the object that represents a single data series in a chart. |
SeriesCollection | Encapsulates a collection of Series objects. |
SeriesLayoutProperties | Represents the properties of series layout. |
SettableChartGlobalizationSettings | Implementation of PivotGlobalizationSettings that supports user to set/change pre-defined texts. |
SettableGlobalizationSettings | Implementation of GlobalizationSettings that supports user to set/change pre-defined texts. |
SettablePivotGlobalizationSettings | Implementation of PivotGlobalizationSettings that supports user to set/change pre-defined texts. |
ShadowEffect | This class specifies the shadow effect of the chart element or shape. |
Shape | Represents the msodrawing object. |
ShapeAnchorType | Represents the anchor type. |
ShapeCollection | Represents all the shape in a worksheet/chart. |
ShapeGuide | Encapsulates a shape guide specifies the presence of a shape guide that will be used to govern the geometry of the specified shape |
ShapeGuideCollection | Encapsulates a collection of shape guide |
ShapeLockType | Represents type of the property to be locked. |
ShapePath | Represents a creation path consisting of a series of moves, lines and curves that when combined will form a geometric shape. |
ShapePathCollection | Represents path collection information in NotPrimitive autoshape |
ShapePathPoint | Represents an x-y coordinate within the path coordinate space. |
ShapePathPointCollection | Represents all shape path points. |
ShapePathType | Represents path segment type. |
ShapePropertyCollection | This class specifies the visual shape properties for a chart element or shape. |
ShapeSegmentPath | Represents a segment path in a path of the freeform. |
ShapeSegmentPathCollection | Represents a creation path consisting of a series of moves, lines and curves that when combined will form a geometric shape. |
ShapeTextAlignment | Represents the setting of shape’s text alignment; |
ShapeTextVerticalAlignmentType | It corresponds to “Format Shape - Text Options - Text Box - Vertical Alignment” in Excel. |
SheetPrintingPreview | Worksheet printing preview. |
SheetRender | Represents a worksheet render which can render worksheet to various images such as (BMP, PNG, JPEG, TIFF..) |
SheetSet | Describes a set of sheets. |
SheetType | Specifies the worksheet type. |
ShiftType | Represent the shift options when deleting a range of cells. |
ShowDropButtonType | Specifies when to show the drop button |
SignatureLine | Represent the signature line. |
SignatureType | Specifies the signature type. |
Slicer | summary description of Slicer View |
SlicerCache | Represent summary description of slicer cache |
SlicerCacheCrossFilterType | Represent the type of SlicerCacheCrossFilterType |
SlicerCacheItem | Represent slicer data source item |
SlicerCacheItemCollection | Represent the collection of SlicerCacheItem |
SlicerCacheItemSortType | Specify the sort type of SlicerCacheItem |
SlicerCollection | Specifies the collection of all the Slicer objects on the specified worksheet. |
SlicerStyleType | Specify the style of slicer view |
SlideViewType | Represents the type when exporting to slides. |
SmartArtShape | Represents the smart art. |
SmartTag | Represents a smart tag. |
SmartTagCollection | Represents all smart tags in the cell. |
SmartTagOptions | Represents the options of the smart tag. |
SmartTagProperty | Represents the property of the cell smart tag. |
SmartTagPropertyCollection | Represents all properties of cell smart tag. |
SmartTagSetting | Represents all SmartTagCollection object in the worksheet. |
SmartTagShowType | Represents the show type of the smart tag. |
SolidFill | Encapsulates the object that represents solid fill format |
SortOnType | Sorted value type. |
SortOrder | Represents sort order for the data range. |
Sparkline | A sparkline represents a tiny chart or graphic in a worksheet cell that provides a visual representation of data. |
SparklineAxisMinMaxType | Represents the minimum and maximum value types for the sparkline vertical axis. |
SparklineCollection | Encapsulates a collection of Sparkline objects. |
SparklineGroup | Sparkline is organized into sparkline group. |
SparklineGroupCollection | Encapsulates a collection of SparklineGroup objects. |
SparklinePresetStyleType | Represents the preset style types for sparkline. |
SparklineType | Represents the sparkline types. |
SpinButtonActiveXControl | Represents the SpinButton control. |
Spinner | Represents the Forms control: Spinner. |
SpreadsheetML2003SaveOptions | Represents the options for saving Excel 2003 spreadml file. |
SqlDataType | Specifies SQL data type of the parameter. |
SqlScriptColumnTypeMap | Represents column type map. |
SqlScriptOperatorType | Represents the type of operating data. |
SqlScriptSaveOptions | Represents the options of saving sql. |
StreamProviderOptions | Represents the stream options. |
Style | Represents display style of excel document,such as font,color,alignment,border,etc. |
StyleFlag | Represents flags which indicates applied formatting properties. |
StyleModifyFlag | The style modified flags. |
SubSupEquationNode | This class specifies an equation that can optionally be superscript or subscript. |
SubtotalSetting | Represents the setting of the subtotal . |
SvgSaveOptions | Represents Svg save options. |
SxRng | Represents Group Range in a PivotField. |
SystemTimeInterruptMonitor | Simple implementation of AbstractInterruptMonitor by checking and comparing current system time with user specified limit. |
TableDataSourceType | Represents the table’s data source type. |
TableStyle | Represents the table style. |
TableStyleCollection | Represents all custom table styles. |
TableStyleElement | Represents the element of the table style. |
TableStyleElementCollection | Represents all elements of the table style. |
TableStyleElementType | Represents the Table or PivotTable style element type. |
TableStyleType | Represents the built-in table style type. |
TableToRangeOptions | Represents the options when converting table to range. |
TargetModeType | Represents the type of target mode. |
TextAlignmentType | Enumerates text alignment types. |
TextAutonumberScheme | Represents all automatic number scheme. |
TextBox | Encapsulates the object that represents a textbox in a spreadsheet. |
TextBoxActiveXControl | Represents a text box ActiveX control. |
TextBoxCollection | Encapsulates a collection of TextBox objects. |
TextBoxOptions | Represents the text options of the shape |
TextCapsType | This type specifies the cap types of the text. |
TextCrossType | Enumerates displaying text type when the text width is larger than cell width. |
TextDirectionType | Represents the direction of the text flow for this paragraph. |
TextEffectFormat | Contains properties and methods that apply to WordArt objects. |
TextFontAlignType | Represents the different types of font alignment. |
TextNodeType | Represents the node type. |
TextOptions | Represents the text options. |
TextOrientationType | Enumerates text orientation types. |
TextOverflowType | Represents the way the text vertical or horizontal overflow. |
TextParagraph | Represents the text paragraph setting. |
TextParagraphCollection | Represents all text paragraph. |
TextRunEquationNode | This class in the equation node is used to store the actual content(a sequence of mathematical text) of the equation. |
TextStrikeType | This type specifies the strike type. |
TextTabAlignmentType | Represents the text tab alignment types. |
TextTabStop | Represents tab stop. |
TextTabStopCollection | Represents the list of all tab stops. |
TextVerticalType | Represents the text direct type. |
TextureFill | Encapsulates the object that represents texture fill format |
TextureType | Represents the preset texture type. |
ThemeColor | Represents a theme color. |
ThemeColorType | Enumerates the theme color types. |
ThreadInterruptMonitor | Simple implementation of AbstractInterruptMonitor by starting another thread to require the interruption after sleeping user specified limit. |
ThreadedComment | Represents the threaded comment. |
ThreadedCommentAuthor | Represents the person who creates the threaded comments; |
ThreadedCommentAuthorCollection | Represents all persons who . |
ThreadedCommentCollection | Represents the list of threaded comments. |
ThreeDFormat | Represents a shape’s three-dimensional formatting. |
TickLabelAlignmentType | Represents the text alignment type for the tick labels on the axis |
TickLabelItem | Represents a tick label in the chart. |
TickLabelPositionType | Represents the position type of tick-mark labels on the specified axis. |
TickLabels | Represents the tick-mark labels associated with tick marks on a chart axis. |
TickMarkType | Represents the tick mark type for the specified axis. |
TiffCompression | Specifies what type of compression to apply when saving images into TIFF format file. |
TilePicOption | Represents tile picture as texture. |
TimePeriodType | Used in a FormatConditionType.TimePeriod conditional formatting rule. |
TimeUnit | Represents the base unit for the category axis. |
Timeline | Summary description of Timeline View Due to MS Excel, Excel 2003 does not support Timeline |
TimelineCollection | Specifies the collection of all the Timeline objects on the specified worksheet. |
Title | Encapsulates the object that represents the title of chart or axis. |
ToggleButtonActiveXControl | Represents a ToggleButton ActiveX control. |
Top10 | Describe the Top10 conditional formatting rule. |
Top10Filter | Represents the top 10 filter. |
TotalsCalculation | Determines the type of calculation in the Totals row of the list column. |
Trendline | Represents a trendline in a chart. |
TrendlineCollection | Represents a collection of all the Trendline objects for the specified data series. |
TrendlineType | Represents the trendline type. |
TwoColorGradient | Represents two color gradient. |
TxtLoadOptions | Represents the options for loading text file. |
TxtLoadStyleStrategy | Specifies how to apply style for parsed values when converting string value to number or datetime. |
TxtSaveOptions | Represents the save options for csv/tab delimited/other text format. |
TxtValueQuoteType | Specifies the type of using quotation marks for values in text format files. |
UnionRange | Represents union range. |
UnknowEquationNode | Equation node class of unknown type |
UnknownControl | Unknow control. |
UpdateLinksType | Represents how to update links to other workbooks when the workbook is opened. |
Validation | Represents data validation.settings. |
ValidationAlertType | Represents the data validation alert style. |
ValidationCollection | Represents data validation collection. |
ValidationType | Represents data validation type. |
VbaModule | Represents the module in VBA project. |
VbaModuleCollection | Represents the list of VbaModule |
VbaModuleType | Represents the type of VBA module. |
VbaProject | Represents the VBA project. |
VbaProjectReference | Represents the reference of VBA project. |
VbaProjectReferenceCollection | Represents all references of VBA project. |
VbaProjectReferenceType | Represents the type of VBA project reference. |
VerticalPageBreak | Encapsulates the object that represents a vertical page break. |
VerticalPageBreakCollection | Encapsulates a collection of VerticalPageBreak objects. |
ViewType | Represents the view type of the worksheet. |
VisibilityType | Represents the states for sheet visibility. |
VmlShapeGuide | just for vml Encapsulates a shape guide specifies the presence of a shape guide that will be used to govern the geometry of the specified shape |
Walls | Encapsulates the object that represents the walls of a 3-D chart. |
WarningInfo | Warning info |
WarningType | WaringType |
WebExtension | Represents an Office Add-in instance. |
WebExtensionBinding | Represents a binding relationship between an Office Add-in and the data in the document. |
WebExtensionBindingCollection | Represents the list of binding relationships between an Office Add-in and the data in the document. |
WebExtensionCollection | Represents the list of web extension. |
WebExtensionProperty | Represents an Office Add-in custom property. |
WebExtensionPropertyCollection | Represents the list of web extension properties. |
WebExtensionReference | Represents identify the provider location and version of the extension. |
WebExtensionReferenceCollection | Represents the list of web extension reference. |
WebExtensionShape | Represents the shape of web extension. |
WebExtensionStoreType | Represents the store type of web extension. |
WebExtensionTaskPane | Represents a persisted taskpane object. |
WebExtensionTaskPaneCollection | Represents the list of task pane. |
WebQueryConnection | Specifies the properties for a web query source. |
WeightType | Enumerates the weight types for a picture border or a chart line. |
Workbook | Represents a root object to create an Excel spreadsheet. |
WorkbookDesigner | Encapsulates the object that represents a designer spreadsheet. |
WorkbookMetadata | Represents the meta data. |
WorkbookPrintingPreview | Workbook printing preview. |
WorkbookRender | Represents a Workbook render. |
WorkbookSettings | Represents all settings of the workbook. |
Worksheet | Encapsulates the object that represents a single worksheet. |
WorksheetCollection | Encapsulates a collection of Range.#getWorksheet() objects. |
WriteProtection | Specifies write protection settings for a workbook. |
XAdESType | Type of XML Advanced Electronic Signature (XAdES). |
XlsSaveOptions | Represents the save options for the Excel 97-2003 file format: xls and xlt. |
XlsbSaveOptions | Represents the options for saving xlsb file. |
XmlColumnProperty | Represents Xml Data Binding information. |
XmlDataBinding | Represents Xml Data Binding information. |
XmlLoadOptions | Represents the options of loading xml. |
XmlMap | Represents Xml map information. |
XmlMapCollection | A collection of ListObject.#getXmlMap() objects that represent XmlMap information. |
XmlSaveOptions | Represents the options of saving the workbook as an xml file. |
XpsSaveOptions | Represents the additional options when saving the file as the Xps. |
Interface | Description |
ICellsDataTable | Represents data table. |
ICustomParser | Allows users to add their custom value parser for parsing string values to other proper cell value object. |
IExportObjectListener | Allows users to manipulate objects while exporting. |
IFilePathProvider | Represents the exported file path provider. |
IPageSavingCallback | Control/Indicate progress of page saving process. |
ISmartMarkerCallBack | Represents callback interface of processing smartmarker. |
IStreamProvider | Represents the exported stream provider. |
IWarningCallback | Callback interface of warning. |
LightCellsDataHandler | Represents cells data handler for reading large spreadsheet files in light weight mode. |
LightCellsDataProvider | Represents Data provider for saving large spreadsheet files in light weight mode. |