Class PivotTables

PivotTables class

Represents a collection of all the PivotTable objects

[Obsolete("This class is obsolete; use GridPivotTableCollection instead")]
public class PivotTables : ICollection


Count { get; }Gets the number of elements contained in the PivotTables instance
IsSynchronized { get; }Gets a value indicating whether access to the PivotTables is synchronized (thread-safe).
Item { get; }Gets a PivotTable object by index. (2 indexers)
Parent { get; }Gets the parent object for the specified object. Read-only.
SyncRoot { get; }Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the PivotTables.


Add(PivotCache)Adds a PivotTable object from the specified PivotCache to a new worksheet
Add(PivotCache, string)Adds a PivotTable object from the specified PivotCache to a new worksheet
Add(PivotCache, WebWorksheet, WebCell)Adds a PivotTable object from the specified PivotCache to the specified worksheet
Add(PivotCache, WebWorksheet, WebCell, string)Adds a PivotTable object from the specified PivotCache to the specified worksheet
Clear()Removes all PivotTable objects and all PivotCache objects in the control.
Contains(string)Returns true if exists pivottable name tableName.
CopyTo(Array, int)Copies the entire PivotTable to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array
GetEnumerator()Returns an IEnumerator for the PivotTables.
Refresh(PivotTable)ReDataBinds data source to the PivotTable report.
RefreshAll()ReDataBinds data source to all PivotTable report.
Remove(PivotTable)Removes the specified PivotTable object from the PivotTables and the related PivotCache if it is not used by other PivotTable
RemoveAt(int)Removes the specified PivotTable object from the PivotTables and the related PivotCache if it is not used by other PivotTable


NOTE: This class is now obsolete. please use GridPivotTableCollection Instead. This class will be removed after 6 months since Aug. 2014. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.



 //On the assumption that worksheet "Sheet1" has datas, then creates a PivotTable report base on it.
 WebWorksheet sourceSheet = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets["Sheet1"];
 Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.Data.WebCellArea sourceRange = new WebCellArea();
 sourceRange.StartRow = 0;
 sourceRange.StartColumn = 0;
 sourceRange.EndRow = 10;
 sourceRange.EndColumn = 5;

 PivotCache cache = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets.PivotCaches.Add(sourceSheet, sourceRange);

 PivotTable table = cache.CreatePivotTable();

 table.PivotFields[0].Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.RowField;
 table.PivotFields[1].Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.RowField;
 table.PivotFields[2].Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.RowField;
 table.PivotFields[3].Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.ColumnField | PivotFieldOrientation.DataField;
 table.PivotFields[4].Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.ColumnField;
 table.PivotFields[5].Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.ColumnField | PivotFieldOrientation.DataField;

 table.PivotFields[3].Function = PivotFieldFunction.Count;
 table.PivotFields[5].Function = PivotFieldFunction.Sum;


 //Creates a PivotTable report from DataView or DataTable.
 DataView dataView;//Or  DataTable dataTable;
 Sets dataView(dataTable) Value

 PivotCache cache = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets.PivotCaches.Add(dataView);
 //Or PivotCache cache = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets.PivotCaches.Add(dataTable);
 PivotTable table = cache.CreatePivotTable();
 table = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets.PivotTables["PivotTable1"];
 table.PivotFields[0].Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.RowField;
 table.PivotFields[1].Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.RowField;
 table.PivotFields[2].Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.ColumnField | PivotFieldOrientation.DataField;


 'On the assumption that worksheet "Sheet1" has datas, then creates a PivotTable report base on it.
 Dim sourceSheet As WebWorksheet =  GridWeb1.WebWorksheets("Sheet1")
 Dim sourceRange As Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.Data.WebCellArea =  New WebCellArea()/
 sourceRange.StartRow = 0
 sourceRange.StartColumn = 0
 sourceRange.EndRow = 10
 sourceRange.EndColumn = 5

 Dim cache As PivotCache =  GridWeb1.WebWorksheets.PivotCaches.Add(sourceSheet,sourceRange)

 Dim table As PivotTable =  cache.CreatePivotTable()

 table.PivotFields(0).Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.RowField
 table.PivotFields(1).Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.RowField
 table.PivotFields(2).Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.RowField
 table.PivotFields(3).Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.ColumnField | PivotFieldOrientation.DataField
 table.PivotFields(4).Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.ColumnField
 table.PivotFields(5).Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.ColumnField | PivotFieldOrientation.DataField

 table.PivotFields(3).Function = PivotFieldFunction.Count
 table.PivotFields(5).Function = PivotFieldFunction.Sum


 'Creates a PivotTable report from DataView or DataTable.

 Dim dataView As DataView ' Or Dim dataTable As DataTable
 Sets dataView(dataTable) Value

 Dim cache As PivotCache =  GridWeb1.WebWorksheets.PivotCaches.Add(dataView)
 'Or Dim cache As PivotCache =  GridWeb1.WebWorksheets.PivotCaches.Add(dataTable)
 Dim table As PivotTable =  cache.CreatePivotTable()
 table = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets.PivotTables("PivotTable1")
 table.PivotFields(0).Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.RowField
 table.PivotFields(1).Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.RowField
 table.PivotFields(2).Orientation = PivotFieldOrientation.ColumnField | PivotFieldOrientation.DataField

See Also