Property Getters/Setters Summary | ||
method | getEquationType() | |
Get the equation type of the current node
The value of the property is EquationNodeType integer constant. |
method | getFont() | |
Returns the font of this object.
method | isHideSubscript() | |
method | setHideSubscript(value) | |
Whether to display the lower bound | ||
method | isHideSuperscript() | |
method | setHideSuperscript(value) | |
Whether to display the upper bound | ||
method | getLength() | |
Gets the length of the characters.
method | getLimitLocation() | |
method | setLimitLocation(value) | |
This attribute specifies the location of limits in n-ary operators. Limits can be either centered above and below the n-ary operator, or positioned just to the right of the operator. The value of the property is EquationLimitLocationType integer constant. | ||
method | getNaryGrow() | |
method | setNaryGrow(value) | |
This attribute specifies the growth property of n-ary operators at the document level. When off, n-ary operators such as integrals and summations do not grow to match the size of their operand height. When on, the n-ary operator grows vertically to match its operand height. | ||
method | getNaryOperator() | |
method | setNaryOperator(value) | |
an n-ary operator.e.g "∑". It is strongly recommended to use attribute NaryOperatorType to set n-ary operator. Use this property setting if you cannot find the character you need in a known type. | ||
method | getNaryOperatorType() | |
method | setNaryOperatorType(value) | |
an n-ary operator.e.g "∑" The value of the property is EquationMathematicalOperatorType integer constant. | ||
method | getParentNode() | |
method | setParentNode(value) | |
Specifies the parent node of the current node | ||
method | getStartIndex() | |
Gets the start index of the characters.
method | getTextOptions() | |
Returns the text options.
method | getType() | |
Represents the type of the node.
The value of the property is TextNodeType integer constant. |
Method Summary | ||
method | addChild(node) | |
Inserts the specified node at the end of the current node's list of child nodes.
method | addChild(equationType) | |
Insert a node of the specified type at the end of the child node list of the current node.
method | equals(obj) | |
Determine whether the current equation node is equal to the specified node
method | getChild(index) | |
Returns the node at the specified index among the children of the current node.
method | insertAfter(equationType) | |
Inserts the specified node after the current node.
method | insertBefore(equationType) | |
Inserts the specified node before the current node.
method | insertChild(index, equationType) | |
Inserts a node of the specified type at the specified index position in the current node's child node list.
method | remove() | |
Removes itself from the parent.
method | removeAllChildren() | |
Removes all the child nodes of the current node.
method | removeChild(node) | |
Removes the specified node from the current node's children.
method | removeChild(index) | |
Removes the node at the specified index from the current node's children.
method | setWordArtStyle(style) | |
Sets the preset WordArt style.
method | toLaTeX() | |
method | toMathML() | |
boolean isHideSubscript() / setHideSubscript(value)
boolean isHideSuperscript() / setHideSuperscript(value)
int getLimitLocation() / setLimitLocation(value)
String getNaryOperator() / setNaryOperator(value)
int getNaryOperatorType() / setNaryOperatorType(value)
boolean getNaryGrow() / setNaryGrow(value)
EquationNode getParentNode() / setParentNode(value)
int getType()
int getEquationType()
int getStartIndex()
int getLength()
TextOptions getTextOptions()
boolean equals(obj)
obj: Object
- The specified nodeString toLaTeX()
String toMathML()
EquationNode addChild(equationType)
equationType: int
- A addChild(node)
node: EquationNode
- The specified nodeEquationNode insertChild(index, equationType)
index: int
- index valueequationType: int
- A EquationNode insertAfter(equationType)
equationType: int
- A EquationNode insertBefore(equationType)
equationType: int
- A EquationNode getChild(index)
index: int
- Index of the noderemove()
node: EquationNode
- Node to be deleted.removeChild(index)
index: int
- Index of the noderemoveAllChildren()
style: int
- A