Class DelimiterEquationNode

DelimiterEquationNode class

This class specifies the delimiter equation, consisting of opening and closing delimiters (such as parentheses, braces, brackets, and vertical bars), and a component contained inside. The delimiter may have more than one component, with a designated separator character between each component.

public class DelimiterEquationNode : EquationNode


BeginChar { get; set; }Delimiter beginning character.
DelimiterShape { get; set; }Specifies the shape of delimiters in the delimiter object.
EndChar { get; set; }Delimiter ending character.
EquationType { get; }Get the equation type of the current node(Inherited from EquationNode.)
Font { get; }Returns the font of this object.(Inherited from FontSetting.)
Length { get; }Gets the length of the characters.(Inherited from FontSetting.)
NaryGrow { get; set; }This property specifies the growth property of the delimiter at the document level. When off, the delimiter will not grow to match the size of its component height. When enabled, the delimiter grows vertically to match its component height.
ParentNode { get; set; }Specifies the parent node of the current node(Inherited from EquationNode.)
SeparatorChar { get; set; }Delimiter separator character.
StartIndex { get; }Gets the start index of the characters.(Inherited from FontSetting.)
TextOptions { get; }Returns the text options.(Inherited from FontSetting.)
override Type { get; }Represents the type of the node.(Inherited from EquationNode.)


AddChild(EquationNode)Inserts the specified node at the end of the current node’s list of child nodes.(Inherited from EquationNode.)
AddChild(EquationNodeType)Insert a node of the specified type at the end of the child node list of the current node.(Inherited from EquationNode.)
override Equals(object)Determine whether the current equation node is equal to the specified node
GetChild(int)Returns the node at the specified index among the children of the current node.(Inherited from EquationNode.)
InsertAfter(EquationNodeType)Inserts the specified node after the current node.(Inherited from EquationNode.)
InsertBefore(EquationNodeType)Inserts the specified node before the current node.(Inherited from EquationNode.)
InsertChild(int, EquationNodeType)Inserts a node of the specified type at the specified index position in the current node’s child node list.(Inherited from EquationNode.)
Remove()Removes itself from the parent.(Inherited from EquationNode.)
RemoveAllChildren()Removes all the child nodes of the current node.(Inherited from EquationNode.)
RemoveChild(EquationNode)Removes the specified node from the current node’s children.(Inherited from EquationNode.)
RemoveChild(int)Removes the node at the specified index from the current node’s children.(Inherited from EquationNode.)
SetWordArtStyle(PresetWordArtStyle)Sets the preset WordArt style.(Inherited from FontSetting.)

See Also