
Class RevisionCellComment

Represents a revision record of a cell comment change.

Property Getters/Setters Summary
Gets the action type of the revision. The value of the property is RevisionActionType integer constant.
           Gets the name of the cell.
Gets the column index of the which contains a comment.
Gets the number of this revision.
Indicates whether it's an old comment.
Gets Length of the comment before this revision was made.
Gets Length of the comment text added in this revision.
Gets the row index of the which contains a comment.
Gets the type of revision. The value of the property is RevisionType integer constant.
Gets the worksheet.

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getType : Number 

        function getType()
        Gets the type of revision. The value of the property is RevisionType integer constant.
      • getRow : Number 

        function getRow()
        Gets the row index of the which contains a comment.
      • getColumn : Number 

        function getColumn()
        Gets the column index of the which contains a comment.
      • getCellName/setCellName : String 

        function getCellName() / function setCellName(value)
        Gets the name of the cell.
      • getActionType : Number 

        function getActionType()
        Gets the action type of the revision. The value of the property is RevisionActionType integer constant.
      • isOldComment : boolean 

        function isOldComment()
        Indicates whether it's an old comment.
      • getOldLength : Number 

        function getOldLength()
        Gets Length of the comment text added in this revision.
      • getNewLength : Number 

        function getNewLength()
        Gets Length of the comment before this revision was made.
      • getWorksheet : Worksheet 

        function getWorksheet()
        Gets the worksheet.
      • getId : Number 

        function getId()
        Gets the number of this revision. Zero means this revision does not contains id.