طريقة copy

copy(source, options)

انسخ الصورة.

def copy(self, source, options):
sourcePictureالصورة المصدر.
optionsCopyOptionsخيارات النسخ.


from aspose.cells import CopyOptions, Workbook

# Instantiating a Workbook object
workbook = Workbook()
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0]
# insert first picture
imgIndex1 = worksheet.pictures.add(1, 1, "1.png")
# Get the inserted picture object
pic1 = worksheet.pictures[imgIndex1]
# insert second picture
imgIndex2 = worksheet.pictures.add(1, 9, "2.jpeg")
# Get the inserted picture object
pic2 = worksheet.pictures[imgIndex2]
# Copy picture 1 to picture 2.You'll get two picture 1 objects that are superimposed on top of each other.
opt = CopyOptions()
pic2.copy(pic1, opt)
# Save the excel file.

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