
Class TickLabels

Represents the tick-mark labels associated with tick marks on a chart axis.

Property Getters/Setters Summary
           Gets and sets the text alignment for the tick labels on the axis. The value of the property is TickLabelAlignmentType integer constant.
           True if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. The default value is True.
           Gets and sets the display mode of the background The value of the property is BackgroundMode integer constant.
           Gets and sets the direction of text. The value of the property is ChartTextDirectionType integer constant.
Gets and sets the display number format of tick labels.
Returns a Font object that represents the font of the specified TickLabels object.
           Indicates whether the rotation angle is automatic
           Represents the format number for the TickLabels object.
           Represents the format string for the TickLabels object.
           True if the number format is linked to the cells (so that the number format changes in the labels when it changes in the cells).
           Gets and sets the distance between the axis labels and the axis line.
           Represents text reading order. The value of the property is TextDirectionType integer constant.
           Represents text rotation angle in clockwise.
           Represents text reading order. The value of the property is TextDirectionType integer constant.
Gets the display tick labels of the axis.

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getFont : Font 

        function getFont()
        Returns a Font object that represents the font of the specified TickLabels object.
      • getAutoScaleFont/setAutoScaleFont : boolean 

        function getAutoScaleFont() / function setAutoScaleFont(value)
        True if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. The default value is True.
      • getBackgroundMode/setBackgroundMode : Number 

        function getBackgroundMode() / function setBackgroundMode(value)
        Gets and sets the display mode of the background The value of the property is BackgroundMode integer constant.
      • getRotationAngle/setRotationAngle : Number 

        function getRotationAngle() / function setRotationAngle(value)
        Represents text rotation angle in clockwise.
        0: Not rotated.

        255: Top to Bottom.

        -90: Downward.

        90: Upward.
      • isAutomaticRotation/setAutomaticRotation : boolean 

        function isAutomaticRotation() / function setAutomaticRotation(value)
        Indicates whether the rotation angle is automatic
      • getNumberFormat/setNumberFormat : String 

        function getNumberFormat() / function setNumberFormat(value)
        Represents the format string for the TickLabels object. The formatting string is same as a custom format string setting to a cell. For example, "$0".
      • getNumber/setNumber : Number 

        function getNumber() / function setNumber(value)
        Represents the format number for the TickLabels object.
      • getNumberFormatLinked/setNumberFormatLinked : boolean 

        function getNumberFormatLinked() / function setNumberFormatLinked(value)
        True if the number format is linked to the cells (so that the number format changes in the labels when it changes in the cells).
      • getDisplayNumberFormat : String 

        function getDisplayNumberFormat()
        Gets and sets the display number format of tick labels.
      • getOffset/setOffset : Number 

        function getOffset() / function setOffset(value)
        Gets and sets the distance between the axis labels and the axis line. The default distance is 100 percent, which represents the default spacing between the axis labels and the axis line. The value can be an integer percentage from 0 through 1000, relative to the axis label’s font size.
      • getTextDirection/setTextDirection : Number 

        function getTextDirection() / function setTextDirection(value)
        Represents text reading order. The value of the property is TextDirectionType integer constant.NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use TickLabels.ReadingOrder property. This property will be removed 12 months later since March 2020. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
      • getReadingOrder/setReadingOrder : Number 

        function getReadingOrder() / function setReadingOrder(value)
        Represents text reading order. The value of the property is TextDirectionType integer constant.
      • getDirectionType/setDirectionType : Number 

        function getDirectionType() / function setDirectionType(value)
        Gets and sets the direction of text. The value of the property is ChartTextDirectionType integer constant.
      • getTickLabelItems : TickLabelItem[] 

        function getTickLabelItems()
        Gets the display tick labels of the axis. Only available after calling Chart.calculate() method.
      • getAlignmentType/setAlignmentType : Number 

        function getAlignmentType() / function setAlignmentType(value)
        Gets and sets the text alignment for the tick labels on the axis. The value of the property is TickLabelAlignmentType integer constant.