PivotFilterType enumeration

PivotFilterType enumeration

Represents PivotTable Filter type.

The PivotFilterType type exposes the following members:


CAPTION_BEGINS_WITHIndicates the “begins with” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_BETWEENIndicates the “is between” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_CONTAINSIndicates the “contains” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_ENDS_WITHIndicates the “ends with” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_EQUALIndicates the “equal” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_GREATER_THANIndicates the “is greater than” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALIndicates the “is greater than or equal to” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_LESS_THANIndicates the “is less than” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALIndicates the “is less than or equal to” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_NOT_BEGINS_WITHIndicates the “does not begin with” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_NOT_BETWEENIndicates the “is not between” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_NOT_CONTAINSIndicates the “does not contain” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_NOT_ENDS_WITHIndicates the “does not end with” filter for field captions.
CAPTION_NOT_EQUALIndicates the “not equal” filter for field captions.
COUNTIndicates the “count” filter.
DATE_BETWEENIndicates the “between” filter for date values.
DATE_EQUALIndicates the “equals” filter for date values.
DATE_NEWER_THANIndicates the “newer than” filter for date values.
DATE_NEWER_THAN_OR_EQUALIndicates the “newer than or equal to” filter for date values.
DATE_NOT_BETWEENIndicates the “not between” filter for date values.
DATE_NOT_EQUALIndicates the “does not equal” filter for date values.
DATE_OLDER_THANIndicates the “older than” filter for date values.
DATE_OLDER_THAN_OR_EQUALIndicates the “older than or equal to” filter for date values.
LAST_MONTHIndicates the “last month” filter for date values.
LAST_QUARTERIndicates the “last quarter” filter for date values.
LAST_WEEKIndicates the “last week” filter for date values.
LAST_YEARIndicates the “last year” filter for date values.
M1Indicates the “January” filter for date values.
M2Indicates the “February” filter for date values.
M3Indicates the “March” filter for date values.
M4Indicates the “April” filter for date values.
M5Indicates the “May” filter for date values.
M6Indicates the “June” filter for date values.
M7Indicates the “July” filter for date values.
M8Indicates the “August” filter for date values.
M9Indicates the “September” filter for date values.
M10Indicates the “October” filter for date values.
M11Indicates the “November” filter for date values.
M12Indicates the “December” filter for date values.
NEXT_MONTHIndicates the “next month” filter for date values.
NEXT_QUARTERIndicates the “next quarter” for date values.
NEXT_WEEKIndicates the “next week” for date values.
NEXT_YEARIndicates the “next year” filter for date values.
PERCENTIndicates the “percent” filter for numeric values.
Q1Indicates the “first quarter” filter for date values.
Q2Indicates the “second quarter” filter for date values.
Q3Indicates the “third quarter” filter for date values.
Q4Indicates the “fourth quarter” filter for date values.
SUMIndicates the “sum” filter for numeric values.
THIS_MONTHIndicates the “this month” filter for date values.
THIS_QUARTERIndicates the “this quarter” filter for date values.
THIS_WEEKIndicates the “this week” filter for date values.
THIS_YEARIndicate the “this year” filter for date values.
TODAYIndicates the “today” filter for date values.
TOMORROWIndicates the “tomorrow” filter for date values.
UNKNOWNIndicates the PivotTable filter is unknown to the application.
VALUE_BETWEENIndicates the “Value between” filter for text and numeric values.
VALUE_EQUALIndicates the “value equal” filter for text and numeric values.
VALUE_GREATER_THANIndicates the “value greater than” filter for text and numeric values.
VALUE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALIndicates the “value greater than or equal to” filter for text and numeric values.
VALUE_LESS_THANIndicates the “value less than” filter for text and numeric values.
VALUE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALIndicates the “value less than or equal to” filter for text and numeric values.
VALUE_NOT_BETWEENIndicates the “value not between” filter for text and numeric values.
VALUE_NOT_EQUALIndicates the “value not equal” filter for text and numeric values.
YEAR_TO_DATEIndicates the “year-to-date” filter for date values.
YESTERDAYIndicates the “yesterday” filter for date values.

See Also