Class GridComment

GridComment class

Encapsulates the object that represents a cell comment.

public class GridComment


Author { get; set; }Gets and sets Name of the original comment author
AutoSize { get; set; }Indicates if size of comment is adjusted automatically according to its content.
Column { get; }Gets the column index of the comment.
Height { get; set; }Represents the Height of the comment, in unit of pixels.
HeightCM { get; set; }Represents the height of the comment, in unit of centimeters.
HeightInch { get; set; }Represents the height of the comment, in unit of inches.
HtmlNote { get; set; }Gets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this comment.
IsVisible { get; set; }Represents if the comment is visible or not.
Note { get; set; }Represents the content of comment.
Row { get; }Gets the row index of the comment.
Width { get; set; }Represents the width of the comment, in unit of pixels.
WidthCM { get; set; }Represents the width of the comment, in unit of centimeters.
WidthInch { get; set; }Represents the width of the comment, in unit of inches.

See Also