
CreateSubtotal(int, int, int, SubtotalFunction, int[], string, GridTableItemStyle, GridTableItemStyle, NumberType, string)

Creates subtotal in the sheet.

public void CreateSubtotal(int columnNameRowIndex, int dataRows, int groupByColumnIndex, 
    SubtotalFunction subtotalFunction, int[] subtotalColumnIndexList, string functionLabel, 
    GridTableItemStyle grandCellStyle, GridTableItemStyle subtotalCellStyle, NumberType numberType, 
    string customString)
columnNameRowIndexInt32The row index of the column name row.
dataRowsInt32The number of the data rows.
groupByColumnIndexInt32The column index of the column to be grouped.
subtotalFunctionSubtotalFunctionThe subtotal function type.
subtotalColumnIndexListInt32[]The column indexes to be subtotaled.
functionLabelStringThe label of subtotal function.
grandCellStyleGridTableItemStyleThe style of the grand total line.
subtotalCellStyleGridTableItemStyleThe style of the subtotal line.
numberTypeNumberTypeThe number type of the subtotal result cells.
customStringStringThe custome format string of the subtotal result cells. Can be null.

See Also

CreateSubtotal(int, int, int, SubtotalFunction, int[])

Creates subtotal in the sheet.

public void CreateSubtotal(int columnNameRowIndex, int dataRows, int groupByColumnIndex, 
    SubtotalFunction subtotalFunction, int[] subtotalColumnIndexList)
columnNameRowIndexInt32The row index of the column name row.
dataRowsInt32The number of the data rows.
groupByColumnIndexInt32The column index of the column to be grouped.
subtotalFunctionSubtotalFunctionThe subtotal function type.
subtotalColumnIndexListInt32[]The column indexes to be subtotaled.

See Also