
Class HtmlSaveOptions

Represents the options for saving html file.

Constructor Summary
Creates options for saving html file.
Creates options for saving htm file.
Property Getters/Setters Summary
           Indicates whether to add a generic font to CSS font-family. The default value is true
           Indicates whether adding tooltip text when the data can't be fully displayed. The default value is false.
           The directory that the attached files will be saved to. Only for saving to html stream.
           Specify the Url prefix of attached files such as image in the html file. Only for saving to html stream.
           The cached file folder is used to store some large data.
           Indicates whether to calculate formulas before saving html file.
           Gets and sets the prefix of the css name,the default value is "".
           Make the workbook empty after saving the file.
           If true and the directory does not exist, the directory will be automatically created before saving the file.
           Gets or sets the additional css styles for the formatter. Only works when SaveAsSingleFile is True.


CssStyles="body { padding: 5px }";
           Specify the default font name for exporting html, the default font will be used when the font of style is not existing, If this property is null, Aspose.Cells will use universal font which have the same family with the original font, the default value is null.
           Indicates if disable Downlevel-revealed conditional comments when exporting file to html, the default value is false.
           If not set,use Encoding.UTF8 as default enconding type.
           Indicating whether excludes unused styles. For the generated html files, excluding unused styles can make the file size smaller without affecting the visual effects. So the default value of this property is true. If user needs to keep all styles in the workbook for the generated html(such as the scenario that user needs to restore the workbook from the generated html later), please set this property as false.
           Indicates if only exporting the active worksheet to html file. If true then only the active worksheet will be exported to html file; If false then the whole workbook will be exported to html file. The default value is false.
           Gets or Sets the exporting CellArea of current active Worksheet. If you set this attribute, the print area of current active Worksheet will be omitted. Only the specified area will be exported when saving the file to html.
           Indicating whether exporting bogus bottom row data. The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
           Indicates whether exporting excel coordinate of nonblank cells when saving file to html. The default value is false. If you want to import the output html to excel, please keep the default value.
           Represents type of exporting comments to html files. The value of the property is PrintCommentsType integer constant.
           Indicating the rule of exporting html file data.The default value is All. The value of the property is HtmlExportDataOptions integer constant.
           Indicating whether exporting document properties.The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
           Indicates whether exporting extra headings when the length of text is longer than max display column. The default value is false. If you want to import the html file to excel, please keep the default value.
           Indicates whether exporting formula when saving file to html. The default value is true. If you want to import the output html to excel, please keep the default value.
           Indicating whether exporting frame scripts and document properties. The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
           Indicating whether exporting the gridlines.The default value is false.
           Indicates whether exports sheet's row and column headings when saving to HTML files.
           Indicating if exporting the hidden worksheet content.The default value is true.
           Specifies whether images are saved in Base64 format to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
           Gets or sets the ExportObjectListener for exporting objects.
           Indicates whether exporting page headers.
           Indicates whether exporting page headers.
           Indicates if only exporting the print area to html file. The default value is false.
           Indicates whether exports sheet's row and column headings when saving to HTML files.
           Indicating whether exporting the similar border style when the border style is not supported by browsers. If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value. The default value is false.
           Indicates whether exporting the single tab when the file only has one worksheet. The default value is false.
           Indicating whether exporting workbook properties.The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
           Indicating whether export the worksheet css separately.The default value is false.
           Indicating whether exporting worksheet properties.The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
           Gets or sets the IFilePathProvider for exporting Worksheet to html separately.
           Indicating whether show the whole formatted data of cell when overflowing the column. If true then ignore the column width and the whole data of cell will be exported. If false then the data will be exported same as Excel. The default value is false.
           Hidden column(the width of this column is 0) in excel,before save this into html format, if HtmlHiddenColDisplayType is "Remove",the hidden column would not been output, if the value is "Hidden", the column would been output,but was hidden,the default value is "Hidden" The value of the property is HtmlHiddenColDisplayType integer constant.
           Hidden row(the height of this row is 0) in excel,before save this into html format, if HtmlHiddenRowDisplayType is "Remove",the hidden row would not been output, if the value is "Hidden", the row would been output,but was hidden,the default value is "Hidden" The value of the property is HtmlHiddenRowDisplayType integer constant.
           Indicates whether to hide overflow text when the cell format is set to wrap text. The default value is false
           Indicates if a cross-cell string will be displayed in the same way as MS Excel when saving an Excel file in html format. By default the value is Default, so, for cross-cell strings, there is little difference between the html files created by Aspose.Cells and MS Excel. But the performance for creating large html files,setting the value to Cross would be several times faster than setting it to Default or Fit2Cell. The value of the property is HtmlCrossType integer constant.
           Indicate whether exporting those not visible shapes
Get the ImageOrPrintOptions object before exporting
           Indicates whether using scalable unit to describe the image width when using scalable unit to describe the column width. The default value is true.
           Indicates whether the table borders are collapsed. The default value is true.
           Indicates whether exporting image files to temp directory. Only for saving to html stream.
           Indicates if exporting comments when saving file to html, the default value is false.
           Indicating whether using full path link in sheet00x.htm,filelist.xml and tabstrip.htm. The default value is false.
           Indicating whether the output HTML is compatible with IE browser. The defalut value is false
           Indicates whether JavaScript is compatible with browsers that do not support JavaScript. The default value is true.
           Indicates whether the output HTML is compatible with mobile devices. The default value is false.
           Indicating the type of target attribute in <a> link. The default value is HtmlLinkTargetType.Parent. The value of the property is HtmlLinkTargetType integer constant.
           Indicates whether merge the areas of conditional formatting and validation before saving the file.
           Indicates whether merging empty TD element forcedly when exporting file to html. The size of html file will be reduced significantly after setting value to true. The default value is false. If you want to import the html file to excel or export perfect grid lines when saving file to html, please keep the default value.
           The option to merge contiguous empty cells(empty td elements) The default value is MergeEmptyTdType.Default. The value of the property is MergeEmptyTdType integer constant.
           The title of the html page. Only for saving to html stream.
           Indicates whether html tag(such as <div></div>) in cell should be parsed as cell value or preserved as it is. The default value is true.
           Indicating if html or mht file is presentation preference. The default value is false. if you want to get more beautiful presentation,please set the value to true.
           Indicates whether refreshing chart cache data
           Indicates whether save the html as single file. The default value is false.
Gets the save file format. The value of the property is SaveFormat integer constant.
           Indicates whether showing all sheets when saving as a single html file.
           Indicates whether sorting external defined names before saving file.
           Indicates whether sorting defined names before saving file.
           Gets and sets the prefix of the type css name such as tr,col,td and so on, they are contained in the table element which has the specific TableCssId attribute. The default value is "".
           Indicates whether updating smart art setting. The default value is false.
           Indicates whether validate merged cells before saving the file.
           Gets or sets warning callback.
           Indicates whether exporting column width in unit of scale to html. The default value is false.
           Indicates if zooming in or out the html via worksheet zoom level when saving file to html, the default value is false.

    • Constructor Detail

      • HtmlSaveOptions

        function HtmlSaveOptions()
        Creates options for saving html file.
    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getIgnoreInvisibleShapes/setIgnoreInvisibleShapes : boolean 

        function getIgnoreInvisibleShapes() / function setIgnoreInvisibleShapes(value)
        Indicate whether exporting those not visible shapes The default values is false.
      • getPageTitle/setPageTitle : String 

        function getPageTitle() / function setPageTitle(value)
        The title of the html page. Only for saving to html stream.
      • getAttachedFilesDirectory/setAttachedFilesDirectory : String 

        function getAttachedFilesDirectory() / function setAttachedFilesDirectory(value)
        The directory that the attached files will be saved to. Only for saving to html stream.
      • getAttachedFilesUrlPrefix/setAttachedFilesUrlPrefix : String 

        function getAttachedFilesUrlPrefix() / function setAttachedFilesUrlPrefix(value)
        Specify the Url prefix of attached files such as image in the html file. Only for saving to html stream.
      • getDefaultFontName/setDefaultFontName : String 

        function getDefaultFontName() / function setDefaultFontName(value)
        Specify the default font name for exporting html, the default font will be used when the font of style is not existing, If this property is null, Aspose.Cells will use universal font which have the same family with the original font, the default value is null.
      • getAddGenericFont/setAddGenericFont : boolean 

        function getAddGenericFont() / function setAddGenericFont(value)
        Indicates whether to add a generic font to CSS font-family. The default value is true
      • getWorksheetScalable/setWorksheetScalable : boolean 

        function getWorksheetScalable() / function setWorksheetScalable(value)
        Indicates if zooming in or out the html via worksheet zoom level when saving file to html, the default value is false.
      • isExportComments/setExportComments : boolean 

        function isExportComments() / function setExportComments(value)
        Indicates if exporting comments when saving file to html, the default value is false.
      • getExportCommentsType/setExportCommentsType : Number 

        function getExportCommentsType() / function setExportCommentsType(value)
        Represents type of exporting comments to html files. The value of the property is PrintCommentsType integer constant.
      • getDisableDownlevelRevealedComments/setDisableDownlevelRevealedComments : boolean 

        function getDisableDownlevelRevealedComments() / function setDisableDownlevelRevealedComments(value)
        Indicates if disable Downlevel-revealed conditional comments when exporting file to html, the default value is false.
      • isExpImageToTempDir/setExpImageToTempDir : boolean 

        function isExpImageToTempDir() / function setExpImageToTempDir(value)
        Indicates whether exporting image files to temp directory. Only for saving to html stream.
      • getImageScalable/setImageScalable : boolean 

        function getImageScalable() / function setImageScalable(value)
        Indicates whether using scalable unit to describe the image width when using scalable unit to describe the column width. The default value is true.
      • getWidthScalable/setWidthScalable : boolean 

        function getWidthScalable() / function setWidthScalable(value)
        Indicates whether exporting column width in unit of scale to html. The default value is false.
      • getExportSingleTab/setExportSingleTab : boolean 

        function getExportSingleTab() / function setExportSingleTab(value)
        Indicates whether exporting the single tab when the file only has one worksheet. The default value is false.
      • getExportImagesAsBase64/setExportImagesAsBase64 : boolean 

        function getExportImagesAsBase64() / function setExportImagesAsBase64(value)
        Specifies whether images are saved in Base64 format to HTML, MHTML or EPUB. When this property is set to true image data is exported directly on the img elements and separate files are not created.
      • getExportActiveWorksheetOnly/setExportActiveWorksheetOnly : boolean 

        function getExportActiveWorksheetOnly() / function setExportActiveWorksheetOnly(value)
        Indicates if only exporting the active worksheet to html file. If true then only the active worksheet will be exported to html file; If false then the whole workbook will be exported to html file. The default value is false.
      • getExportPrintAreaOnly/setExportPrintAreaOnly : boolean 

        function getExportPrintAreaOnly() / function setExportPrintAreaOnly(value)
        Indicates if only exporting the print area to html file. The default value is false.
      • getExportArea/setExportArea : CellArea 

        function getExportArea() / function setExportArea(value)
        Gets or Sets the exporting CellArea of current active Worksheet. If you set this attribute, the print area of current active Worksheet will be omitted. Only the specified area will be exported when saving the file to html.
      • getParseHtmlTagInCell/setParseHtmlTagInCell : boolean 

        function getParseHtmlTagInCell() / function setParseHtmlTagInCell(value)
        Indicates whether html tag(such as <div></div>) in cell should be parsed as cell value or preserved as it is. The default value is true.
      • getHtmlCrossStringType/setHtmlCrossStringType : Number 

        function getHtmlCrossStringType() / function setHtmlCrossStringType(value)
        Indicates if a cross-cell string will be displayed in the same way as MS Excel when saving an Excel file in html format. By default the value is Default, so, for cross-cell strings, there is little difference between the html files created by Aspose.Cells and MS Excel. But the performance for creating large html files,setting the value to Cross would be several times faster than setting it to Default or Fit2Cell. The value of the property is HtmlCrossType integer constant.
      • getHiddenColDisplayType/setHiddenColDisplayType : Number 

        function getHiddenColDisplayType() / function setHiddenColDisplayType(value)
        Hidden column(the width of this column is 0) in excel,before save this into html format, if HtmlHiddenColDisplayType is "Remove",the hidden column would not been output, if the value is "Hidden", the column would been output,but was hidden,the default value is "Hidden" The value of the property is HtmlHiddenColDisplayType integer constant.
      • getHiddenRowDisplayType/setHiddenRowDisplayType : Number 

        function getHiddenRowDisplayType() / function setHiddenRowDisplayType(value)
        Hidden row(the height of this row is 0) in excel,before save this into html format, if HtmlHiddenRowDisplayType is "Remove",the hidden row would not been output, if the value is "Hidden", the row would been output,but was hidden,the default value is "Hidden" The value of the property is HtmlHiddenRowDisplayType integer constant.
      • getEncoding/setEncoding : Encoding 

        function getEncoding() / function setEncoding(value)
        If not set,use Encoding.UTF8 as default enconding type.
      • getExportObjectListener/setExportObjectListener : IExportObjectListener 

        function getExportObjectListener() / function setExportObjectListener(value)
        Gets or sets the ExportObjectListener for exporting objects. NOTE: This property is now obsolete. Instead, please use HtmlSaveOptions.IStreamProvider property. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2015. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
      • getFilePathProvider/setFilePathProvider : IFilePathProvider 

        function getFilePathProvider() / function setFilePathProvider(value)
        Gets or sets the IFilePathProvider for exporting Worksheet to html separately.
      • getImageOptions : ImageOrPrintOptions 

        function getImageOptions()
        Get the ImageOrPrintOptions object before exporting
      • getSaveAsSingleFile/setSaveAsSingleFile : boolean 

        function getSaveAsSingleFile() / function setSaveAsSingleFile(value)
        Indicates whether save the html as single file. The default value is false. If there are multiple worksheets or other required resources such as pictures in the workbook, commonly those worksheets and other resources need to be saved into separate files. For some scenarios, user maybe need to get only one resultant file such as for the convenience of transferring. If so, user may set this property as true.
      • getShowAllSheets/setShowAllSheets : boolean 

        function getShowAllSheets() / function setShowAllSheets(value)
        Indicates whether showing all sheets when saving as a single html file. Only works when SaveAsSingleFile is True.
      • getExportPageHeaders/setExportPageHeaders : boolean 

        function getExportPageHeaders() / function setExportPageHeaders(value)
        Indicates whether exporting page headers. Only works when SaveAsSingleFile is True.
      • getExportPageFooters/setExportPageFooters : boolean 

        function getExportPageFooters() / function setExportPageFooters(value)
        Indicates whether exporting page headers. Only works when SaveAsSingleFile is True.
      • getExportHiddenWorksheet/setExportHiddenWorksheet : boolean 

        function getExportHiddenWorksheet() / function setExportHiddenWorksheet(value)
        Indicating if exporting the hidden worksheet content.The default value is true.
      • getPresentationPreference/setPresentationPreference : boolean 

        function getPresentationPreference() / function setPresentationPreference(value)
        Indicating if html or mht file is presentation preference. The default value is false. if you want to get more beautiful presentation,please set the value to true.
      • getCellCssPrefix/setCellCssPrefix : String 

        function getCellCssPrefix() / function setCellCssPrefix(value)
        Gets and sets the prefix of the css name,the default value is "".
      • getTableCssId/setTableCssId : String 

        function getTableCssId() / function setTableCssId(value)
        Gets and sets the prefix of the type css name such as tr,col,td and so on, they are contained in the table element which has the specific TableCssId attribute. The default value is "".
      • isFullPathLink/setFullPathLink : boolean 

        function isFullPathLink() / function setFullPathLink(value)
        Indicating whether using full path link in sheet00x.htm,filelist.xml and tabstrip.htm. The default value is false.
      • getExportWorksheetCSSSeparately/setExportWorksheetCSSSeparately : boolean 

        function getExportWorksheetCSSSeparately() / function setExportWorksheetCSSSeparately(value)
        Indicating whether export the worksheet css separately.The default value is false.
      • getExportSimilarBorderStyle/setExportSimilarBorderStyle : boolean 

        function getExportSimilarBorderStyle() / function setExportSimilarBorderStyle(value)
        Indicating whether exporting the similar border style when the border style is not supported by browsers. If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value. The default value is false.
      • getMergeEmptyTdForcely/setMergeEmptyTdForcely : boolean 

        function getMergeEmptyTdForcely() / function setMergeEmptyTdForcely(value)
        Indicates whether merging empty TD element forcedly when exporting file to html. The size of html file will be reduced significantly after setting value to true. The default value is false. If you want to import the html file to excel or export perfect grid lines when saving file to html, please keep the default value.
      • getMergeEmptyTdType/setMergeEmptyTdType : Number 

        function getMergeEmptyTdType() / function setMergeEmptyTdType(value)
        The option to merge contiguous empty cells(empty td elements) The default value is MergeEmptyTdType.Default. The value of the property is MergeEmptyTdType integer constant.
      • getExportCellCoordinate/setExportCellCoordinate : boolean 

        function getExportCellCoordinate() / function setExportCellCoordinate(value)
        Indicates whether exporting excel coordinate of nonblank cells when saving file to html. The default value is false. If you want to import the output html to excel, please keep the default value.
      • getExportExtraHeadings/setExportExtraHeadings : boolean 

        function getExportExtraHeadings() / function setExportExtraHeadings(value)
        Indicates whether exporting extra headings when the length of text is longer than max display column. The default value is false. If you want to import the html file to excel, please keep the default value.
      • getExportHeadings/setExportHeadings : boolean 

        function getExportHeadings() / function setExportHeadings(value)
        Indicates whether exports sheet's row and column headings when saving to HTML files. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use HtmlSaveOptions.ExportRowColumnHeadings property. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2022. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
      • getExportRowColumnHeadings/setExportRowColumnHeadings : boolean 

        function getExportRowColumnHeadings() / function setExportRowColumnHeadings(value)
        Indicates whether exports sheet's row and column headings when saving to HTML files. The default value is false.
      • getExportFormula/setExportFormula : boolean 

        function getExportFormula() / function setExportFormula(value)
        Indicates whether exporting formula when saving file to html. The default value is true. If you want to import the output html to excel, please keep the default value.
      • getAddTooltipText/setAddTooltipText : boolean 

        function getAddTooltipText() / function setAddTooltipText(value)
        Indicates whether adding tooltip text when the data can't be fully displayed. The default value is false.
      • getExportGridLines/setExportGridLines : boolean 

        function getExportGridLines() / function setExportGridLines(value)
        Indicating whether exporting the gridlines.The default value is false.
      • getExportBogusRowData/setExportBogusRowData : boolean 

        function getExportBogusRowData() / function setExportBogusRowData(value)
        Indicating whether exporting bogus bottom row data. The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
      • getExcludeUnusedStyles/setExcludeUnusedStyles : boolean 

        function getExcludeUnusedStyles() / function setExcludeUnusedStyles(value)
        Indicating whether excludes unused styles. For the generated html files, excluding unused styles can make the file size smaller without affecting the visual effects. So the default value of this property is true. If user needs to keep all styles in the workbook for the generated html(such as the scenario that user needs to restore the workbook from the generated html later), please set this property as false.
      • getExportDocumentProperties/setExportDocumentProperties : boolean 

        function getExportDocumentProperties() / function setExportDocumentProperties(value)
        Indicating whether exporting document properties.The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
      • getExportWorksheetProperties/setExportWorksheetProperties : boolean 

        function getExportWorksheetProperties() / function setExportWorksheetProperties(value)
        Indicating whether exporting worksheet properties.The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
      • getExportWorkbookProperties/setExportWorkbookProperties : boolean 

        function getExportWorkbookProperties() / function setExportWorkbookProperties(value)
        Indicating whether exporting workbook properties.The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
      • getExportFrameScriptsAndProperties/setExportFrameScriptsAndProperties : boolean 

        function getExportFrameScriptsAndProperties() / function setExportFrameScriptsAndProperties(value)
        Indicating whether exporting frame scripts and document properties. The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
      • getExportDataOptions/setExportDataOptions : Number 

        function getExportDataOptions() / function setExportDataOptions(value)
        Indicating the rule of exporting html file data.The default value is All. The value of the property is HtmlExportDataOptions integer constant.
      • getLinkTargetType/setLinkTargetType : Number 

        function getLinkTargetType() / function setLinkTargetType(value)
        Indicating the type of target attribute in <a> link. The default value is HtmlLinkTargetType.Parent. The value of the property is HtmlLinkTargetType integer constant.
      • isIECompatible/setIECompatible : boolean 

        function isIECompatible() / function setIECompatible(value)
        Indicating whether the output HTML is compatible with IE browser. The defalut value is false
      • getFormatDataIgnoreColumnWidth/setFormatDataIgnoreColumnWidth : boolean 

        function getFormatDataIgnoreColumnWidth() / function setFormatDataIgnoreColumnWidth(value)
        Indicating whether show the whole formatted data of cell when overflowing the column. If true then ignore the column width and the whole data of cell will be exported. If false then the data will be exported same as Excel. The default value is false.
      • getCalculateFormula/setCalculateFormula : boolean 

        function getCalculateFormula() / function setCalculateFormula(value)
        Indicates whether to calculate formulas before saving html file. The default value is false.
      • isJsBrowserCompatible/setJsBrowserCompatible : boolean 

        function isJsBrowserCompatible() / function setJsBrowserCompatible(value)
        Indicates whether JavaScript is compatible with browsers that do not support JavaScript. The default value is true.
      • isMobileCompatible/setMobileCompatible : boolean 

        function isMobileCompatible() / function setMobileCompatible(value)
        Indicates whether the output HTML is compatible with mobile devices. The default value is false.
      • getCssStyles/setCssStyles : String 

        function getCssStyles() / function setCssStyles(value)
        Gets or sets the additional css styles for the formatter. Only works when SaveAsSingleFile is True.


        CssStyles="body { padding: 5px }";
      • getHideOverflowWrappedText/setHideOverflowWrappedText : boolean 

        function getHideOverflowWrappedText() / function setHideOverflowWrappedText(value)
        Indicates whether to hide overflow text when the cell format is set to wrap text. The default value is false
      • isBorderCollapsed/setBorderCollapsed : boolean 

        function isBorderCollapsed() / function setBorderCollapsed(value)
        Indicates whether the table borders are collapsed. The default value is true.
      • getSaveFormat : Number 

        function getSaveFormat()
        Gets the save file format. The value of the property is SaveFormat integer constant.
      • getClearData/setClearData : boolean 

        function getClearData() / function setClearData(value)
        Make the workbook empty after saving the file.
      • getCachedFileFolder/setCachedFileFolder : String 

        function getCachedFileFolder() / function setCachedFileFolder(value)
        The cached file folder is used to store some large data.
      • getValidateMergedAreas/setValidateMergedAreas : boolean 

        function getValidateMergedAreas() / function setValidateMergedAreas(value)
        Indicates whether validate merged cells before saving the file. The default value is false.
      • getMergeAreas/setMergeAreas : boolean 

        function getMergeAreas() / function setMergeAreas(value)
        Indicates whether merge the areas of conditional formatting and validation before saving the file. The default value is false.
      • getCreateDirectory/setCreateDirectory : boolean 

        function getCreateDirectory() / function setCreateDirectory(value)
        If true and the directory does not exist, the directory will be automatically created before saving the file. The default value is false.
      • getSortNames/setSortNames : boolean 

        function getSortNames() / function setSortNames(value)
        Indicates whether sorting defined names before saving file.
      • getSortExternalNames/setSortExternalNames : boolean 

        function getSortExternalNames() / function setSortExternalNames(value)
        Indicates whether sorting external defined names before saving file.
      • getRefreshChartCache/setRefreshChartCache : boolean 

        function getRefreshChartCache() / function setRefreshChartCache(value)
        Indicates whether refreshing chart cache data
      • getWarningCallback/setWarningCallback : IWarningCallback 

        function getWarningCallback() / function setWarningCallback(value)
        Gets or sets warning callback.
      • getUpdateSmartArt/setUpdateSmartArt : boolean 

        function getUpdateSmartArt() / function setUpdateSmartArt(value)
        Indicates whether updating smart art setting. The default value is false. Only effects after calling Shape.GetResultOfSmartArt() method and the cached shapes exist in the template file.