
Class MatrixEquationNode

This class specifies the Matrix equation, consisting of one or more elements laid out in one or more rows and one or more columns.

Property Getters/Setters Summary
           This attribute specifies the justification of the matrix. Text outside of the matrix can be aligned with the bottom, top, or center of a matrix function. Default, the matrix assumes center justification. The value of the property is EquationVerticalJustificationType integer constant.
Get the equation type of the current node The value of the property is EquationNodeType integer constant.
Returns the font of this object.
           This attribute specifies the Hide Placeholders property on a matrix. When this property is on, placeholders do not appear in the matrix.Default, placeholders do appear such that the locations where text can be inserted are made visible.
Gets the length of the characters.
           Specifies the parent node of the current node
Gets the start index of the characters.
Returns the text options.
Represents the type of the node. The value of the property is TextNodeType integer constant.
Method Summary
Inserts the specified node at the end of the current node's list of child nodes.
Insert a node of the specified type at the end of the child node list of the current node.
Determine whether the current equation node is equal to the specified node
Returns the node at the specified index among the children of the current node.
Inserts the specified node after the current node.
Inserts the specified node before the current node.
methodinsertChild(index, equationType)
Inserts a node of the specified type at the specified index position in the current node's child node list.
Removes itself from the parent.
Removes all the child nodes of the current node.
Removes the specified node from the current node's children.
Removes the node at the specified index from the current node's children.
Sets the preset WordArt style.

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getBaseJc/setBaseJc : int 

        int getBaseJc() / setBaseJc(value)
        This attribute specifies the justification of the matrix. Text outside of the matrix can be aligned with the bottom, top, or center of a matrix function. Default, the matrix assumes center justification. The value of the property is EquationVerticalJustificationType integer constant.
      • isHidePlaceholder/setHidePlaceholder : boolean 

        boolean isHidePlaceholder() / setHidePlaceholder(value)
        This attribute specifies the Hide Placeholders property on a matrix. When this property is on, placeholders do not appear in the matrix.Default, placeholders do appear such that the locations where text can be inserted are made visible.
      • getParentNode/setParentNode : EquationNode 

        EquationNode getParentNode() / setParentNode(value)
        Specifies the parent node of the current node
      • getType : int 

        int getType()
        Represents the type of the node. The value of the property is TextNodeType integer constant.
      • getEquationType : int 

        int getEquationType()
        Get the equation type of the current node The value of the property is EquationNodeType integer constant.
      • getStartIndex : int 

        int getStartIndex()
        Gets the start index of the characters.
      • getLength : int 

        int getLength()
        Gets the length of the characters.
      • getFont : Font 

        Font getFont()
        Returns the font of this object.
    • Method Detail

      • equals

        boolean equals(obj)
        Determine whether the current equation node is equal to the specified node
        obj: Object - The specified node
      • addChild

        EquationNode addChild(equationType)
        Insert a node of the specified type at the end of the child node list of the current node.
        equationType: int - A EquationNodeType value. Types of Equation Nodes
        If the specified type exists, the corresponding node is returned, and if the type does not exist, a node of unknown type is returned.
      • addChild

        Inserts the specified node at the end of the current node's list of child nodes.
        node: EquationNode - The specified node
      • insertChild

        EquationNode insertChild(index, equationType)
        Inserts a node of the specified type at the specified index position in the current node's child node list.
        index: int - index value
        equationType: int - A EquationNodeType value. Types of Equation Nodes
        If the specified type exists, the corresponding node is returned, and if the type does not exist, a node of unknown type is returned.
      • insertAfter

        EquationNode insertAfter(equationType)
        Inserts the specified node after the current node.
        equationType: int - A EquationNodeType value. Types of Equation Nodes
        If the specified type exists, the corresponding node is returned, and if the type does not exist, a node of unknown type is returned.
      • insertBefore

        EquationNode insertBefore(equationType)
        Inserts the specified node before the current node.
        equationType: int - A EquationNodeType value. Types of Equation Nodes
        If the specified type exists, the corresponding node is returned, and if the type does not exist, a node of unknown type is returned.
      • getChild

        EquationNode getChild(index)
        Returns the node at the specified index among the children of the current node.
        index: int - Index of the node
        Returns the corresponding node if the specified node exists, otherwise returns null.
      • remove

        Removes itself from the parent.
      • removeChild

        Removes the specified node from the current node's children.
        node: EquationNode - Node to be deleted.
      • removeChild

        Removes the node at the specified index from the current node's children.
        index: int - Index of the node
      • removeAllChildren

        Removes all the child nodes of the current node.
      • setWordArtStyle

        Sets the preset WordArt style. Only for the text of shape/chart.
        style: int - A PresetWordArtStyle value. The preset WordArt style.