
Class PivotTable

Summary description for PivotTable.

Property Getters/Setters Summary
           Gets the description of the alt text
           Gets the title of the altertext
           Indicates whether autofitting column width on update
           Gets and sets the auto format type of PivotTable. The value of the property is PivotTableAutoFormatType integer constant.
Returns all base pivot fields in the PivotTable.
Returns a PivotFields object that are currently shown as column fields.
           Indicates whether the PivotTable report shows grand totals for columns.
           Gets the Column Header Caption of the PivotTable.
Returns a CellArea object that represents the range that contains the column area in the PivotTable report. Read-only.
           Indicates whether consider built-in custom list when sort data
Returns a CellArea object that represents the range that contains the data area in the list between the header row and the insert row. Read-only.
Gets a PivotField object that represents all the data fields in a PivotTable. Read-only. It would only be created when there are two or more data fields in the Data region. Defaultly it is in row region. You can drag it to the row/column region with PivotTable.AddFieldToArea() method .
           Gets and sets the name of the value area field header in the PivotTable.
Gets a PivotField object that represents all the data fields in a PivotTable. Read-only.It would be init only when there are two or more data fields in the DataPiovtFiels. It only use to add DataPivotField to the PivotTable row/column area . Default is in row area.
           Gets and sets the data source of the pivot table.
           Indicates whether the PivotTable report displays a custom string in cells that contain errors.
           Indicates whether items in the row and column areas are visible when the data area of the PivotTable is empty. The default value is true.
           Indicates whether the PivotTable report displays a custom string if the value is null.
           Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the user is allowed to edit the cells in the data area of the pivottable. Enable cell editing in the values area
           Gets whether drilldown is enabled.
           Indicates whether the PivotTable Field dialog box is available when the user double-clicks the PivotTable field.
           Gets whether enable the field list for the PivotTable.
           Indicates whether the PivotTable Wizard is available.
           Gets the string displayed in cells that contain errors when the DisplayErrorString property is true.The default value is an empty string.
Gets the external connection data source.
           Indicates whether fields in the PivotTable are sorted in non-default order in the field list.
           Returns the text string label that is displayed in the grand total column or row heading. The default value is the string "Grand Total".
           Indicates whether to add blank rows. This property only applies for the PivotTable auto format types which needs to add blank rows.
           Specifies the indentation increment for compact axis and can be used to set the Report Layout to Compact Form.
           Indicates whether the PivotTable report is automatically formatted. Checkbox "autoformat table " which is in pivottable option for Excel 2003
           Specifies whether the PivotTable is compatible for Excel2003 when refreshing PivotTable, if true, a string must be less than or equal to 255 characters, so if the string is greater than 255 characters, it will be truncated. if false, a string will not have the aforementioned restriction. The default value is true.
           Indicates whether the PivotTable report displays classic pivottable layout. (enables dragging fields in the grid)
           Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the fields of a PivotTable can have multiple filters set on them.
           Indicates whether this PivotTable is selected.
           Indicates whether PivotItem names should be repeated at the top of each printed page.
           Indicates whether the PivotTable report is recalculated only at the user's request.
           True if the specified PivotTable report's outer-row item, column item, subtotal, and grand total labels use merged cells.
           Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the fields of a PivotTable can have multiple filters set on them. The value of the property is PivotMissingItemLimitType integer constant.
           Gets the name of the PivotTable
           Gets the string displayed in cells that contain null values when the DisplayNullString property is true.The default value is an empty string.
           Gets the order in which page fields are added to the PivotTable report's layout. The value of the property is PrintOrderType integer constant.
Returns a PivotFields object that are currently shown as page fields.
           Gets the number of page fields in each column or row in the PivotTable report.
Returns a list of pivot filters.
Gets the Format Conditions of the pivot table.
Gets the collection of formats applied to PivotTable.
           Gets and sets the pivottable style name.
           Gets and sets the built-in pivot table style. The value of the property is PivotTableStyleType integer constant.
           Indicates whether formatting is preserved when the PivotTable is refreshed or recalculated.
           Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether drill indicators should be printed. print expand/collapse buttons when displayed on pivottable.
           Indicates whether the print titles for the worksheet are set based on the PivotTable report. The default value is false.
           Indicates whether Refreshing Data or not.
           Indicates whether Refresh Data when Opening File.
Gets the last date time when the PivotTable was refreshed.
Gets the name of the last user who refreshed this PivotTable
Returns a PivotFields object that are currently shown as row fields.
           Indicates whether the PivotTable report shows grand totals for rows.
           Gets the Row Header Caption of the PivotTable.
Returns a CellArea object that represents the range that contains the row area in the PivotTable report. Read-only.
           Indicates whether data for the PivotTable report is saved with the workbook.
           Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether tooltips should be displayed for PivotTable data cells.
           Gets and sets whether showing expand/collapse buttons.
           Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to include empty columns in the table
           Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to include empty rows in the table.
           Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether member property information should be omitted from PivotTable tooltips.
           Indicates whether the column header in the pivot table should have the style applied.
           Indicates whether stripe formatting is applied for column.
           Indicates whether the column formatting is applied.
           Indicates whether the row header in the pivot table should have the style applied.
           Indicates whether row stripe formatting is applied.
           Indicates whether row header caption is shown in the PivotTable report Indicates whether Display field captions and filter drop downs
           Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether show values row. show the values row
           Indicates whether hidden page field items in the PivotTable report are included in row and column subtotals, block totals, and grand totals. The default value is False.
Returns a CellArea object that represents the range containing the entire PivotTable report, but doesn't include page fields. Read-only.
Returns a CellArea object that represents the range containing the entire PivotTable report, includes page fields. Read-only.
           Gets a string saved with the PivotTable report.
Method Summary
functionaddCalculatedField(name, formula)
Adds a calculated field to pivot field and drag it to data area.
functionaddCalculatedField(name, formula, dragToDataArea)
Adds a calculated field to pivot field.
functionaddFieldToArea(fieldType, pivotField)
Adds the field to the specific area.
functionaddFieldToArea(fieldType, baseFieldIndex)
Adds the field to the specific area.
functionaddFieldToArea(fieldType, fieldName)
Adds the field to the specific area.
Calculates pivottable's data to cells.
Calculates pivottable's range.
Set pivottable's source data. Sheet1!$A$1:$C$3
Clear PivotTable's data and formatting
Copies named style from another pivot table.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Gets the specific fields by the field type.
functionformat(pivotArea, style)
Formats selected area of the PivotTable.
functionformat(row, column, style)
Format the cell in the pivottable area
Format all the cell in the pivottable area
functionformatRow(row, style)
Format the row data in the pivottable area
Gets the Cell object by the display name of PivotField.
Gets the Children Pivot Tables which use this PivotTable data as data source.
Gets the specific pivot field list by the region.
get pivot table row index list of horizontal pagebreaks
Get pivottable's source data.
functionmove(row, column)
Moves the PivotTable to a different location in the worksheet.
Moves the PivotTable to a different location in the worksheet.
Refreshes pivottable's data and setting from it's data source.
Refreshes pivottable's data and setting from it's data source with options.
functionremoveField(fieldType, pivotField)
Remove field from specific field area
functionremoveField(fieldType, baseFieldIndex)
Removes a field from specific field area
functionremoveField(fieldType, fieldName)
Removes a field from specific field area
Sets auto field group by the PivotTable.
Sets auto field group by the PivotTable.
functionsetManualGroupField(pivotField, startVal, endVal, groupByList, intervalNum)
Sets manual field group by the PivotTable.
functionsetManualGroupField(pivotField, startVal, endVal, groupByList, intervalNum)
Sets manual field group by the PivotTable.
functionsetManualGroupField(baseFieldIndex, startVal, endVal, groupByList, intervalNum)
Sets manual field group by the PivotTable.
functionsetManualGroupField(baseFieldIndex, startVal, endVal, groupByList, intervalNum)
Sets manual field group by the PivotTable.
Sets ungroup by the PivotTable
Sets ungroup by the PivotTable
Layouts the PivotTable in compact form.
Layouts the PivotTable in outline form.
Layouts the PivotTable in tabular form.
Show all the report filter pages according to PivotField, the PivotField must be located in the PageFields.
Show all the report filter pages according to the position index in the PageFields
Show all the report filter pages according to PivotField's name, the PivotField must be located in the PageFields.

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • isExcel2003Compatible/setExcel2003Compatible : boolean 

        function isExcel2003Compatible() / function setExcel2003Compatible(value)
        Specifies whether the PivotTable is compatible for Excel2003 when refreshing PivotTable, if true, a string must be less than or equal to 255 characters, so if the string is greater than 255 characters, it will be truncated. if false, a string will not have the aforementioned restriction. The default value is true.
      • getRefreshedByWho : String 

        function getRefreshedByWho()
        Gets the name of the last user who refreshed this PivotTable
      • getRefreshDate : DateTime 

        function getRefreshDate()
        Gets the last date time when the PivotTable was refreshed.
      • getPivotTableStyleName/setPivotTableStyleName : String 

        function getPivotTableStyleName() / function setPivotTableStyleName(value)
        Gets and sets the pivottable style name.
      • getPivotTableStyleType/setPivotTableStyleType : Number 

        function getPivotTableStyleType() / function setPivotTableStyleType(value)
        Gets and sets the built-in pivot table style. The value of the property is PivotTableStyleType integer constant.
      • getColumnFields : PivotFieldCollection 

        function getColumnFields()
        Returns a PivotFields object that are currently shown as column fields.
      • getRowFields : PivotFieldCollection 

        function getRowFields()
        Returns a PivotFields object that are currently shown as row fields.
      • getPageFields : PivotFieldCollection 

        function getPageFields()
        Returns a PivotFields object that are currently shown as page fields.
      • getDataFields : PivotFieldCollection 

        function getDataFields()
        Gets a PivotField object that represents all the data fields in a PivotTable. Read-only.It would be init only when there are two or more data fields in the DataPiovtFiels. It only use to add DataPivotField to the PivotTable row/column area . Default is in row area.
      • getDataField : PivotField 

        function getDataField()
        Gets a PivotField object that represents all the data fields in a PivotTable. Read-only. It would only be created when there are two or more data fields in the Data region. Defaultly it is in row region. You can drag it to the row/column region with PivotTable.AddFieldToArea() method .
      • getBaseFields : PivotFieldCollection 

        function getBaseFields()
        Returns all base pivot fields in the PivotTable.
      • getColumnRange : CellArea 

        function getColumnRange()
        Returns a CellArea object that represents the range that contains the column area in the PivotTable report. Read-only.
      • getRowRange : CellArea 

        function getRowRange()
        Returns a CellArea object that represents the range that contains the row area in the PivotTable report. Read-only.
      • getDataBodyRange : CellArea 

        function getDataBodyRange()
        Returns a CellArea object that represents the range that contains the data area in the list between the header row and the insert row. Read-only.
      • getTableRange1 : CellArea 

        function getTableRange1()
        Returns a CellArea object that represents the range containing the entire PivotTable report, but doesn't include page fields. Read-only.
      • getTableRange2 : CellArea 

        function getTableRange2()
        Returns a CellArea object that represents the range containing the entire PivotTable report, includes page fields. Read-only.
      • getColumnGrand/setColumnGrand : boolean 

        function getColumnGrand() / function setColumnGrand(value)
        Indicates whether the PivotTable report shows grand totals for columns.
      • isGridDropZones/setGridDropZones : boolean 

        function isGridDropZones() / function setGridDropZones(value)
        Indicates whether the PivotTable report displays classic pivottable layout. (enables dragging fields in the grid)
      • getRowGrand/setRowGrand : boolean 

        function getRowGrand() / function setRowGrand(value)
        Indicates whether the PivotTable report shows grand totals for rows.
      • getDisplayNullString/setDisplayNullString : boolean 

        function getDisplayNullString() / function setDisplayNullString(value)
        Indicates whether the PivotTable report displays a custom string if the value is null.
      • getNullString/setNullString : String 

        function getNullString() / function setNullString(value)
        Gets the string displayed in cells that contain null values when the DisplayNullString property is true.The default value is an empty string.
      • getDisplayErrorString/setDisplayErrorString : boolean 

        function getDisplayErrorString() / function setDisplayErrorString(value)
        Indicates whether the PivotTable report displays a custom string in cells that contain errors.
      • getDataFieldHeaderName/setDataFieldHeaderName : String 

        function getDataFieldHeaderName() / function setDataFieldHeaderName(value)
        Gets and sets the name of the value area field header in the PivotTable.
      • getErrorString/setErrorString : String 

        function getErrorString() / function setErrorString(value)
        Gets the string displayed in cells that contain errors when the DisplayErrorString property is true.The default value is an empty string.
      • isAutoFormat/setAutoFormat : boolean 

        function isAutoFormat() / function setAutoFormat(value)
        Indicates whether the PivotTable report is automatically formatted. Checkbox "autoformat table " which is in pivottable option for Excel 2003
      • getAutofitColumnWidthOnUpdate/setAutofitColumnWidthOnUpdate : boolean 

        function getAutofitColumnWidthOnUpdate() / function setAutofitColumnWidthOnUpdate(value)
        Indicates whether autofitting column width on update
      • getAutoFormatType/setAutoFormatType : Number 

        function getAutoFormatType() / function setAutoFormatType(value)
        Gets and sets the auto format type of PivotTable. The value of the property is PivotTableAutoFormatType integer constant.PivotTableAutoFormatType
      • hasBlankRows/setHasBlankRows : boolean 

        function hasBlankRows() / function setHasBlankRows(value)
        Indicates whether to add blank rows. This property only applies for the PivotTable auto format types which needs to add blank rows.
      • getMergeLabels/setMergeLabels : boolean 

        function getMergeLabels() / function setMergeLabels(value)
        True if the specified PivotTable report's outer-row item, column item, subtotal, and grand total labels use merged cells.
      • getPreserveFormatting/setPreserveFormatting : boolean 

        function getPreserveFormatting() / function setPreserveFormatting(value)
        Indicates whether formatting is preserved when the PivotTable is refreshed or recalculated.
      • getShowDrill/setShowDrill : boolean 

        function getShowDrill() / function setShowDrill(value)
        Gets and sets whether showing expand/collapse buttons.
      • getEnableDrilldown/setEnableDrilldown : boolean 

        function getEnableDrilldown() / function setEnableDrilldown(value)
        Gets whether drilldown is enabled.
      • getEnableFieldDialog/setEnableFieldDialog : boolean 

        function getEnableFieldDialog() / function setEnableFieldDialog(value)
        Indicates whether the PivotTable Field dialog box is available when the user double-clicks the PivotTable field.
      • getEnableFieldList/setEnableFieldList : boolean 

        function getEnableFieldList() / function setEnableFieldList(value)
        Gets whether enable the field list for the PivotTable.
      • getEnableWizard/setEnableWizard : boolean 

        function getEnableWizard() / function setEnableWizard(value)
        Indicates whether the PivotTable Wizard is available.
      • getSubtotalHiddenPageItems/setSubtotalHiddenPageItems : boolean 

        function getSubtotalHiddenPageItems() / function setSubtotalHiddenPageItems(value)
        Indicates whether hidden page field items in the PivotTable report are included in row and column subtotals, block totals, and grand totals. The default value is False.
      • getGrandTotalName/setGrandTotalName : String 

        function getGrandTotalName() / function setGrandTotalName(value)
        Returns the text string label that is displayed in the grand total column or row heading. The default value is the string "Grand Total".
      • getManualUpdate/setManualUpdate : boolean 

        function getManualUpdate() / function setManualUpdate(value)
        Indicates whether the PivotTable report is recalculated only at the user's request.
      • isMultipleFieldFilters/setMultipleFieldFilters : boolean 

        function isMultipleFieldFilters() / function setMultipleFieldFilters(value)
        Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the fields of a PivotTable can have multiple filters set on them.
      • getMissingItemsLimit/setMissingItemsLimit : Number 

        function getMissingItemsLimit() / function setMissingItemsLimit(value)
        Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the fields of a PivotTable can have multiple filters set on them. The value of the property is PivotMissingItemLimitType integer constant.
      • getEnableDataValueEditing/setEnableDataValueEditing : boolean 

        function getEnableDataValueEditing() / function setEnableDataValueEditing(value)
        Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the user is allowed to edit the cells in the data area of the pivottable. Enable cell editing in the values area
      • getShowDataTips/setShowDataTips : boolean 

        function getShowDataTips() / function setShowDataTips(value)
        Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether tooltips should be displayed for PivotTable data cells.
      • getShowMemberPropertyTips/setShowMemberPropertyTips : boolean 

        function getShowMemberPropertyTips() / function setShowMemberPropertyTips(value)
        Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether member property information should be omitted from PivotTable tooltips.
      • getShowValuesRow/setShowValuesRow : boolean 

        function getShowValuesRow() / function setShowValuesRow(value)
        Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether show values row. show the values row
      • getShowEmptyCol/setShowEmptyCol : boolean 

        function getShowEmptyCol() / function setShowEmptyCol(value)
        Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to include empty columns in the table
      • getShowEmptyRow/setShowEmptyRow : boolean 

        function getShowEmptyRow() / function setShowEmptyRow(value)
        Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to include empty rows in the table.
      • getFieldListSortAscending/setFieldListSortAscending : boolean 

        function getFieldListSortAscending() / function setFieldListSortAscending(value)
        Indicates whether fields in the PivotTable are sorted in non-default order in the field list.
      • getPrintDrill/setPrintDrill : boolean 

        function getPrintDrill() / function setPrintDrill(value)
        Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether drill indicators should be printed. print expand/collapse buttons when displayed on pivottable.
      • getAltTextTitle/setAltTextTitle : String 

        function getAltTextTitle() / function setAltTextTitle(value)
        Gets the title of the altertext
      • getAltTextDescription/setAltTextDescription : String 

        function getAltTextDescription() / function setAltTextDescription(value)
        Gets the description of the alt text
      • getName/setName : String 

        function getName() / function setName(value)
        Gets the name of the PivotTable
      • getColumnHeaderCaption/setColumnHeaderCaption : String 

        function getColumnHeaderCaption() / function setColumnHeaderCaption(value)
        Gets the Column Header Caption of the PivotTable.
      • getIndent/setIndent : Number 

        function getIndent() / function setIndent(value)
        Specifies the indentation increment for compact axis and can be used to set the Report Layout to Compact Form.
      • getRowHeaderCaption/setRowHeaderCaption : String 

        function getRowHeaderCaption() / function setRowHeaderCaption(value)
        Gets the Row Header Caption of the PivotTable.
      • getShowRowHeaderCaption/setShowRowHeaderCaption : boolean 

        function getShowRowHeaderCaption() / function setShowRowHeaderCaption(value)
        Indicates whether row header caption is shown in the PivotTable report Indicates whether Display field captions and filter drop downs
      • getCustomListSort/setCustomListSort : boolean 

        function getCustomListSort() / function setCustomListSort(value)
        Indicates whether consider built-in custom list when sort data
      • getPageFieldOrder/setPageFieldOrder : Number 

        function getPageFieldOrder() / function setPageFieldOrder(value)
        Gets the order in which page fields are added to the PivotTable report's layout. The value of the property is PrintOrderType integer constant.
      • getPageFieldWrapCount/setPageFieldWrapCount : Number 

        function getPageFieldWrapCount() / function setPageFieldWrapCount(value)
        Gets the number of page fields in each column or row in the PivotTable report.
      • getTag/setTag : String 

        function getTag() / function setTag(value)
        Gets a string saved with the PivotTable report.
      • getSaveData/setSaveData : boolean 

        function getSaveData() / function setSaveData(value)
        Indicates whether data for the PivotTable report is saved with the workbook.
      • getRefreshDataOnOpeningFile/setRefreshDataOnOpeningFile : boolean 

        function getRefreshDataOnOpeningFile() / function setRefreshDataOnOpeningFile(value)
        Indicates whether Refresh Data when Opening File.
      • getRefreshDataFlag/setRefreshDataFlag : boolean 

        function getRefreshDataFlag() / function setRefreshDataFlag(value)
        Indicates whether Refreshing Data or not.
      • getExternalConnectionDataSource : ExternalConnection 

        function getExternalConnectionDataSource()
        Gets the external connection data source.
      • getDataSource/setDataSource : String[] 

        function getDataSource() / function setDataSource(value)
        Gets and sets the data source of the pivot table.
      • getItemPrintTitles/setItemPrintTitles : boolean 

        function getItemPrintTitles() / function setItemPrintTitles(value)
        Indicates whether PivotItem names should be repeated at the top of each printed page.
      • getPrintTitles/setPrintTitles : boolean 

        function getPrintTitles() / function setPrintTitles(value)
        Indicates whether the print titles for the worksheet are set based on the PivotTable report. The default value is false.
      • getDisplayImmediateItems/setDisplayImmediateItems : boolean 

        function getDisplayImmediateItems() / function setDisplayImmediateItems(value)
        Indicates whether items in the row and column areas are visible when the data area of the PivotTable is empty. The default value is true.
      • isSelected/setSelected : boolean 

        function isSelected() / function setSelected(value)
        Indicates whether this PivotTable is selected.
      • getShowPivotStyleRowHeader/setShowPivotStyleRowHeader : boolean 

        function getShowPivotStyleRowHeader() / function setShowPivotStyleRowHeader(value)
        Indicates whether the row header in the pivot table should have the style applied.
      • getShowPivotStyleColumnHeader/setShowPivotStyleColumnHeader : boolean 

        function getShowPivotStyleColumnHeader() / function setShowPivotStyleColumnHeader(value)
        Indicates whether the column header in the pivot table should have the style applied.
      • getShowPivotStyleRowStripes/setShowPivotStyleRowStripes : boolean 

        function getShowPivotStyleRowStripes() / function setShowPivotStyleRowStripes(value)
        Indicates whether row stripe formatting is applied.
      • getShowPivotStyleColumnStripes/setShowPivotStyleColumnStripes : boolean 

        function getShowPivotStyleColumnStripes() / function setShowPivotStyleColumnStripes(value)
        Indicates whether stripe formatting is applied for column.
      • getShowPivotStyleLastColumn/setShowPivotStyleLastColumn : boolean 

        function getShowPivotStyleLastColumn() / function setShowPivotStyleLastColumn(value)
        Indicates whether the column formatting is applied.
    • Method Detail

      • changeDataSource

        function changeDataSource(source)
        Set pivottable's source data. Sheet1!$A$1:$C$3
      • getSource

        function getSource()
        Get pivottable's source data.
      • refreshData

        function refreshData()
        Refreshes pivottable's data and setting from it's data source. We will gather data from data source to a pivot cache ,then calculate the data in the cache to the cells. This method is only used to gather all data to a pivot cache.
      • refreshData

        function refreshData(option)
        Refreshes pivottable's data and setting from it's data source with options.
        option: PivotTableRefreshOption - The options for refreshing data source of pivot table.
      • calculateData

        function calculateData()
        Calculates pivottable's data to cells. Cell.Value in the pivot range could not return the correct result if the method is not been called. This method calculates data with an inner pivot cache,not original data source. So if the data source is changed, please call RefreshData() method first.
      • clearData

        function clearData()
        Clear PivotTable's data and formatting If this method is not called before you add or delete PivotField, Maybe the PivotTable data is not corrected
      • calculateRange

        function calculateRange()
        Calculates pivottable's range. If this method is not been called,maybe the pivottable range is not corrected.
      • formatAll

        function formatAll(style)
        Format all the cell in the pivottable area
        style: Style - Style which is to format
      • formatRow

        function formatRow(row, style)
        Format the row data in the pivottable area
        row: Number - Row Index of the Row object
        style: Style - Style which is to format
      • format

        function format(pivotArea, style)
        Formats selected area of the PivotTable.
        pivotArea: PivotArea -
        style: Style -
      • format

        function format(row, column, style)
        Format the cell in the pivottable area
        row: Number - Row Index of the cell
        column: Number - Column index of the cell
        style: Style - Style which is to format the cell
      • setAutoGroupField

        function setAutoGroupField(baseFieldIndex)
        Sets auto field group by the PivotTable.
        baseFieldIndex - The row or column field index in the base fields
        NOTE: This method is now obsolete. Instead, please use PivotField.GroupBy() method. This method will be removed 12 months later since October 2023. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
      • setAutoGroupField

        function setAutoGroupField(pivotField)
        Sets auto field group by the PivotTable. NOTE: This method is now obsolete. Instead, please use PivotField.GroupBy() method. This method will be removed 12 months later since October 2023. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
        pivotField: PivotField - The row or column field in the specific fields
      • setManualGroupField

        function setManualGroupField(baseFieldIndex, startVal, endVal, groupByList, intervalNum)
        Sets manual field group by the PivotTable. NOTE: This method is now obsolete. Instead, please use PivotField.GroupBy() method. This method will be removed 12 months later since October 2023. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
        baseFieldIndex: Number - The row or column field index in the base fields
        startVal: Number - Specifies the starting value for numeric grouping.
        endVal: Number - Specifies the ending value for numeric grouping.
        groupByList: ArrayList - Specifies the grouping type list. Specified by PivotTableGroupType
        intervalNum: Number - Specifies the interval number group by numeric grouping.
      • setManualGroupField

        function setManualGroupField(pivotField, startVal, endVal, groupByList, intervalNum)
        Sets manual field group by the PivotTable. NOTE: This method is now obsolete. Instead, please use PivotField.GroupBy() method. This method will be removed 12 months later since October 2023. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
        pivotField: PivotField - The row or column field in the base fields
        startVal: Number - Specifies the starting value for numeric grouping.
        endVal: Number - Specifies the ending value for numeric grouping.
        groupByList: ArrayList - Specifies the grouping type list. Specified by PivotTableGroupType
        intervalNum: Number - Specifies the interval number group by numeric grouping.
      • setManualGroupField

        function setManualGroupField(baseFieldIndex, startVal, endVal, groupByList, intervalNum)
        Sets manual field group by the PivotTable. NOTE: This method is now obsolete. Instead, please use PivotField.GroupBy() method. This method will be removed 12 months later since October 2023. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
        baseFieldIndex: Number - The row or column field index in the base fields
        startVal: DateTime - Specifies the starting value for date grouping.
        endVal: DateTime - Specifies the ending value for date grouping.
        groupByList: ArrayList - Specifies the grouping type list. Specified by PivotTableGroupType
        intervalNum: Number - Specifies the interval number group by in days grouping.The number of days must be positive integer of nonzero
      • setManualGroupField

        function setManualGroupField(pivotField, startVal, endVal, groupByList, intervalNum)
        Sets manual field group by the PivotTable. NOTE: This method is now obsolete. Instead, please use PivotField.GroupBy() method. This method will be removed 12 months later since October 2023. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
        pivotField: PivotField - The row or column field in the base fields
        startVal: DateTime - Specifies the starting value for date grouping.
        endVal: DateTime - Specifies the ending value for date grouping.
        groupByList: ArrayList - Specifies the grouping type list. Specified by PivotTableGroupType
        intervalNum: Number - Specifies the interval number group by in days grouping.The number of days must be positive integer of nonzero
      • setUngroup

        function setUngroup(baseFieldIndex)
        Sets ungroup by the PivotTable NOTE: This method is now obsolete. Instead, please use PivotField.Ungroup() method. This method will be removed 12 months later since October 2023. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
        baseFieldIndex: Number - The row or column field index in the base fields
      • setUngroup

        function setUngroup(pivotField)
        Sets ungroup by the PivotTable NOTE: This method is now obsolete. Instead, please use PivotField.Ungroup() method. This method will be removed 12 months later since October 2023. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
        pivotField: PivotField - The row or column field in the base fields
      • getHorizontalBreaks

        function getHorizontalBreaks()
        get pivot table row index list of horizontal pagebreaks
      • showInCompactForm

        function showInCompactForm()
        Layouts the PivotTable in compact form.
      • showInOutlineForm

        function showInOutlineForm()
        Layouts the PivotTable in outline form.
      • showInTabularForm

        function showInTabularForm()
        Layouts the PivotTable in tabular form.
      • getCellByDisplayName

        function getCellByDisplayName(displayName)
        Gets the Cell object by the display name of PivotField.
        displayName: String - the DisplayName of PivotField
        the Cell object
      • getChildren

        function getChildren()
        Gets the Children Pivot Tables which use this PivotTable data as data source.
        the PivotTable array object
      • dispose

        function dispose()
        Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
      • copyStyle

        function copyStyle(pivotTable)
        Copies named style from another pivot table.
        pivotTable: PivotTable - Source pivot table.
      • showReportFilterPage

        function showReportFilterPage(pageField)
        Show all the report filter pages according to PivotField, the PivotField must be located in the PageFields.
        pageField: PivotField - The PivotField object
      • showReportFilterPageByName

        function showReportFilterPageByName(fieldName)
        Show all the report filter pages according to PivotField's name, the PivotField must be located in the PageFields.
        fieldName: String - The name of PivotField
      • showReportFilterPageByIndex

        function showReportFilterPageByIndex(posIndex)
        Show all the report filter pages according to the position index in the PageFields
        posIndex: Number - The position index in the PageFields
      • removeField

        function removeField(fieldType, pivotField)
        Remove field from specific field area
        fieldType: Number - A PivotFieldType value. the fields area type.
        pivotField: PivotField - the field in the base fields.
      • addFieldToArea

        function addFieldToArea(fieldType, fieldName)
        Adds the field to the specific area. addFieldToArea(int, com.aspose.cells.PivotField)
        fieldType: Number - A PivotFieldType value. The fields area type.
        fieldName: String - The name in the base fields.
        The field position in the specific fields.If there is no field named as it, return -1.
      • addFieldToArea

        function addFieldToArea(fieldType, baseFieldIndex)
        Adds the field to the specific area. addFieldToArea(int, com.aspose.cells.PivotField)
        fieldType: Number - A PivotFieldType value. The fields area type.
        baseFieldIndex: Number - The field index in the base fields.
        The field position in the specific fields.
      • addFieldToArea

        function addFieldToArea(fieldType, pivotField)
        Adds the field to the specific area.
        fieldType: Number - A PivotFieldType value. the fields area type.
        pivotField: PivotField - the field in the base fields.
        the field position in the specific fields.
      • addCalculatedField

        function addCalculatedField(name, formula, dragToDataArea)
        Adds a calculated field to pivot field.
        name: String - The name of the calculated field
        formula: String - The formula of the calculated field.
        dragToDataArea: boolean - True,drag this field to data area immediately
      • addCalculatedField

        function addCalculatedField(name, formula)
        Adds a calculated field to pivot field and drag it to data area.
        name: String - The name of the calculated field
        formula: String - The formula of the calculated field.
      • getFields

        function getFields(fieldType)
        Gets the specific pivot field list by the region.
        fieldType: Number - A PivotFieldType value. the region type.
        the specific pivot field collection
      • fields

        function fields(fieldType)
        Gets the specific fields by the field type. NOTE: This method is now obsolete. Instead, please use PivotField.GetFields() method. This method will be removed 12 months later since May 2024. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
        fieldType: Number - A PivotFieldType value. the field type.
        the specific field collection
      • move

        function move(row, column)
        Moves the PivotTable to a different location in the worksheet.
        row: Number - row index.
        column: Number - column index.
      • move

        function move(destCellName)
        Moves the PivotTable to a different location in the worksheet.
        destCellName: String - the dest cell name.