
Class FontConfigs

Specifies font settings

Constructor Summary
Property Getters/Setters Summary
static methodgetDefaultFontName()
           Gets or sets the default font name.
Method Summary
static methodgetFontFileDataInfo(fontName, isBold, isItalic, isExactStyle)
static methodgetFontSources()
Gets a copy of the array that contains the list of sources
static methodgetFontSubstitutes(originalFontName)
Returns array containing font substitute names to be used if original font is not presented.
static methodisFontAvailable(fontName)
Indicate whether the font is available.
static methodsetFontExclusiveSources(exclusiveSources)
Sets the fonts exclusive sources. Only fonts in the sources will be used.
static methodsetFontFolder(fontFolder, recursive)
Sets the fonts folder
static methodsetFontFolders(fontFolders, recursive)
Sets the fonts folders
static methodsetFontSources(sources)
Sets the fonts sources.
static methodsetFontSubstitutes(originalFontName, substituteFontNames)
Font substitute names for given original font name.

    • Constructor Detail

      • FontConfigs

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getDefaultFontName/setDefaultFontName : String 

        static String getDefaultFontName() / static setDefaultFontName(value)
        Gets or sets the default font name.
    • Method Detail

      • isFontAvailable

        static boolean isFontAvailable(fontName)
        Indicate whether the font is available.
        fontName: String - font name
        true if font is available, otherwise false.
      • getFontFileDataInfo

        static FontFileDataInfo getFontFileDataInfo(fontName, isBold, isItalic, isExactStyle)
      • setFontSubstitutes

        static  setFontSubstitutes(originalFontName, substituteFontNames)
        Font substitute names for given original font name.
        originalFontName: String - Original font name.
        substituteFontNames: String[] - List of font substitute names to be used if original font is not presented.
      • getFontSubstitutes

        static String[] getFontSubstitutes(originalFontName)
        Returns array containing font substitute names to be used if original font is not presented.
        originalFontName: String - originalFontName
        An array containing font substitute names to be used if original font is not presented.
      • setFontFolder

        static  setFontFolder(fontFolder, recursive)
        Sets the fonts folder
        fontFolder: String - The folder that contains TrueType fonts.
        recursive: boolean - Determines whether or not to scan subfolders.
      • setFontFolders

        static  setFontFolders(fontFolders, recursive)
        Sets the fonts folders
        fontFolders: String[] - The folders that contains TrueType fonts.
        recursive: boolean - Determines whether or not to scan subfolders.
      • setFontSources

        static  setFontSources(sources)
        Sets the fonts sources.
        sources: FontSourceBase[] - An array of sources that contain TrueType fonts.
      • setFontExclusiveSources

        static  setFontExclusiveSources(exclusiveSources)
        Sets the fonts exclusive sources. Only fonts in the sources will be used. System.setProperty("Aspose.Cells.FontDirExc", "fontExclusiveFolder") will be ignored if this is set.
        exclusiveSources: FontSourceBase[] - An array of sources that contain TrueType fonts.
      • getFontSources

        static FontSourceBase[] getFontSources()
        Gets a copy of the array that contains the list of sources