
CopyColumns(Cells, int, int, int, int)

Copies data and formats of the whole columns.

public void CopyColumns(Cells sourceCells, int sourceColumnIndex, int sourceTotalColumns, 
    int destinationColumnIndex, int destinationTotalColumns)
sourceCellsCellsSource Cells object contains data and formats to copy.
sourceColumnIndexInt32Source column index.
sourceTotalColumnsInt32The number of the source columns.
destinationColumnIndexInt32Destination column index.
destinationTotalColumnsInt32The number of the destination columns.

See Also

CopyColumns(Cells, int, int, int, PasteOptions)

Copies data and formats of a whole column.

public void CopyColumns(Cells sourceCells0, int sourceColumnIndex, int destinationColumnIndex, 
    int columnNumber, PasteOptions pasteOptions)
sourceCells0CellsSource Cells object contains data and formats to copy.
sourceColumnIndexInt32Source column index.
destinationColumnIndexInt32Destination column index.
columnNumberInt32The copied column number.
pasteOptionsPasteOptionsthe options of pasting.

See Also

CopyColumns(Cells, int, int, int)

Copies data and formats of a whole column.

public void CopyColumns(Cells sourceCells0, int sourceColumnIndex, int destinationColumnIndex, 
    int columnNumber)
sourceCells0CellsSource Cells object contains data and formats to copy.
sourceColumnIndexInt32Source column index.
destinationColumnIndexInt32Destination column index.
columnNumberInt32The copied column number.

See Also