
Class WorkbookSettings

Represents all settings of the workbook.

Property Getters/Setters Summary
           Gets and sets the author of the file.
           Specifies a boolean value that indicates the application automatically compressed pictures in the workbook.
           Indicates whether the file is marked for auto-recovery.
           Specifies the incremental public release of the application.
           Indicates whether check compatibility with earlier versions when saving workbook.
           Indicates whether checking custom number format when setting Style.Custom.
           Whether check restriction of excel file when user modify cells related objects. For example, excel does not allow inputting string value longer than 32K. When you input a value longer than 32K such as by Cell.PutValue(string), if this property is true, you will get an Exception. If this property is false, we will accept your input string value as the cell's value so that later you can output the complete string value for other file formats such as CSV. However, if you have set such kind of value that is invalid for excel file format, you should not save the workbook as excel file format later. Otherwise there may be unexpected error for the generated excel file.
           Specifies the OOXML version for the output document. The default value is Ecma376_2006. The value of the property is OoxmlCompliance integer constant.
           indicates whether the application last saved the workbook file after a crash.
           indicates whether the application last opened the workbook for data recovery.
           Gets or sets a value which represents if the workbook uses the 1904 date system.
Gets the settings for default values of style-related properties for this workbook.
           Indicates whether and how to show objects in the workbook. The value of the property is DisplayDrawingObjects integer constant.
           Enable macros;
           Gets or sets the first visible worksheet tab.
Gets the settings for formula-related features.
           Gets and sets the globalization settings.
           Gets and sets whether hide the field list for the PivotTable.
           Indicates whether encrypting the workbook with default password if Structure and Windows of the workbook are locked.
Gets a value that indicates whether a password is required to open this workbook.
           Indicates whether this workbook is hidden.
           Gets or sets a value indicating whether the generated spreadsheet will contain a horizontal scroll bar.
           Represents whether the generated spreadsheet will be opened Minimized.
Gets a value that indicates whether the structure or window of the Workbook is protected.
           Gets or sets a value indicating whether the generated spreadsheet will contain a vertical scroll bar.
           Gets or sets the user interface language of the Workbook version based on CountryCode that has saved the file. The value of the property is CountryCode integer constant.
           Gets or sets the Locale used by this workbook.
Gets the max column index, zero-based.
Gets the max row index, zero-based.
           Gets and sets the max row number of shared formula.
           Gets or sets the memory usage options. The new option will be taken as the default option for newly created worksheets but does not take effect for existing worksheets. The value of the property is MemorySetting integer constant.
           Gets or sets the decimal separator for formatting/parsing numeric values. Default is the decimal separator of current Region.
           Gets or sets the character that separates groups of digits to the left of the decimal in numeric values. Default is the group separator of current Region.
           Gets and sets the default print paper size. The value of the property is PaperSizeType integer constant.
           Represents Workbook file encryption password.
Gets the protection type of the workbook. The value of the property is ProtectionType integer constant.
           Indicates whether setting Style.QuotePrefix property when entering the string value(which starts with single quote mark ) to the cell
           Gets or sets the regional settings for workbook. The value of the property is CountryCode integer constant.
           True if personal information can be removed from the specified workbook.
           Indicates whether the application last opened the workbook in safe or repair mode.
           Gets and sets the stream provider for external resource, such as loading image data for picture of type "LinkToFile".
           Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Workbook is shared.
           Width of worksheet tab bar (in 1/1000 of window width).
           Get or sets a value whether the Workbook tabs are displayed.
           Gets and sets the number of significant digits. The default value is CellsHelper.SignificantDigits.
           Gets and sets the stream provider for external resource.
           Indicates whether update adjacent cells' border.
           Gets and sets how updates external links when the workbook is opened. The value of the property is UpdateLinksType integer constant.
           The height of the window, in unit of point.
           The height of the window, in unit of centimeter.
           The height of the window, in unit of inch.
           The distance from the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window, in unit of point.
           The distance from the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window. In unit of centimeter.
           The distance from the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window. In unit of inch.
           The distance from the top edge of the client area to the top edge of the window, in unit of point.
           The distance from the top edge of the client area to the top edge of the window, in unit of centimeter.
           The distance from the top edge of the client area to the top edge of the window, in unit of inch.
           The width of the window, in unit of point.
           The width of the window, in unit of centimeter.
           The width of the window, in unit of inch.
Provides access to the workbook write protection options.
Method Summary
Releases resources.
Gets the default theme font name.
Set the type of print orientation for the whole workbook.

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getStreamProvider/setStreamProvider : IStreamProvider 

        function getStreamProvider() / function setStreamProvider(value)
        Gets and sets the stream provider for external resource. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use ResourceProvider property. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2022. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
      • getResourceProvider/setResourceProvider : IStreamProvider 

        function getResourceProvider() / function setResourceProvider(value)
        Gets and sets the stream provider for external resource, such as loading image data for picture of type "LinkToFile".
      • getAuthor/setAuthor : String 

        function getAuthor() / function setAuthor(value)
        Gets and sets the author of the file. It''s not set, check BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Author first, then check the user of Environment.
      • getCheckCustomNumberFormat/setCheckCustomNumberFormat : boolean 

        function getCheckCustomNumberFormat() / function setCheckCustomNumberFormat(value)
        Indicates whether checking custom number format when setting Style.Custom.
      • getEnableMacros/setEnableMacros : boolean 

        function getEnableMacros() / function setEnableMacros(value)
        Enable macros; Now it only works when copying a worksheet to other worksheet in a workbook.
      • getDate1904/setDate1904 : boolean 

        function getDate1904() / function setDate1904(value)
        Gets or sets a value which represents if the workbook uses the 1904 date system.
      • getProtectionType : Number 

        function getProtectionType()
        Gets the protection type of the workbook. The value of the property is ProtectionType integer constant.
      • getDisplayDrawingObjects/setDisplayDrawingObjects : Number 

        function getDisplayDrawingObjects() / function setDisplayDrawingObjects(value)
        Indicates whether and how to show objects in the workbook. The value of the property is DisplayDrawingObjects integer constant.
      • getSheetTabBarWidth/setSheetTabBarWidth : Number 

        function getSheetTabBarWidth() / function setSheetTabBarWidth(value)
        Width of worksheet tab bar (in 1/1000 of window width).
      • getShowTabs/setShowTabs : boolean 

        function getShowTabs() / function setShowTabs(value)
        Get or sets a value whether the Workbook tabs are displayed. The default value is true.


        The following code hides the Sheet Tabs and Tab Scrolling Buttons for the spreadsheet.
        $workbook = new cells\Workbook();
        // Hide the spreadsheet tabs
      • getFirstVisibleTab/setFirstVisibleTab : Number 

        function getFirstVisibleTab() / function setFirstVisibleTab(value)
        Gets or sets the first visible worksheet tab.
      • isHScrollBarVisible/setHScrollBarVisible : boolean 

        function isHScrollBarVisible() / function setHScrollBarVisible(value)
        Gets or sets a value indicating whether the generated spreadsheet will contain a horizontal scroll bar. The default value is true.


        The following code makes the horizontal scroll bar invisible for the spreadsheet.
        $workbook = new cells\Workbook();
        // Hide the horizontal scroll bar of the Excel file
      • isVScrollBarVisible/setVScrollBarVisible : boolean 

        function isVScrollBarVisible() / function setVScrollBarVisible(value)
        Gets or sets a value indicating whether the generated spreadsheet will contain a vertical scroll bar. The default value is true.


        The following code makes the vertical scroll bar invisible for the spreadsheet.
        $workbook = new cells\Workbook();
        // Hide the vertical scroll bar of the Excel file
      • getShared/setShared : boolean 

        function getShared() / function setShared(value)
        Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Workbook is shared. The default value is false.
      • getLanguageCode/setLanguageCode : Number 

        function getLanguageCode() / function setLanguageCode(value)
        Gets or sets the user interface language of the Workbook version based on CountryCode that has saved the file. The value of the property is CountryCode integer constant.
      • getRegion/setRegion : Number 

        function getRegion() / function setRegion(value)
        Gets or sets the regional settings for workbook. The value of the property is CountryCode integer constant. 1. Regional settings used by Aspose.Cells component for a workbook loaded from template file: i). For an XLS file, there are fields defined for regional settings and MS Excel does save regional settings data into the file when saving the XLS file. So, we use the saved region in the template file for the workbook. If you do not want to use the region saved in the XLS file, please reset it to the expected one (such as, CountryCode.Default) after loading the template file. And, we save the user specified value (by this method) into the file too when saving an XLS file. ii). For other file formats, such as, XLSX, XLSB...etc., there is no field defined for regional settings in the file format specification. So, we use the regional settings of application's environment for the workbook. And, the user specified value (by this method) cannot be kept for the generated files with those file formats. 2. For the view effect in MS Excel: The applied regional settings here can take effect only at runtime with Aspose.Cells component and not when viewing the generated file with MS Excel. Even for the generated XLS file in which the specified regional settings data has been saved, when viewing/editing it with MS Excel, the used region to perform formatting by MS Excel is always the default regional settings of the environment where MS Excel is running, not the one saved in the file. It is MS Excel's behavior and cannot be changed by code.
      • getLocale/setLocale : Locale 

        function getLocale() / function setLocale(value)
        Gets or sets the Locale used by this workbook. Returns null if neither Locale nor Region is set.
      • getGlobalizationSettings/setGlobalizationSettings : GlobalizationSettings 

        function getGlobalizationSettings() / function setGlobalizationSettings(value)
        Gets and sets the globalization settings.
      • getNumberDecimalSeparator/setNumberDecimalSeparator : char 

        function getNumberDecimalSeparator() / function setNumberDecimalSeparator(value)
        Gets or sets the decimal separator for formatting/parsing numeric values. Default is the decimal separator of current Region.
      • getNumberGroupSeparator/setNumberGroupSeparator : char 

        function getNumberGroupSeparator() / function setNumberGroupSeparator(value)
        Gets or sets the character that separates groups of digits to the left of the decimal in numeric values. Default is the group separator of current Region.
      • getPassword/setPassword : String 

        function getPassword() / function setPassword(value)
        Represents Workbook file encryption password.
      • getWriteProtection : WriteProtection 

        function getWriteProtection()
        Provides access to the workbook write protection options.
      • isEncrypted : boolean 

        function isEncrypted()
        Gets a value that indicates whether a password is required to open this workbook.
      • isProtected : boolean 

        function isProtected()
        Gets a value that indicates whether the structure or window of the Workbook is protected.
      • isDefaultEncrypted/setDefaultEncrypted : boolean 

        function isDefaultEncrypted() / function setDefaultEncrypted(value)
        Indicates whether encrypting the workbook with default password if Structure and Windows of the workbook are locked. The default value is false now. It's same as MS Excel 2013.
      • isMinimized/setMinimized : boolean 

        function isMinimized() / function setMinimized(value)
        Represents whether the generated spreadsheet will be opened Minimized.
      • isHidden/setHidden : boolean 

        function isHidden() / function setHidden(value)
        Indicates whether this workbook is hidden.
      • getAutoCompressPictures/setAutoCompressPictures : boolean 

        function getAutoCompressPictures() / function setAutoCompressPictures(value)
        Specifies a boolean value that indicates the application automatically compressed pictures in the workbook.
      • getRemovePersonalInformation/setRemovePersonalInformation : boolean 

        function getRemovePersonalInformation() / function setRemovePersonalInformation(value)
        True if personal information can be removed from the specified workbook.
      • getHidePivotFieldList/setHidePivotFieldList : boolean 

        function getHidePivotFieldList() / function setHidePivotFieldList(value)
        Gets and sets whether hide the field list for the PivotTable.
      • getUpdateLinksType/setUpdateLinksType : Number 

        function getUpdateLinksType() / function setUpdateLinksType(value)
        Gets and sets how updates external links when the workbook is opened. The value of the property is UpdateLinksType integer constant.
      • getMaxRow : Number 

        function getMaxRow()
        Gets the max row index, zero-based. Returns 65535 if the file format is Excel97-2003;
      • getMaxColumn : Number 

        function getMaxColumn()
        Gets the max column index, zero-based. Returns 255 if the file format is Excel97-2003;
      • getDefaultStyleSettings : DefaultStyleSettings 

        function getDefaultStyleSettings()
        Gets the settings for default values of style-related properties for this workbook.
      • getWindowLeft/setWindowLeft : Number 

        function getWindowLeft() / function setWindowLeft(value)
        The distance from the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window, in unit of point.
      • getWindowLeftInch/setWindowLeftInch : Number 

        function getWindowLeftInch() / function setWindowLeftInch(value)
        The distance from the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window. In unit of inch.
      • getWindowLeftCM/setWindowLeftCM : Number 

        function getWindowLeftCM() / function setWindowLeftCM(value)
        The distance from the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window. In unit of centimeter.
      • getWindowTop/setWindowTop : Number 

        function getWindowTop() / function setWindowTop(value)
        The distance from the top edge of the client area to the top edge of the window, in unit of point.
      • getWindowTopInch/setWindowTopInch : Number 

        function getWindowTopInch() / function setWindowTopInch(value)
        The distance from the top edge of the client area to the top edge of the window, in unit of inch.
      • getWindowTopCM/setWindowTopCM : Number 

        function getWindowTopCM() / function setWindowTopCM(value)
        The distance from the top edge of the client area to the top edge of the window, in unit of centimeter.
      • getWindowWidth/setWindowWidth : Number 

        function getWindowWidth() / function setWindowWidth(value)
        The width of the window, in unit of point.
      • getWindowWidthInch/setWindowWidthInch : Number 

        function getWindowWidthInch() / function setWindowWidthInch(value)
        The width of the window, in unit of inch.
      • getWindowWidthCM/setWindowWidthCM : Number 

        function getWindowWidthCM() / function setWindowWidthCM(value)
        The width of the window, in unit of centimeter.
      • getWindowHeight/setWindowHeight : Number 

        function getWindowHeight() / function setWindowHeight(value)
        The height of the window, in unit of point.
      • getWindowHeightInch/setWindowHeightInch : Number 

        function getWindowHeightInch() / function setWindowHeightInch(value)
        The height of the window, in unit of inch.
      • getWindowHeightCM/setWindowHeightCM : Number 

        function getWindowHeightCM() / function setWindowHeightCM(value)
        The height of the window, in unit of centimeter.
      • getUpdateAdjacentCellsBorder/setUpdateAdjacentCellsBorder : boolean 

        function getUpdateAdjacentCellsBorder() / function setUpdateAdjacentCellsBorder(value)
        Indicates whether update adjacent cells' border. The default value is false. For example: the bottom border of the cell A1 is update, the top border of the cell A2 should be changed too.
      • getSignificantDigits/setSignificantDigits : Number 

        function getSignificantDigits() / function setSignificantDigits(value)
        Gets and sets the number of significant digits. The default value is CellsHelper.SignificantDigits. Only could be 15 or 17 now.
      • getCheckCompatibility/setCheckCompatibility : boolean 

        function getCheckCompatibility() / function setCheckCompatibility(value)
        Indicates whether check compatibility with earlier versions when saving workbook. The default value is true. Only for Excel97-2003 xls or xlt files.
      • getCheckExcelRestriction/setCheckExcelRestriction : boolean 

        function getCheckExcelRestriction() / function setCheckExcelRestriction(value)
        Whether check restriction of excel file when user modify cells related objects. For example, excel does not allow inputting string value longer than 32K. When you input a value longer than 32K such as by Cell.PutValue(string), if this property is true, you will get an Exception. If this property is false, we will accept your input string value as the cell's value so that later you can output the complete string value for other file formats such as CSV. However, if you have set such kind of value that is invalid for excel file format, you should not save the workbook as excel file format later. Otherwise there may be unexpected error for the generated excel file.
      • getAutoRecover/setAutoRecover : boolean 

        function getAutoRecover() / function setAutoRecover(value)
        Indicates whether the file is marked for auto-recovery.
      • getCrashSave/setCrashSave : boolean 

        function getCrashSave() / function setCrashSave(value)
        indicates whether the application last saved the workbook file after a crash.
      • getDataExtractLoad/setDataExtractLoad : boolean 

        function getDataExtractLoad() / function setDataExtractLoad(value)
        indicates whether the application last opened the workbook for data recovery.
      • getRepairLoad/setRepairLoad : boolean 

        function getRepairLoad() / function setRepairLoad(value)
        Indicates whether the application last opened the workbook in safe or repair mode.
      • getBuildVersion/setBuildVersion : String 

        function getBuildVersion() / function setBuildVersion(value)
        Specifies the incremental public release of the application.
      • getMemorySetting/setMemorySetting : Number 

        function getMemorySetting() / function setMemorySetting(value)
        Gets or sets the memory usage options. The new option will be taken as the default option for newly created worksheets but does not take effect for existing worksheets. The value of the property is MemorySetting integer constant.
      • getPaperSize/setPaperSize : Number 

        function getPaperSize() / function setPaperSize(value)
        Gets and sets the default print paper size. The value of the property is PaperSizeType integer constant. If there is no setting about paper size,MS Excel will use default printer's setting.
      • getMaxRowsOfSharedFormula/setMaxRowsOfSharedFormula : Number 

        function getMaxRowsOfSharedFormula() / function setMaxRowsOfSharedFormula(value)
        Gets and sets the max row number of shared formula. If the number is too large, the autofilter works very slow in MS Excel 2013.
      • getCompliance/setCompliance : Number 

        function getCompliance() / function setCompliance(value)
        Specifies the OOXML version for the output document. The default value is Ecma376_2006. The value of the property is OoxmlCompliance integer constant. Only for .xlsx files.
      • getQuotePrefixToStyle/setQuotePrefixToStyle : boolean 

        function getQuotePrefixToStyle() / function setQuotePrefixToStyle(value)
        Indicates whether setting Style.QuotePrefix property when entering the string value(which starts with single quote mark ) to the cell
      • getFormulaSettings : FormulaSettings 

        function getFormulaSettings()
        Gets the settings for formula-related features.
    • Method Detail

      • dispose

        function dispose()
        Releases resources.
      • getThemeFont

        function getThemeFont(type)
        Gets the default theme font name.
        type: Number - A FontSchemeType value. The scheme type of the font.
      • setPageOrientationType

        function setPageOrientationType(pageOrientationType)
        Set the type of print orientation for the whole workbook.
        pageOrientationType: Number - A PageOrientationType value. The page orientation type