
Class DefaultStyleSettings

Settings for the default values of workbook's style properties.

Property Getters/Setters Summary
           Indicates whether property for number format is preferrable when the style defines both built-in number and custom pattern. Default value is false, that means by default custom pattern will be used to format values as long as it is not empty for one style.
           Gets/Sets the default font name for the workbook
           Gets/Sets the default standard font size for the workbook.
           Gets/Sets the default value for horizontal alignment The value of the property is TextAlignmentType integer constant.
           Gets/Sets the default value for vertical alignment The value of the property is TextAlignmentType integer constant.

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getBuiltInPreference/setBuiltInPreference : boolean 

        boolean getBuiltInPreference() / setBuiltInPreference(value)
        Indicates whether property for number format is preferrable when the style defines both built-in number and custom pattern. Default value is false, that means by default custom pattern will be used to format values as long as it is not empty for one style. When loading workbook from existing template file, maybe both built-in number and custom pattern are defined for one style. This property determine whether we should use the built-in number or the custom pattern when formatting values with the style.
      • getFontName/setFontName : String 

        String getFontName() / setFontName(value)
        Gets/Sets the default font name for the workbook
      • getFontSize/setFontSize : float 

        float getFontSize() / setFontSize(value)
        Gets/Sets the default standard font size for the workbook.
      • getHorizontalAlignment/setHorizontalAlignment : int 

        int getHorizontalAlignment() / setHorizontalAlignment(value)
        Gets/Sets the default value for horizontal alignment The value of the property is TextAlignmentType integer constant.
      • getVerticalAlignment/setVerticalAlignment : int 

        int getVerticalAlignment() / setVerticalAlignment(value)
        Gets/Sets the default value for vertical alignment The value of the property is TextAlignmentType integer constant.