
Class SeriesCollection

Encapsulates a collection of Series objects.


# Instantiating a Workbook object
workbook = Workbook()
# Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
sheetIndex = workbook.getWorksheets().add()
# Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(sheetIndex)
# Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
# Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
# Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
# Adding a sample value to "A4" cell
# Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
# Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
# Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
# Adding a sample value to "B4" cell
# Adding a sample value to "C1" cell as category data
# Adding a sample value to "C2" cell as category data
# Adding a sample value to "C3" cell as category data
# Adding a sample value to "C4" cell as category data
# Adding a chart to the worksheet
chartIndex = worksheet.getCharts().add(ChartType.COLUMN, 5, 0, 15, 5)
# Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
chart = worksheet.getCharts().get(chartIndex)
# Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B4"
chart.getNSeries().add("A1:B4", True)
# Setting the data source for the category data of NSeries
# Saving the Excel file"Book1.xls")

Property Getters/Setters Summary
           Gets or sets the range of category Axis values. It can be a range of cells (such as, "d1:e10"), or a sequence of values (such as,"{2,6,8,10}").
           Represents if the color of points is varied.
           Gets or sets the range of second category Axis values. It can be a range of cells (such as, "d1:e10"), or a sequence of values (such as,"{2,6,8,10}"). Only effects when some ASerieses plot on the second axis.
Gets the Series element at the specified index.
Method Summary
Reserved for internal use.
methodadd(area, isVertical)
Adds the Series collection to a chart.
methodadd(area, isVertical, checkLabels)
Adds the Series collection to a chart.
methodaddR1C1(area, isVertical)
Adds the Series collection to a chart.
methodchangeSeriesOrder(sourceIndex, destIndex)
Directly changes the orders of the two series.
Clears the collection
Reserved for internal use.
Reserved for internal use.
Gets the Series element by order.
Reserved for internal use.
Remove at a series at the specific index.
methodsetSeriesNames(startIndex, area, isVertical)
Sets the name of all the serieses in the chart.
methodswapSeries(sourceIndex, destIndex)
Directly changes the orders of the two series.

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getCategoryData/setCategoryData : String 

        String getCategoryData() / setCategoryData(value)
        Gets or sets the range of category Axis values. It can be a range of cells (such as, "d1:e10"), or a sequence of values (such as,"{2,6,8,10}").
      • getSecondCategoryData/setSecondCategoryData : String 

        String getSecondCategoryData() / setSecondCategoryData(value)
        Gets or sets the range of second category Axis values. It can be a range of cells (such as, "d1:e10"), or a sequence of values (such as,"{2,6,8,10}"). Only effects when some ASerieses plot on the second axis.
      • isColorVaried/setColorVaried : boolean 

        boolean isColorVaried() / setColorVaried(value)
        Represents if the color of points is varied.
      • getCount : int 

        int getCount()
      • get : Series 

        Series get(index)
        Gets the Series element at the specified index.
        index - The zero based index of the element.
        The element at the specified index.
    • Method Detail

      • getSeriesByOrder

        Series getSeriesByOrder(order)
        Gets the Series element by order.
        order: int - The order of series
        The element series
      • removeAt

        Remove at a series at the specific index.
        index: int - The index.
      • changeSeriesOrder

         changeSeriesOrder(sourceIndex, destIndex)
        Directly changes the orders of the two series. NOTE: This method is now obsolete. Instead, please use SeriesCollection.SwapSeries method. This method will be removed 12 months later since June 2024. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
        sourceIndex: int - The current index
        destIndex: int - The dest index
      • swapSeries

         swapSeries(sourceIndex, destIndex)
        Directly changes the orders of the two series.
        sourceIndex: int - The current index
        destIndex: int - The dest index
      • setSeriesNames

         setSeriesNames(startIndex, area, isVertical)
        Sets the name of all the serieses in the chart.
        If the start index is larger than the count of the serieses, it will return and do nothing.

        If set data on contiguous cells, use colon to seperate them.For example, $C$2:$C$5.

        If set data on contiguous cells, use comma to seperate them.For example, ($C$2,$D$5).
        startIndex: int - The index of the first series which you want to set the name.
        area: String - Specifies the area for the series name.
        isVertical: boolean - >Specifies whether to plot the series from a range of cell values by row or by column.
      • addR1C1

        int addR1C1(area, isVertical)
        Adds the Series collection to a chart.
        If set data on contiguous cells, use colon to seperate them.For example, R[1]C[1]:R[3]C[2].

        If set data on contiguous cells, use comma to seperate them.For example,(R[1]C[1],R[3]C[2]).
        area: String - Specifies values from which to plot the data series
        isVertical: boolean - Specifies whether to plot the series from a range of cell values by row or by column.
        Return the first index of the added ASeries in the NSeries.
      • add

        int add(area, isVertical)
        Adds the Series collection to a chart.
        If set data on contiguous cells, use colon to seperate them.For example, $C$2:$C$5.

        If set data on non contiguous cells, use comma to seperate them.For example: ($C$2,$D$5).
        area: String - Specifies values from which to plot the data series
        isVertical: boolean - Specifies whether to plot the series from a range of cell values by row or by column.
        Return the first index of the added ASeries in the NSeries.
      • add

        int add(area, isVertical, checkLabels)
        Adds the Series collection to a chart.
        If set data on contiguous cells, use colon to seperate them.For example, $C$2:$C$5.

        If set data on non contiguous cells, use comma to seperate them.For example, ($C$2,$D$5).
        area: String - Specifies values from which to plot the data series
        isVertical: boolean - Specifies whether to plot the series from a range of cell values by row or by column.
        checkLabels: boolean - Indicates whether the range contains series's name
        Return the first index of the added ASeries in the NSeries.
      • clear

        Clears the collection
      • iterator

        Iterator iterator()
      • get

        Object get(index)
        Reserved for internal use.
      • contains

        boolean contains(value)
        Reserved for internal use.
      • add

        int add(value)
        Reserved for internal use.
      • indexOf

        int indexOf(value)
        Reserved for internal use.