Class Line

Line class

Encapsulates the object that represents the line format.

public class Line


BeginArrowLength { get; set; }Specifies the length of the arrowhead for the begin of a line.
BeginArrowWidth { get; set; }Specifies the width of the arrowhead for the begin of a line.
BeginType { get; set; }Specifies an arrowhead for the begin of a line.
CapType { get; set; }Specifies the ending caps.
Color { get; set; }Represents the Color of the line.
CompoundType { get; set; }Specifies the compound line type
DashType { get; set; }Specifies the dash line type
EndArrowLength { get; set; }Specifies the length of the arrowhead for the end of a line.
EndArrowWidth { get; set; }Specifies the width of the arrowhead for the end of a line.
EndType { get; set; }Specifies an arrowhead for the end of a line.
FormattingType { get; set; }Gets or sets format type.
GradientFill { get; }Represents gradient fill.
IsAuto { get; set; }Indicates whether this line style is auto assigned.
IsAutomaticColor { get; }Indicates whether the color of line is automatic assigned.
IsVisible { get; set; }Represents whether the line is visible.
JoinType { get; set; }Specifies the joining caps.
Style { get; set; }Represents the style of the line.
ThemeColor { get; set; }Gets and sets the theme color.
Transparency { get; set; }Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the line as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
Weight { get; set; }Gets or sets the WeightType of the line.
WeightPt { get; set; }Gets or sets the weight of the line in unit of points.
WeightPx { get; set; }Gets or sets the weight of the line in unit of pixels.



Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

Cells cells = sheet.Cells;
cells[1,0].PutValue("Company A");
cells[2,0].PutValue("Company B");
cells[3,0].PutValue("Company C");

int chartIndex = sheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Line, 9, 9, 21, 15);
Chart chart = sheet.Charts[chartIndex];
//Add series
chart.NSeries.Add("A2:B4", true);
//Set category data
chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$4";
//Applying a dotted line style on the lines of an NSeries
chart.NSeries[0].Border.Style = LineType.Dot;
chart.NSeries[0].Border.Color = Color.Red;
//Applying a triangular marker style on the data markers of an NSeries
chart.NSeries[0].Marker.MarkerStyle = ChartMarkerType.Triangle;
//Setting the weight of all lines in an NSeries to medium
chart.NSeries[0].Border.Weight = WeightType.MediumLine;

[Visual Basic]

Dim workbook as Workbook = new Workbook()
Dim sheet as Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)

Dim cells as Cells = sheet.Cells
cells(1,0).PutValue("Company A")
cells(2,0).PutValue("Company B")
cells(3,0).PutValue("Company C")
Dim chartIndex as Integer = sheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 9, 9, 21, 15)    ///
Dim chart as Chart = sheet.Charts(chartIndex)
'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A2" cell to "B4"
chart.NSeries.Add("A2:B4", True)
'Setting the data source for the category data of NSeries
Chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "A2:A4"
'Applying a dotted line style on the lines of an NSeries
chart.NSeries(0).Border.Style = LineType.Dot
chart.NSeries(0).Border.Color = Color.Red
'Applying a triangular marker style on the data markers of an NSeries
chart.NSeries(0).Marker.MarkerStyle = ChartMarkerType.Triangle
'Setting the weight of all lines in an NSeries to medium
chart.NSeries(0).Border.Weight = WeightType.MediumLine

See Also