
The Aspose.Cells.GridWeb namespace contains core classes of web control that can be embeded in ASP.NET web forms to integrate spreadsheet manipulation capabilities without Microsoft Excel.


CellEventArgsProvides data for cell events.
CustomCommandButtonRepresents a custom command button in the tab bar of the GridWeb control.
CustomCommandButtonCollectionRepresents the collection of CustomCommandButton.
ExtWebControlExtend the WebControl class, internal use only.
GridTableItemStyleInherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableItemStyle. Encapsulates the styles of a WebCell.
GridTableStyleInherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableStyle. Represents the style of a web table. Please refer to .NET SDK document about System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableStyle for further information.
GridWebThe basic class of GridWeb control.
GridWebFormGridWebForm control. It works with the GridWeb control. Set the GridWebControl property for it before run it.
GridWorksheetDesignInherited from GridWorksheet. Used in design-time only.
LicenseProvides methods to license the component.
MainWebParent class of GridWeb control.Internal use only.
RowColumnEventArgsProvides data for row/column events.
WebBorderStyleEncapsulates the style of web table or cell border.
WorksheetDesignInherited from WebWorksheet. Used in design-time only.


BorderCollapseTypeCollapse type of a table’s border object.
CustomCommandButtonTypeRepresents the type of a custom command.
LayoutFixedTypeLayout fixed type of a table object.
PresetStyleRepresents the preset style or an GridWeb control. By far, we provide 7 preset styles.
RowColumnTypeRepresents the row/column type of the row/column events.
SessionModeRepresents the session mode of the grid.
SetBorderPositionRepresents the border position to be set of a cells range.