Class GridPivotField

GridPivotField class

Represents a field in a PivotTable report.

public class GridPivotField


DisplayName { get; set; }Represents the PivotField display name.
Function { get; set; }Represents the function used to summarize the PivotTable data field.
IsAscendSort { get; set; }Indicates whether the specified PivotTable field is autosorted ascending.
IsAutoSort { get; set; }Indicates whether the specified PivotTable field is automatically sorted.
Position { get; set; }Represents the PivotField index in the PivotFields.


HideItem(int, bool)Sets whether the specific PivotItem in a data field is hidden.
HideItemByName(string, bool)Sets whether the specific PivotItem in a data field is hidden.
HideItemByValue(string, bool)Sets whether the specific PivotItem in a data field is hidden.

See Also