

Represents the base field for a ShowDataAs calculation when the ShowDataAs calculation is in use.


Represents the custom index of the pivot item in the base field when the ShowDataAs calculation is in use. Valid only for data fields.


Represents type of the base pivot item in the base field when the ShowDataAs calculation is in use. Valid only for data fields. Because PivotItemPosition.Custom is only for read,if you need to set PivotItemPosition.Custom, please set PivotField.BaseItemIndex attribute. The value of the property is PivotItemPositionType integer constant.PivotItemPositionType


Represents how to show values of a data field in the pivot report. The value of the property is PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat integer constant.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat


Represents the base field for a ShowDataAs calculation when the ShowDataAs calculation is in use.


Represents the custom index of the pivot item in the base field when the ShowDataAs calculation is in use. Valid only for data fields.


Represents type of the base pivot item in the base field when the ShowDataAs calculation is in use. Valid only for data fields. Because PivotItemPosition.Custom is only for read,if you need to set PivotItemPosition.Custom, please set PivotField.BaseItemIndex attribute. The value of the property is PivotItemPositionType integer constant.PivotItemPositionType


Represents how to show values of a data field in the pivot report. The value of the property is PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat integer constant.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat