Class GridJsWorkbook

GridJsWorkbook class

Represents the main entry class for GridJs

public class GridJsWorkbook


GridJsWorkbook()The default constructor.


Settings { get; set; }Represents the workbook settings.
WarningCallback { get; set; }Gets or sets warning callback for import file.


CopyImageOrShape(string, string)Copys image or shape.
ErrorJson(string)Gets the error message string in JSON format.
ExportToJson()Gets JSON format string of the default empty spreadsheet file.
ExportToJson(string)Gets JSON format string from memory data with the specified filename.
ExportToJsonStringBuilder(string)Gets JSON format StringBuilder of the specified spreadsheet file.
GetJsonByUid(string, string)Gets the JSON format StringBuilder from the file cache by the specified unique id.
GetOle(string, string, int, out string)Gets the byte array data of the embedded ole object .
ImportExcelFile(string)Imports the excel file from the file path.
ImportExcelFile(Workbook)Imports the excel file from the Workbook object.
ImportExcelFile(Stream, GridLoadFormat)Imports the excel file from file stream with load format.
ImportExcelFile(string, string)Imports the excel file from the file path.
ImportExcelFile(string, Workbook)Imports the excel file from the Workbook object.
ImportExcelFile(Stream, GridLoadFormat, string)Imports the excel file from file stream with load format and open password.
ImportExcelFile(string, Stream, GridLoadFormat)Imports the excel file from file stream.
ImportExcelFile(string, string, string)Imports the excel file from file path and open password.
ImportExcelFile(string, Stream, GridLoadFormat, string)Imports the excel file from file stream with load format and open password.
ImportExcelFileFromJson(string)Imports the excel file from JSON format string.
InsertImage(string, string, Stream, string)Inserts image in the worksheet from file stream or the URL,(either the file stream or the URL shall be provided) or Inserts shape ,when the p.type is one of AutoShapeType
JsonToStream(Stream, string)Write JSON of the file to the stream
JsonToStreamByUid(Stream, string, string)Write JSON of the file from the cache by the specified unique id to the stream
MergeExcelFileFromJson(string, string)Applies a batch update to the memory data.
SaveToCacheWithFileName(string, string, string)Saves the memory data to the cache file with the specified filename and also set the open password, the save format is baseed on the file extension of the filename .
SaveToExcelFile(Stream)Saves the memory data to the sream, baseed on the origin file format.
SaveToExcelFile(string)Saves the memory data to the file path,if the file has extension ,save format is baseed on the file extension .
SaveToHtml(Stream)Saves the memory data to the sream,the save format is html
SaveToHtml(string)Saves the memory data to the file path,the save format is html.
SaveToPdf(Stream)Saves the memory data to the sream,the save format is pdf.
SaveToPdf(string)Saves the memory data to the file path,the save format is pdf.
SaveToXlsx(Stream)Saves the memory data to the sream,the save format is xlsx.
SaveToXlsx(string)Saves the memory data to the file path,the save format is xlsx.
SetInterruptMonitorForLoad(GridInterruptMonitor, int)Sets InterruptMonitor for load operation.
SetInterruptMonitorForSave(GridInterruptMonitor)Sets InterruptMonitor for save operation.
UpdateCell(string, string)Applies the update operation.
static GetGridLoadFormat(string)Gets the load format by file extension
static GetImageStream(string, string)Get Stream of image from memory data.
static GetImageUrl(string, string, string)Gets the image URL.
static GetUidForFile(string)Gets unique id for the file cache.
static SetImageUrlBase(string)Set the base image get action URL from controller .


static CacheImpCustom implemention for cache storage,If you want to store cache in stream way ,you need to set and implement it.
static CalculateEngineCustom implemention for calculation engine ,If you want to do custom calculation, you need to set and implement it.

See Also