Class CellControlCollection

CellControlCollection class

Encapsulates a collection of cell control.

public class CellControlCollection : CellRelativeCollection


Item { get; }Gets the cell control at specified row and column index. (2 indexers)


AddButton(string, int, int, string)Adds a button to a specified cell by cell name.
AddButton(int, int, int, int, string)Adds a button to a specified cell at row column index.
AddButton(string, int, int, string, bool)Adds a button to a specified cell by cell name.
AddButton(int, int, int, int, string, bool)Adds a button to a specified cell at row column index.
AddCheckBox(string, bool)Adds a checkbox to a specified cell by cell name.
AddCheckBox(int, int, bool)Adds a checkbox to a specified cell at row column index.
AddComboBox(string, ICollection)Adds a combobox to a specified cell by cell name.
AddComboBox(int, int, ICollection)Adds a combobox to a specified cell at row column index.
AddComboBox(string, ICollection, ICollection)Adds a combobox to a specified cell by cell name.
AddComboBox(int, int, ICollection, ICollection)Adds a combobox to a specified cell at row column index.
Remove(string)Removes the item by cell name.(Inherited from CellRelativeCollection.)
virtual Remove(int, int)Removes the item at the specified row column index of the cell.(Inherited from CellRelativeCollection.)

See Also