
Class PivotNumbericRangeGroupSettings

Represents the numberic range group of the pivot field.

Property Getters/Setters Summary
Gets the end number of the group.
Gets the interval of the group.
Gets the start number of the group.
Gets the group type. The value of the property is PivotFieldGroupType integer constant.

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getType : Number 

        function getType()
        Gets the group type. The value of the property is PivotFieldGroupType integer constant.
      • getStart : Number 

        function getStart()
        Gets the start number of the group.
      • getEnd : Number 

        function getEnd()
        Gets the end number of the group.
      • getInterval : Number 

        function getInterval()
        Gets the interval of the group.