
Class DataSorterKey

Represents the key of the data sorter.

Property Getters/Setters Summary
Gets the sorted color.
Represents the id of the icon set type.
Represents the icon set type. The value of the property is IconSetType integer constant.
Gets the sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, ...).
Indicates the order of sorting. The value of the property is SortOrder integer constant.
Represents the type of sorting. The value of the property is SortOnType integer constant.

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getOrder : Number 

        function getOrder()
        Indicates the order of sorting. The value of the property is SortOrder integer constant.
      • getIndex : Number 

        function getIndex()
        Gets the sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, ...).
      • getType : Number 

        function getType()
        Represents the type of sorting. The value of the property is SortOnType integer constant.
      • getIconSetType : Number 

        function getIconSetType()
        Represents the icon set type. The value of the property is IconSetType integer constant. Only takes effect when Type is SortOnType.ICON.
      • getIconId : Number 

        function getIconId()
        Represents the id of the icon set type. Only takes effect when Type is SortOnType.ICON.