TickLabels class

TickLabels class

Represents the tick-mark labels associated with tick marks on a chart axis.

The TickLabels type exposes the following members:


fontReturns a TickLabels.font object that represents the font of the specified TickLabels object.
auto_scale_fontTrue if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. The default value is True.
background_modeGets and sets the display mode of the background
rotation_angleRepresents text rotation angle in clockwise.
is_automatic_rotationIndicates whether the rotation angle is automatic
number_formatRepresents the format string for the TickLabels object.
numberRepresents the format number for the TickLabels object.
number_format_linkedTrue if the number format is linked to the cells
(so that the number format changes in the labels when it changes in the cells).
display_number_formatGets and sets the display number format of tick labels.
offsetGets and sets the distance between the axis labels and the axis line.
text_directionRepresents text reading order.
reading_orderRepresents text reading order.
direction_typeGets and sets the direction of text.
tick_label_itemsGets the display tick labels of the axis.
alignment_typeGets and sets the text alignment for the tick labels on the axis.

See Also