
Class LoadFormat

Utility class containing constants. Represents the load file format.

Field Summary
const  intAUTO
Represents recognizing the format automatically.
const  intCSV
Comma-Separated Values(CSV) text file.
const  intXLSX
Represents Office Open XML spreadsheetML workbook or template, with or without macros.
const  intTSV
Tab-Separated Values(TSV) text file.
Represents a tab delimited text file, same with TSV.
const  intHTML
Represents a html file.
const  intM_HTML
Represents a mhtml file.
const  intODS
Open Document Sheet(ODS) file.
const  intEXCEL_97_TO_2003
Represents an Excel97-2003 xls file.
Represents an Excel 2003 xml file.
const  intXLSB
Represents an xlsb file.
const  intOTS
Open Document Template Sheet(OTS) file.
const  intNUMBERS
Represents a numbers file.
const  intFODS
Represents OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet (.fods) file format.
const  intSXC
Represents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format.
const  intXML
Represents a simple xml file.
const  intEPUB
Reprents an EPUB file.
const  intAZW_3
Represents an AZW3 file.
const  intCHM
const  intUNKNOWN
Represents unrecognized format, cannot be loaded.
const  intIMAGE
const  intJSON
const  intDIF
const  intDBF

    • Field Detail

      • AUTO

        const int AUTO
        Represents recognizing the format automatically.
      • CSV

        const int CSV
        Comma-Separated Values(CSV) text file.
      • XLSX

        const int XLSX
        Represents Office Open XML spreadsheetML workbook or template, with or without macros.
      • TSV

        const int TSV
        Tab-Separated Values(TSV) text file.

        const int TAB_DELIMITED
        Represents a tab delimited text file, same with TSV.
      • HTML

        const int HTML
        Represents a html file.
      • M_HTML

        const int M_HTML
        Represents a mhtml file.
      • ODS

        const int ODS
        Open Document Sheet(ODS) file.
      • EXCEL_97_TO_2003

        const int EXCEL_97_TO_2003
        Represents an Excel97-2003 xls file.

        const int SPREADSHEET_ML
        Represents an Excel 2003 xml file.
      • XLSB

        const int XLSB
        Represents an xlsb file.
      • OTS

        const int OTS
        Open Document Template Sheet(OTS) file.
      • NUMBERS

        const int NUMBERS
        Represents a numbers file.
      • FODS

        const int FODS
        Represents OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet (.fods) file format.
      • SXC

        const int SXC
        Represents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format.
      • XML

        const int XML
        Represents a simple xml file.
      • EPUB

        const int EPUB
        Reprents an EPUB file.
      • AZW_3

        const int AZW_3
        Represents an AZW3 file.
      • CHM

        const int CHM
      • UNKNOWN

        const int UNKNOWN
        Represents unrecognized format, cannot be loaded.
      • IMAGE

        const int IMAGE
      • JSON

        const int JSON
      • DIF

        const int DIF
      • DBF

        const int DBF