
Class SlicerCache

summary description of slicer cache

Property Getters/Setters Summary
           Returns or sets whether a slicer is participating in cross filtering with other slicers that share the same slicer cache, and how cross filtering is displayed. Read/write The value of the property is SlicerCacheCrossFilterType integer constant.
Returns whether the slicer associated with the specified slicer cache is based on an Non-OLAP data source. Read-only
Returns the name of the slicer cache.
Returns a SlicerCacheItem collection that contains the collection of all items in the slicer cache. Read-only
Returns the name of cache field

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getCrossFilterType/setCrossFilterType : Number 

        function getCrossFilterType() / function setCrossFilterType(value)
        Returns or sets whether a slicer is participating in cross filtering with other slicers that share the same slicer cache, and how cross filtering is displayed. Read/write The value of the property is SlicerCacheCrossFilterType integer constant.
      • getList : boolean 

        function getList()
        Returns whether the slicer associated with the specified slicer cache is based on an Non-OLAP data source. Read-only
      • getSlicerCacheItems : SlicerCacheItemCollection 

        function getSlicerCacheItems()
        Returns a SlicerCacheItem collection that contains the collection of all items in the slicer cache. Read-only
      • getName : String 

        function getName()
        Returns the name of the slicer cache.
      • getSourceName : String 

        function getSourceName()
        Returns the name of cache field