
Class PivotItem

Represents a item in a PivotField report.

Property Getters/Setters Summary
           Gets the index of the pivot item in the pivot field
           Gets and Sets whether the pivot item is hidden.
           Gets and Sets whether the pivot item hides detail.
Indicates whether the item has a missing value.
Gets the name of the pivot item.
           Specifying the position index in all the PivotItems,not the PivotItems under the same parent node.
           Specifying the position index in the PivotItems under the same parent node.
Gets the value of the pivot item
Method Summary
Gets the date time value of the pivot item If the value is null ,it will return DateTime.MinValue
Gets the double value of the pivot item If the value is null or not number ,it will return 0
Gets the string value of the pivot item If the value is null, it will return ""
Sets whether the pivot item is hidden.
methodmove(count, isSameParent)
Moves the item up or down

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • isHidden/setHidden : boolean 

        boolean isHidden() / setHidden(value)
        Gets and Sets whether the pivot item is hidden.
      • getPosition/setPosition : int 

        int getPosition() / setPosition(value)
        Specifying the position index in all the PivotItems,not the PivotItems under the same parent node.
      • getPositionInSameParentNode/setPositionInSameParentNode : int 

        int getPositionInSameParentNode() / setPositionInSameParentNode(value)
        Specifying the position index in the PivotItems under the same parent node.
      • isHideDetail/setHideDetail : boolean 

        boolean isHideDetail() / setHideDetail(value)
        Gets and Sets whether the pivot item hides detail.
      • isMissing : boolean 

        boolean isMissing()
        Indicates whether the item has a missing value. True means this value has benn removed from the data source.
      • getValue : Object 

        Object getValue()
        Gets the value of the pivot item
      • getName : String 

        String getName()
        Gets the name of the pivot item.
      • getIndex/setIndex : int 

        int getIndex() / setIndex(value)
        Gets the index of the pivot item in the pivot field
    • Method Detail

      • hide

        Sets whether the pivot item is hidden. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.HideItem method. This property will be removed 12 months later since JANUARY 2012. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
      • move

         move(count, isSameParent)
        Moves the item up or down
        count: int - The number of moving up or down. Move the item up if this is less than zero; Move the item down if this is greater than zero.
        isSameParent: boolean - Specifying whether moving operation is in the same parent node or not
      • getStringValue

        String getStringValue()
        Gets the string value of the pivot item If the value is null, it will return ""
      • getDoubleValue

        float getDoubleValue()
        Gets the double value of the pivot item If the value is null or not number ,it will return 0
      • getDateTimeValue

        DateTime getDateTimeValue()
        Gets the date time value of the pivot item If the value is null ,it will return DateTime.MinValue