
Merge(int, int, int, int)

Merges a specified range of cells into a single cell.

public void Merge(int firstRow, int firstColumn, int totalRows, int totalColumns)
firstRowInt32First row of this range(zero based)
firstColumnInt32First column of this range(zero based)
totalRowsInt32Number of rows(one based)
totalColumnsInt32Number of columns(one based)


Reference the merged cell via the address of the upper-left cell in the range.

See Also

Merge(int, int, int, int, bool)

Merges a specified range of cells into a single cell.

public void Merge(int firstRow, int firstColumn, int totalRows, int totalColumns, 
    bool mergeConflict)
firstRowInt32First row of this range(zero based)
firstColumnInt32First column of this range(zero based)
totalRowsInt32Number of rows(one based)
totalColumnsInt32Number of columns(one based)
mergeConflictBooleanMerge conflict merged ranges.


Reference the merged cell via the address of the upper-left cell in the range. If mergeConflict is true and the merged range conflicts with other merged cells, other merged cells will be automatically removed.

See Also

Merge(int, int, int, int, bool, bool)

Merges a specified range of cells into a single cell.

public void Merge(int firstRow, int firstColumn, int totalRows, int totalColumns, 
    bool checkConflict, bool mergeConflict)
firstRowInt32First row of this range(zero based)
firstColumnInt32First column of this range(zero based)
totalRowsInt32Number of rows(one based)
totalColumnsInt32Number of columns(one based)
checkConflictBooleanIndicates whether check the merged cells intersects other merged cells
mergeConflictBooleanMerge conflict merged ranges.


Reference the merged cell via the address of the upper-left cell in the range. If mergeConflict is true and the merged range conflicts with other merged cells, other merged cells will be automatically removed.

See Also