
GetInstance(int[], string[])

Creates ICellsDataTable from given sequence of int values.

public ICellsDataTable GetInstance(int[] vals, string[] columnNames)
valsInt32[]int values to build table
columnNamesString[]Column names of the table. Its length can only be either 1(build table by the int values vertically) or length of the int values(build table by the int values horizontally)

Return Value

Instance of ICellsDataTable

See Also

GetInstance(int[], bool)

Creates ICellsDataTable from given sequence of int values.

public ICellsDataTable GetInstance(int[] vals, bool vertial)
valsInt32[]int values to build table
vertialBooleanwhether build table by the int values vertiacally(true) or horizontally(false)

Return Value

Instance of ICellsDataTable

See Also

GetInstance(double[], string[])

Creates ICellsDataTable from given sequence of double values.

public ICellsDataTable GetInstance(double[] vals, string[] columnNames)
valsDouble[]double values to build table
columnNamesString[]Column names of the table. Its length can only be either 1(build table by the double values vertically) or length of the double values(build table by the double values horizontally)

Return Value

Instance of ICellsDataTable

See Also

GetInstance(double[], bool)

Creates ICellsDataTable from given sequence of double values.

public ICellsDataTable GetInstance(double[] vals, bool vertial)
valsDouble[]double values to build table
vertialBooleanwhether build table by the double values vertiacally(true) or horizontally(false)

Return Value

Instance of ICellsDataTable

See Also

GetInstance(object[], string[])

Creates ICellsDataTable from given sequence of objects.

public ICellsDataTable GetInstance(object[] vals, string[] columnNames)
valsObject[]objects to build table
columnNamesString[]Column names of the table. Its length can only be either 1(build table by the objects vertically) or length of the objects(build table by the objects horizontally)

Return Value

Instance of ICellsDataTable

See Also

GetInstance(object[][], bool, string[])

Creates ICellsDataTable from given sequence of objects.

public ICellsDataTable GetInstance(object[][] vals, bool hasHeader, string[] columnNames)
valsObject[][]objects to build table
hasHeaderBooleanIndicates whether the first row is header row.
columnNamesString[]Column names of the table. Its length can only be either 1(build table by the objects vertically) or length of the objects(build table by the objects horizontally)

Return Value

Instance of ICellsDataTable

See Also

GetInstance(object[], bool)

Creates ICellsDataTable from given sequence of objects.

public ICellsDataTable GetInstance(object[] vals, bool vertial)
valsObject[]objects to build table
vertialBooleanwhether build table by the objects vertiacally(true) or horizontally(false)

Return Value

Instance of ICellsDataTable

See Also


public ICellsDataTable GetInstance(int[] vals)

See Also


public ICellsDataTable GetInstance(double[] vals)

See Also


public ICellsDataTable GetInstance(object[] vals)

See Also


Creates ICellsDataTable from given collection.

public ICellsDataTable GetInstance(ICollection collection)
collectionICollectionthe collection to build table

Return Value

Instance of ICellsDataTable

See Also

GetInstance(ICollection, bool)

Creates ICellsDataTable from given collection.

public ICellsDataTable GetInstance(ICollection collection, bool hasHeader)
collectionICollectionthe collection to build table
hasHeaderBooleanIndicates whether the first row is header

Return Value

Instance of ICellsDataTable

See Also