CopyImageOrShape(string, string) | Copys image or shape. |
ErrorJson(string) | Gets the error message string in JSON format. |
ExportToJson() | Gets JSON string from memory data, the default filename in the JSON is: book1. |
ExportToJson(string) | Gets JSON string from memory data,set the output filename in the JSON. |
ExportToJsonStringBuilder(string) | Gets JSON string from memory data,set the output filename in the JSON. |
GetJsonByUid(string, string) | Gets the JSON string of the file from the cache using the specified unique id,set the output filename in the JSON. |
GetOle(string, string, int, out string) | Gets the byte array data of the embedded ole object . |
ImportExcelFile(string) | Imports the excel file from the file path. |
ImportExcelFile(Workbook) | Imports the excel file from the Workbook object. |
ImportExcelFile(Stream, GridLoadFormat) | Imports the excel file from file stream with load format. |
ImportExcelFile(string, string) | Imports the excel file from the file path. |
ImportExcelFile(string, Workbook) | Imports the excel file from the Workbook object. |
ImportExcelFile(Stream, GridLoadFormat, string) | Imports the excel file from file stream with load format and open password. |
ImportExcelFile(string, Stream, GridLoadFormat) | Imports the excel file from file stream. |
ImportExcelFile(string, string, string) | Imports the excel file from file path and open password. |
ImportExcelFile(string, Stream, GridLoadFormat, string) | Imports the excel file from file stream with load format and open password. |
ImportExcelFileFromJson(string) | Imports the excel file from JSON format string. |
InsertImage(string, string, Stream, string) | Inserts image in the worksheet from file stream or the URL,(either the file stream or the URL shall be provided) or Inserts shape ,when the p.type is one of AutoShapeType |
JsonToStream(Stream, string) | Retrieve the JSON string from memory data,set the output filename in the JSON, and write it to the stream. |
JsonToStreamByUid(Stream, string, string) | Retrieve the JSON string of the file from the cache using the specified unique id,set the output filename in the JSON,and write it to the stream. |
LazyLoadingJson(string, string) | Gets the JSON string of the specified sheet in the file from the cache using the specified unique id. |
LazyLoadingStream(Stream, string, string) | Retrieve the JSON string of the specified sheet in the file from the cache using the specified unique id, and write it to the stream. |
MergeExcelFileFromJson(string, string) | Applies a batch update to the memory data. |
SaveToCacheWithFileName(string, string, string) | Saves the memory data to the cache file with the specified filename and also set the open password, the save format is baseed on the file extension of the filename . |
SaveToExcelFile(Stream) | Saves the memory data to the sream, baseed on the origin file format. |
SaveToExcelFile(string) | Saves the memory data to the file path,if the file has extension ,save format is baseed on the file extension . |
SaveToHtml(Stream) | Saves the memory data to the sream,the save format is html |
SaveToHtml(string) | Saves the memory data to the file path,the save format is html. |
SaveToPdf(Stream) | Saves the memory data to the sream,the save format is pdf. |
SaveToPdf(string) | Saves the memory data to the file path,the save format is pdf. |
SaveToXlsx(Stream) | Saves the memory data to the sream,the save format is xlsx. |
SaveToXlsx(string) | Saves the memory data to the file path,the save format is xlsx. |
SetInterruptMonitorForLoad(GridInterruptMonitor, int) | Sets InterruptMonitor for load operation. |
SetInterruptMonitorForSave(GridInterruptMonitor) | Sets InterruptMonitor for save operation. |
UpdateCell(string, string) | Applies the update operation. |
static GetGridLoadFormat(string) | Gets the load format by file extension |
static GetImageStream(string, string) | Get Stream of image from memory data. |
static GetImageUrl(string, string, string) | Gets the image URL. |
static GetUidForFile(string) | Generates a new unique id for the file cache using the given file name. |
static SetImageUrlBase(string) | Set the base image get action URL from controller . |