
Class SheetSet

Describes a set of sheets.

Constructor Summary
Creates a sheet set based on exact sheet indexes.
Property Getters/Setters Summary
static methodgetActive()
Gets a set with active sheet of the workbook.
static methodgetAll()
Gets a set with all sheets of the workbook in their original order.
static methodgetVisible()
Gets a set with visible sheets of the workbook in their original order.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SheetSet

        Creates a sheet set based on exact sheet indexes. If a sheet is encountered that is not in the workbook, an exception will be thrown during rendering.
        sheets - zero based sheet indexes.
      • SheetSet

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getActive : SheetSet 

        static SheetSet getActive()
        Gets a set with active sheet of the workbook.
      • getVisible : SheetSet 

        static SheetSet getVisible()
        Gets a set with visible sheets of the workbook in their original order.
      • getAll : SheetSet 

        static SheetSet getAll()
        Gets a set with all sheets of the workbook in their original order.