Enum PresetWordArtStyle

PresetWordArtStyle enumeration

Represents the preset WordArt styles.

public enum PresetWordArtStyle


WordArtStyle11Fill - Black, Text 1, Shadow
WordArtStyle22Fill - Blue, Accent 1, Shadow
WordArtStyle33Fill - Orange, Accent 2, Outline - Accent 2
WordArtStyle44Fill - White, Outline - Accent 1, Shadow
WordArtStyle55Fill - Gold, Accent 4, Soft Bevel
WordArtStyle66Gradient Fill - Gray
WordArtStyle77Gradient Fill - Blue, Accent 1, Reflection
WordArtStyle88Gradient Fill - Gold, Accent 4, Outline - Accent 4
WordArtStyle99Fill - White, Outline - Accent 1, Glow - Accent 1
WordArtStyle1010Fill - Gray-50%, Accent 3, Sharp Bevel
WordArtStyle1111Fill - Black, Text 1, Outline - Background 1, Hard Shadow - Background 1
WordArtStyle1212Fill - Black, Text 1, Outline - Background 1, Hard Shadow - Accent 1
WordArtStyle1313Fill - Blue, Accent 1, Outline - Background 1, Hard Shadow - Accent 1
WordArtStyle1414Fill - White, Outline - Accent 2, Hard Shadow - Accent 2
WordArtStyle1515Fill - Gray-25%, Background 2, Inner Shadow
WordArtStyle1616Pattern Fill - White, Text 2, Dark Upward Diagonal, Shadow
WordArtStyle1717Pattern Fill - Gray-50%, Accent 3, Narrow Horizontal, Inner Shadow
WordArtStyle1818Fill - Blue, Accent 1, 50%, Hard Shadow - Accent 1
WordArtStyle1919Pattern Fill - Blue, Accent 1, Light Downward Diagonal, Outline - Accent 1
WordArtStyle2020Pattern Fill - Blue-Gray, Text 2, Dark Upward Diagonal, Hard Shadow - Text 2



namespace Demos
    using Aspose.Cells;
    using Aspose.Cells.Drawing;
    using System;

    public class PresetWordArtStyleDemo
        public static void PresetWordArtStyleExample()
            // Create a new workbook
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
            // Access the first worksheet
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            // Access the shape collection of the worksheet
            ShapeCollection shapes = worksheet.Shapes;
            // Add a WordArt shape with a specific preset style
            // Parameters: style, text, upperLeftRow, top, upperLeftColumn, left, height, width
            Shape wordArt = shapes.AddWordArt(PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle2, "Hello Aspose!", 1, 0, 1, 0, 100, 400);
            // Save the workbook

See Also