Class GridShape

GridShape class

Represents a shape object.

public class GridShape


Buffer { get; }Gets the Buffer of object.
ID { get; set; }Gets the Sets ID for the Shape.
ImageFormat { get; }Gets the image format of the picture.
Left { get; }Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of pixels.
LeftToCorner { get; set; }Represents the horizontal offset of shape from worksheet left board, in unit of pixels.
MsoDrawingType { get; }Gets and sets mso drawing type.
Name { get; }Gets and sets the name of the shape.
Text { get; set; }Represents the string in this TextBox object.
Top { get; }Represents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of pixels.
TopToCorner { get; set; }Represents the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top board, in unit of pixels.
UpperLeftColumn { get; }Represents upper left corner column index.
UpperLeftRow { get; }Represents upper left corner row index.
ZOrderPosition { get; set; }Returns the position of a shape in the z-order.


SaveToImage(Stream)Creates the image and saves it to a stream in the specified png format.

See Also